Weave Scope是一個網絡節點探查器,以Docker方式運行。外面啓動和裏面的執行程序都是scope,但外面的是個shell腳本,而裏面真正的執行是由go編寫的scope引擎完成的,下面列出其運行的啓動參數:node
bash-4.3# ./scope
log to standard error as well as files
Only run the app
Create the tables in DynamoDB
-app.block.profile.rate int
If more than 0, enable block profiling. The profiler aims to sample an average of one blocking event per rate nanoseconds spent blocked.
-app.collector string
Collector to use (local, dynamodb, or file) (default "local")
-app.collector.s3 string
S3 URL to use (when collector is dynamodb) (default "local")
-app.consul.inf string
The interface who's address I should advertise myself under in consul
-app.container-label-filter value
Add container label-based view filter, specified as title:label. Multiple flags are accepted. Example: --app.container-label-filter='Database Containers:role=db'
-app.container-label-filter-exclude value
Add container label-based view filter that excludes containers with the given label, specified as title:label. Multiple flags are accepted. Example: --app.container-label-filter-exclude='Database Containers:role=db'
-app.container.name string
Name of this container (to lookup container ID) (default "weavescope")
-app.control.router string
Control router to use (local or sqs) (default "local")
-app.docker string
Location of docker endpoint (to lookup container ID) (default "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
Point to externally hosted static UI assets
-app.http.address string
webserver listen address (default ":4040")
Log individual HTTP requests
-app.log.level string
logging threshold level: debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic (default "info")
-app.log.prefix string
prefix for each log line (default "<app>")
-app.memcached.compression int
How much to compress reports stored in memcached. (default -1)
-app.memcached.expiration duration
How long reports stay in the memcache. (default 30s)
-app.memcached.hostname string
Hostname for memcached service to use when caching reports. If empty, no memcached will be used.
-app.memcached.service string
SRV service used to discover memcache servers. (default "memcached")
-app.memcached.timeout duration
Maximum time to wait before giving up on memcached requests. (default 100ms)
-app.nats string
Hostname for NATS service to use for shortcut reports. If empty, shortcut reporting will be disabled.
-app.pipe.router string
Pipe router to use (local) (default "local")
-app.stopTimeout duration
How long to wait for http requests to finish when shutting down (default 5s)
-app.userid.header string
HTTP header to use as userid
-app.weave.addr string
Address on which to contact WeaveDNS (default "")
-app.weave.hostname string
Hostname to advertise in WeaveDNS (default "scope.weave.local.")
-app.window duration
window (default 15s)
Force debug logging.
Don't start scope, just parse the arguments. For internal use only.
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
log to standard error instead of files
-mode string
For internal use. (default "help")
Don't run the app.
Don't run the probe.
Only run the probe.
also use conntrack to track connections (default true)
-probe.conntrack.buffersize int
conntrack buffer size (default 212992)
collect Docker-related attributes for processes
-probe.docker.bridge string
the docker bridge name (default "docker0")
-probe.docker.interval duration
how often to update Docker attributes (default 10s)
Collect ecs-related attributes for containers on this node
-probe.http.listen string
listen address for HTTP profiling and instrumentation server
(SSL) explicitly allow "insecure" SSL connections and transfers
collect kubernetes-related attributes for containers, should only be enabled on the master node
-probe.kubernetes.api string
The address and port of the Kubernetes API server (deprecated in favor of equivalent probe.kubernetes.server)
-probe.kubernetes.certificate-authority string
Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority
-probe.kubernetes.client-certificate string
Path to a client certificate file for TLS
-probe.kubernetes.client-key string
Path to a client key file for TLS
-probe.kubernetes.cluster string
The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
-probe.kubernetes.context string
The name of the kubeconfig context to use
If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
-probe.kubernetes.interval duration
how often to do a full resync of the kubernetes data (default 10s)
-probe.kubernetes.kubeconfig string
Path to the kubeconfig file to use
-probe.kubernetes.password string
Password for basic authentication to the API server
-probe.kubernetes.server string
The address and port of the Kubernetes API server
-probe.kubernetes.token string
Bearer token for authentication to the API server
-probe.kubernetes.user string
The name of the kubeconfig user to use
-probe.kubernetes.username string
Username for basic authentication to the API server
-probe.log.level string
logging threshold level: debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic (default "info")
-probe.log.prefix string
prefix for each log line (default "<probe>")
Disable controls (e.g. start/stop containers, terminals, logs ...)
-probe.plugins.root string
Root directory to search for plugins (default "/var/run/scope/plugins")
-probe.proc.root string
location of the proc filesystem (default "/proc")
associate endpoints with processes (needs root) (default true)
produce process topology & include procspied connections (default true)
-probe.publish.interval duration
publish (output) interval (default 3s)
-probe.resolver string
IP address & port of resolver to use. Default is to use system resolver.
-probe.spy.interval duration
spy (scan) interval (default 1s)
-probe.token string
Token to use to authenticate with cloud.weave.works
-probe.weave.addr string
IP address & port of the Weave router (default "")
-probe.weave.hostname string
Hostname to lookup in WeaveDNS (default "scope.weave.local.")
-service-token string
Token to use to authenticate with cloud.weave.works
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-v value
log level for V logs
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
Enable Weave Net integrations. (default true)
-weave.hostname string
Hostname to advertise/lookup in WeaveDNSweb