步驟 1 設置設備爲 FTP 服務器 在 S-switch 上啓動 FTP 服務,並配置 FTP 用戶名 ftpuser,口令 ftppwd。web
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser password simple ftppwd 瀏覽器
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser service-type ftp 服務器
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser ftp-directory flash:/ 網絡
[Quidway-Vlanif1] ip address 24 ide
User ( ftpuser 331 Password required for 1. Password: 230 ui
步驟4下載S2300產品系統軟件在FTP客戶端(PC)上執行put source-filename [ destination-filename ], PC 上傳VRP系統軟件及web管理程序。上傳結束後,執行 bye 命令,斷開ftp鏈接,返回用戶視圖。spa
ftp> put "C:\S2300-V100R005C01SPC100.cc" //當前目錄可省略路徑 命令行
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for S2300-V100R005C01SPC100.cc. rest
ftp: 發送 6940436 字節,用時 135.10Seconds 140.76Kbytes/sec. orm
ftp> put "C:\web.zip"
步驟 5在線指定設備啓動時加載的 VRP 系統軟件
<Quidway> startup system-software S2300-V100R005C01SPC100.cc
注:若是執行 startup system-software file 命令行時有下面的提示,請選擇 Y 更新 systemBOOTROM,更新成功直接跳到步驟7,不然須要繼續步驟6操做。
Warning: Basic BOOTROM will be upgraded. Continue?(Y/N)[N]: y
BOOTROM begin to be upgraded !
please wait for a moment Info: BOOTROM UPGRADE OK The new
version is 116. Please restart to validate the upgrade.
[Quidway] upgrade basic-bootrom S2300-V100R005C01SPC100.cc
Confirm basic BOOTROM will be upgrade?(Y/N)[N]: y
BOOTROM UPGRADE OK The new version is 116.
Please restart to validate the upgrade.
注:V100R002C02 版本增長了自動升級 bootrom 的功能(見上步驟 5) ,其餘版本建議按照此 步驟手工升級。
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait. Info: Save current configuration?[Y/N]:
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait. Info: Save current configuration?[Y/N]: