The template which display "None found" if no results with {foreachelse}.php
藉助{foreachelse}標記在沒有結果時模板輸出"None found"字樣。sql
{foreach key=cid item=con from=$results} 數組
<a href="contact.php?contact_id={$cid}"> ide
{$} - {$con.nick}</a><br /> oop
{foreachelse} this
No items were found in the search spa
{/foreach} 索引
index contains the current array index, starting with
Example 7-10. index example
例 7-10. index示例
iteration contains the current loop iteration and always starts at one, unlike index. It is incremented by one on each iteration.
Example 7-11. iteration and index example
例 7-11. iteration和index示例
first is TRUE if the current {foreach} iteration is the initial one.
Example 7-12. first property example
例 7-12. first屬性示例
last is set to TRUE if the current {foreach} iteration is the final one.
Example 7-13. last property example
例 7-13. last屬性示例
show is used as a parameter to {foreach}. show is a boolean value. If FALSE, the {foreach}will not be displayed. If there is a {foreachelse} present, that will be alternately displayed.
show是{foreach}的參數. show是一個布爾值。若是值爲FALSE,{foreach}將不被顯示。若是有對應的{foreachelse},將被顯示。
total contains the number of iterations that this {foreach} will loop. This can be used inside or after the {foreach}.
Example 7-14. total property example
例 7-14. total屬性示例