Class B:spa
[super viewDidLoad]; 內存
[self.navigationController pushViewController:CView animated:YES];文檔
除非運行在IOS7中,這段代碼運行是能正常的,在IOS7中運行的結果是這樣的,A視圖跳轉到B視圖後,就定在B視圖了,沒法跳轉到C視圖,而且是保證[self.navigationController pushViewController:CView animated:YES];已經執行的狀況下。同時控制檯會打印信息:animation
Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.it
This method is called after the view controller has loaded its view hierarchy into memory。
意思是 view controller將該視圖按層次被加載進內存後執行。對解決這個問題並無什麼幫助。
The problem is that you are pushing a new view to the UINavigationController
while the first animation is still in place. If you move the Segue invocation to ViewDidAppear
you would solve the crash.
意思是:在viewDidLoad中push新視圖(動畫 yes)的時候,首要動畫正在進行而沒法進行視圖切換動畫。這個說法我比較贊同,由於在把動畫參數設置爲NO的時候,是能夠達到效果的,只是沒動畫效果感受不優雅。但也沒法解釋IOS7之外版本爲何能夠正常運行。若是有人知道請留言,謝謝。