「AWS Lightsails」 Server Overview

Official: AWS Lightsail.app


  • Linux (Only newest):


  • Windows:



  • Servers on DIFFERENT regions can't connect to each other through Private IP
  • Servers on SAME region but DIFFERENT zone CAN connect through Private IP
  • Snapshot can be used to create another server in SAME region but DIFFERENT zone
  • Snapshot CAN'T be used to create another server in DIFFERENT region
  • Static IP can be only applied to SAME region.



  • Linux


  • Windows


Linux: $3.5 USD/mo (Lowest)
Windows: $8.0 USD/mo (Lowest)spa


They're free in Lightsail, but it will be charged $0.005 USD/hour for static IPs not attached to an instance for more than 1 hour, which means it will cost 3.6 USD/mo !! That's insanecode


Refer: What do Lightsail snapshots cost?server

$1.00 USD/20GB-mo (Lowest)
$0.05 USD/GB-mo.ci

Snapshot of an instance, CANNOT cross region, but can change zone in the same region.

You can both create a Snapshot from an instance, or create an instance from a snapshot.rem

Refer to: Create a Linux/Unix-based instance from a snapshot in Lightsailget


Block storage disks can only be attached to instances in the same region and zone.it

$0.10 USD/GB-mo.
$2.00 USD/20GB-mo.io



Scale up or down within minutes with disks of up to 49TB– and attach up to 15 disks per instance.

Disk limits:

Block storage disks can only be attached to instances in the same region and zone.
The new disk must be the same size or larger than: 8 GB.
You can create additional storage disks with a capacity of up to 16 TB (16,384 GB).
Your total disk storage must not exceed 20 TB in a single AWS account.
You can attach up to 15 disks to a single Lightsail instance, in addition to the system disk.
You can only attach a block storage disk to one Lightsail instance.


$18 USD/mo.
