Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.(爲建立一組相關或相互依賴的對象提供一個接口,並且無須指定它們的具體類。)
我的理解抽象工廠模式與工廠模式的最大區別在於定義中的關鍵詞 一組相關或者相互依賴的對象。例如,咱們要生產一輛汽車,那麼汽車的各個必要組件就是一組相關的或相互依賴的對象,每一個組件就是一個產品對象,而組合在一塊兒就是一個產品族,一輛汽車的三大件(發動機+底盤+變速箱)。每一個種型號的汽車都要有這一系列的產品族。只是所用的型號不一樣罷了。
@startuml Interface Engine Interface Underpan Interface Gearbox Interface abstractFactory class EngineA Engine <-- EngineA class EngineB Engine <-- EngineB class UnderpanA Underpan <-- UnderpanA class UnderpanB Underpan <-- UnderpanB class GearboxA Gearbox <-- GearboxA class GearboxB Gearbox <-- GearboxB class FactoryA{ +createEngine() +createUnderpan() +createGearbox() } abstractFactory <-- FactoryA class FactoryB{ +createEngine() +createUnderpan() +createGearbox() } abstractFactory <-- FactoryB FactoryA ..>EngineA FactoryA ..>UnderpanA FactoryA ..>GearboxA FactoryB ..>EngineB FactoryB ..>UnderpanB FactoryB ..>GearboxB @enduml
解釋: Engine 發動機,Underpan 底盤和 Gearbox 變速箱共同組成了一個產品族
A、B 分別表示兩種車的型號git
仍是要強調一點,python 中代碼實現是能夠棄用接口實現類的,因此,咱們的代碼中,關於 Engine、Underpan、Gearbox、AbstractFactory 的接口定義就不寫了編程
# 型號A的汽車組件 class EngineA: def get_engin(self): print("A: Engine") class UnderpanA: def get_underpan(self): print("A: Underpan") class GearboxA: def get_gearbox(self): print("A: GerboxA") # 型號B的汽車組件 class EngineB: def get_engin(self): print("B: Engine") class UnderpanB: def get_underpan(self): print("B: Underpan") class GearboxB: def get_gearbox(self): print("B: GerboxA") # factory A class FactoryA: def create_engine(self): return EngineA() def create_underpan(self): return UnderpanA() def create_gearbox(self): return GearboxA() class FactoryB: def create_engine(self): return EngineB() def create_underpan(self): return UnderpanB() def create_gearbox(self): return GearboxB() if __name__ == "__main__": productA = FactoryA() productB = FactoryB() productA.create_engine().get_engin() productA.create_gearbox().get_gearbox() productA.create_underpan().get_underpan() productB.create_engine().get_engin() productB.create_gearbox().get_gearbox() productB.create_underpan().get_underpan()
《python 面向對象編程》中的例子
class FranceDateFormatter: def format_date(self, y, m, d): y, m, d = (str(x) for x in (y, m, d)) y = '20' + y if len(y) == 2 else y m = '0' + m if len(m) == 1 else m d = '0' + d if len(d) == 1 else d return ("{0}/{1}/{2}".format(d, m, y)) class USADateFormatter: def format_date(self, y, m, d): y, m, d = (str(x) for x in (y, m, d)) y = '20' + y if len(y) == 2 else y m = '0' + m if len(m) == 1 else m d = '0' + d if len(d) == 1 else d return ("{0}-{1}-{2}".format(m, d, y)) class FranceCurrencyFormatter: def format_currency(self, base, cents): base, cents = (str(x) for x in (base, cents)) if len(cents) == 0: cents = '00' elif len(cents) == 1: cents = '0' + cents digits = [] for i, c in enumerate(reversed(base)): if i and not i % 3: digits.append(' ') digits.append(c) base = ''.join(reversed(digits)) return "{0} {1}".format(base, cents) class USACurrencyFormatter: def format_currency(self, base, cents): base, cents = (str(x) for x in (base, cents)) if len(cents) == 0: cents = '00' elif len(cents) == 1: cents = '0' + cents digits = [] for i, c in enumerate(reversed(base)): if i and not i % 3: digits.append(',') digits.append(c) base = ''.join(reversed(digits)) return "{0} {1}".format(base, cents) class USAFormatterFactory: def create_date_formatter(self): return USADateFormatter() def create_currency_formatter(self): return USACurrencyFormatter() class FranceFormatterFactory: def create_date_formatter(self): return FranceDateFormatter() def create_currency_formatter(self): return FranceFormatterFactory() country_code = "US" factory_map = { "US": USAFormatterFactory, "FR": FranceFormatterFactory } formatter_factory = factory_map.get(country_code)