設計模式的六大原則一、開閉原則(Open Close Principle)算法 開閉原則的意思是:對擴展開放,對修改關閉。在程序須要進行拓展的時候,不能去修改原有的代碼,實現一個熱插拔的效果。簡言之,是爲了使程序的擴展性好,易於維護和升級。想要達到這樣的效果,咱們須要使用接口和抽象類,後面的具體設計中咱們會提到這點。spring 二、里氏代換原則(Liskov Substitution Principle)sql 里氏代換原則是面向對象設計的基本原則之一。 里氏代換原則中說,任何基類能夠出現的地方,子類必定能夠出現。LSP 是繼承複用的基石,只有當派生類能夠替換掉基類,且軟件單位的功能不受到影響時,基類才能真正被複用,而派生類也可以在基類的基礎上增長新的行爲。里氏代換原則是對開閉原則的補充。實現開閉原則的關鍵步驟就是抽象化,而基類與子類的繼承關係就是抽象化的具體實現,因此里氏代換原則是對實現抽象化的具體步驟的規範。數據庫 三、依賴倒轉原則(Dependence Inversion Principle)編程 這個原則是開閉原則的基礎,具體內容:針對對接口編程,依賴於抽象而不依賴於具體。設計模式 四、接口隔離原則(Interface Segregation Principle)session 這個原則的意思是:使用多個隔離的接口,比使用單個接口要好。它還有另一個意思是:下降類之間的耦合度。因而可知,其實設計模式就是從大型軟件架構出發、便於升級和維護的軟件設計思想,它強調下降依賴,下降耦合。數據結構 五、迪米特法則,又稱最少知道原則(Demeter Principle)架構 最少知道原則是指:一個實體應當儘可能少地與其餘實體之間發生相互做用,使得系統功能模塊相對獨立。 六、合成複用原則(Composite Reuse Principle) 合成複用原則是指:儘可能使用合成/聚合的方式,而不是使用繼承。 |
工廠方法模式:定義一個建立對象的接口,讓其子類本身決定實例化哪個工廠類,工廠模式使其建立過程延遲到子類進行。 |
我的總結: 經過對象工廠靈活地生產多種對象 |
public class Factory_Method { public static void main(String[] args){ AnimalsFactory animalsFactory = new AnimalsFactory(); //經過工廠建立一個cat對象 Animals cat = animalsFactory.getAnimals("cat"); //經過工廠建立一個dog對象 Animals dog = animalsFactory.getAnimals("dog"); cat.name(); dog.name(); } } interface Animals { //動物 void name(); } class Cat implements Animals{ //貓 @Override public void name(){ System.out.println("this is a cat"); } } class Dog implements Animals{ //狗 @Override public void name(){ System.out.println("this is a dog"); } } class AnimalsFactory { //動物工廠 public Animals getAnimals(String name){ if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("cat")) return new Cat(); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("dog")) return new Dog(); else return null; } }
抽象工廠模式:提供一個建立一系列相關或相互依賴對象的接口,而無需指定它們具體的類。 |
我的總結:工廠模式 >> 一種工廠,多種對象 ; 抽象工廠模式 >> 一種抽象工廠,多種工廠,每一個工廠又能夠生產多種對象 |
public class Abstract_Factory { //工廠生成器:生產具體的工廠 public static AbstractFactory getFactory(String factoryName){ if(factoryName.equalsIgnoreCase("animals")) return new AnimalsFactory(); else if(factoryName.equalsIgnoreCase("others")) return new OthersFactory(); else return null; } public static void main(String[] args){ //生產動物工廠 AbstractFactory animalsFactory = getFactory("animals"); //經過動物工廠建立一個cat對象 Animals cat = animalsFactory.getAnimals("cat"); cat.name(); } } interface Animals { //動物 void name(); } class Cat implements Animals{ //貓 @Override public void name(){ System.out.println("this is a cat"); } } class AnimalsFactory extends AbstractFactory{ //動物工廠 public Animals getAnimals(String name){ if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("cat")) return new Cat(); else return null; } @Override public Object getObject() { return null; } } class OthersFactory extends AbstractFactory{ //其餘工廠 public Object getObject() { return null; } @Override public Animals getAnimals(String name) { return null; } } abstract class AbstractFactory { //抽象工廠 abstract public Animals getAnimals(String name); abstract public Object getObject(); }
public class Singleton { public static void main(String[] agrs){ Earth earth = Earth.getEarth(); System.out.println(earth.getAge()); } } //建立單例對象的方式有多種,下面是比較經常使用的一種方式;按需求選擇合適方式。 class Earth { //只容許建立一個對象的類 //建立惟一對象 private static Earth earth = new Earth(); //構造函數訪問權限必須private private Earth(){} //獲取惟一對象 public static Earth getEarth(){ return earth; } private int age = 1000; public int getAge() { return age; } }
public class BuilderDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { PriceBuilder priceBuilder = new PriceBuilder(); System.out.println("Car1和Car2:"+priceBuilder.Car1AndCar2()); System.out.println("Car1和Bus:"+priceBuilder.Car1AndBus()); } } //基本組件 interface Car { } //基本組件1 class Car1 implements Car{ int price = 20; } //基本組件2 class Car2 implements Car{ int price = 90; } //基本組件3 class Bus { int price = 500; } class PriceBuilder { //car1和car2的總價格 public int Car1AndCar2() { int priceOfCar1 = new Car1().price; int priceOfCar2 = new Car2().price; return priceOfCar1+priceOfCar2; } //car1和bus的總價格 public int Car1AndBus() { int priceOfCar1 = new Car1().price; int priceOfBus = new Bus().price; return priceOfCar1+priceOfBus; } }
public class Prototype implements Cloneable{ private String message = "hello"; public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ Prototype proto = (Prototype) super.clone(); //操做克隆對象 proto.message += " world!"; return proto; } public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException { Prototype p = (Prototype)new Prototype().clone(); //操做克隆對象 System.out.println(p.message); } }
我的總結:銜接兩個不兼容、獨立的接口的功能,使得它們可以一塊兒工做。適配器起中介做用。 |
public class Adapter { public static void main(String[] args) { //兼容了高級功能的普通播放器 Player player = new Player(); player.play(); } } //普通的播放器 interface MediaPlayer { public void play(); } //高級的播放器 interface AdvanceMediaPlayer { public void playVideo(); } //視頻播放器(高級的播放器) class VideoPlayer implements AdvanceMediaPlayer { @Override public void playVideo(){ System.out.println("play video!"); } } //適配器(銜接了普通播放器與高級播放器這兩個獨立接口的功能) class MediaAdapter implements MediaPlayer { AdvanceMediaPlayer advanceMediaPlayer; public MediaAdapter() { advanceMediaPlayer = new VideoPlayer(); } @Override public void play() { advanceMediaPlayer.playVideo(); } } //普通播放器 class Player implements MediaPlayer { //兼容高級播放器的適配器 MediaAdapter mediaAdapter = new MediaAdapter(); @Override public void play() { mediaAdapter.play(); } }
public class Decorator { public static void main(String[] args) { Animals dog = new AnimalsDecorator(new Dog()); dog.run(); } } interface Animals { public void run(); } //被裝飾類 class Dog implements Animals{ @Override public void run() { System.out.println("dog run!"); } } //裝飾類 class AnimalsDecorator implements Animals { private Animals animals; //動態裝飾,參數爲Animals接口,傳入什麼實現就裝飾什麼實現 //繼承不能作到這一點,繼承的功能是靜態的,不能動態增刪。 public AnimalsDecorator(Animals animals) { this.animals = animals; } @Override //裝飾run()方法 public void run() { animals.run(); System.out.println("fast!"); } }
public class Proxy { public static void main(String[] args) { Animals dog = new DogProxy(new Dog()); dog.run(); } } interface Animals { public void run(); } class Dog implements Animals { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("run!"); } } //經過代理類,在被代理類的run()方法執行先後添加額外的功能 class DogProxy implements Animals { private Animals animals; public DogProxy(Animals animals){ super(); this.animals = animals; } @Override public void run() { before(); animals.run(); atfer(); } private void atfer() { System.out.println("after run!"); } private void before() { System.out.println("before run!"); } }
public class Facade { public static void main(String[] args) { Computer computer = new Computer(); computer.put(); } } class CPU { public void work(){ //複雜的操做 System.out.println("CPU is working!"); } } class Disk { public void put(){ //複雜的操做 System.out.println("put in disk!"); } } //外觀類,隱藏了系統的複雜性,提供簡化的方法(訪問系統的接口) //客戶端不須要知道系統內部的複雜聯繫 class Computer { private CPU cpu; private Disk disk; public Computer(){ cpu = new CPU(); disk = new Disk(); } public void work(){ cpu.work(); } public void put(){ disk.put(); } }
public class Bridge { public static void main(String[] args) { AnimalsBridge bridge = new AnimalsBridge(new Dog()); bridge.method(); } } //接口 interface Animals { public void method(); } //實現1 class Cat implements Animals { @Override public void method() { System.out.println("this is cat!"); } } //實現2 class Dog implements Animals { @Override public void method() { System.out.println("this is dog!"); } } //將Animals接口下的不一樣實現, //經過橋接模式使它們在抽象層創建一個關聯關係。 //實現之間獨立變化,減小耦合 class AnimalsBridge { private Animals animals; public AnimalsBridge(Animals animals) { this.animals = animals; } public void method(){ animals.method(); } }
public class Composite { public static void main(String[] args) { Person person = new Person("小明"); person.addFriends(new Person("小紅")); person.addFriends(new Person("小白")); System.out.println(person.getFriends()); } } class Person { private String name; //包含本身的對象組 private List<Person> friends = new ArrayList<Person>(); public Person(String name){ this.name = name; } public Person addFriends(Person p){ friends.add(p); return this; } public String getName(){ return this.name; } public List<Person> getFriends(){ return this.friends; } public String toString(){ return this.name; } }
我的總結:重用現有的同類對象,若未找到匹配的對象,則建立新對象。例如,數據庫的鏈接池。減小對象的建立,下降系統內存,提升效率。 |
public class Flyweight { public static void main(String[] args) { //red Circle默認存在,因此拿的時候不用new Circle circle = CircleFactory.getCircle("red"); circle.draw(); for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { //第一次拿的時候須要new green Circle,第二次拿的時候不用new circle = CircleFactory.getCircle("green"); circle.draw(); } } } class Circle { private String color; public Circle(String color){ this.color = color; } public void draw(){ System.out.println(color+" Circle!"); } } class CircleFactory { private static final HashMap<String, Circle> circleMap = new HashMap<String, Circle>(); static { //初始化,存放red Circle circleMap.put("red", new Circle("red")); } public static Circle getCircle(String color) { Circle circle = (Circle)circleMap.get(color); //Map若是不存在該顏色的Circle,則新建 if(circle == null) { circle = new Circle(color); circleMap.put(color, circle); System.out.println("new a circle of color: "+color); } //若是存在,則返回Map中的對象 return circle; } }
策略模式:定義一系列的算法,把它們一個個封裝起來, 而且使它們可相互替換。
public class Strategy { public static void main(String[] args) { OperationStrategy operationStrategy = new OperationStrategy(new OperationAdd()); operationStrategy.executeStrategy(15, 21); } } interface Operation{ public void doOperation(int a, int b); } //策略1 class OperationAdd implements Operation{ public void doOperation(int a, int b){ System.out.println(a+"+"+b+"="+(a+b)); } } //策略2 class OperationMultiply implements Operation{ public void doOperation(int a, int b){ System.out.println(a+"*"+b+"="+(a*b)); } } //封裝一系列策略,可任意替換策略(實現同一個接口) class OperationStrategy{ private Operation operation; public OperationStrategy(Operation operation){ this.operation = operation; } //執行策略 public void executeStrategy(int a, int b){ operation.doOperation(a, b); } }
我的總結:將一些固定步驟、固定邏輯的方法封裝成模板方法。調用模板方法便可完成那些特定的步驟。例如,spring中對Hibernate的事務管理,開啓session、關閉session等固定步驟不需重複寫,直接丟給一個實體保存。 |
public class Template { public static void main(String[] args) { Game game = new FootballGame(); game.play(); } } abstract class Game { //步驟1,初始化遊戲 abstract void initialize(); //步驟2,開始遊戲 abstract void startPlay(); //,步驟3,結束遊戲 abstract void endPlay(); //主方法,模板方法,設置爲final,在抽象類中實現 public final void play() { initialize(); startPlay(); endPlay(); } } class FootballGame extends Game { @Override void initialize() { System.out.println("Football Game Initialized! Start playing."); } @Override void startPlay() { System.out.println("Football Game Started. Enjoy the game!"); } @Override void endPlay() { System.out.println("Football Game Finished!"); } }
public class Observer { public static void main(String[] args) { Subject subject = new Subject(); subject.addSubjectObserver(new Observer1()); subject.addSubjectObserver(new Observer2()); subject.setState(1); } } class Subject { //一對多關係,多個該類的觀察者 private List<SubjectObserver> subjectObservers = new ArrayList<SubjectObserver>(); //狀態(被觀察),發生變化時通知全部觀察者 private int state; public void setState(int state) { this.state = state; //改變狀態,通知全部觀察者 notifyAllSubjectObservers(); } public void addSubjectObserver(SubjectObserver subjectObserver) { subjectObservers.add(subjectObserver); } //通知全部觀察者 public void notifyAllSubjectObservers() { for (SubjectObserver subjectObserver : subjectObservers) { subjectObserver.alert(); } } } abstract class SubjectObserver { protected Subject subject; public abstract void alert(); } //觀察者1 class Observer1 extends SubjectObserver { @Override public void alert() { System.out.println("Observer1: subject is changed!"); } } //觀察者2 class Observer2 extends SubjectObserver { @Override public void alert() { System.out.println("Observer2: subject is changed!"); } }
迭代器模式:提供一種方法順序訪問一個聚合對象中各個元素, 而又無須暴露該對象的內部表示。
public class IteratorDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { MyContainer myContainer = new MyContainer(); Iterator iterator = myContainer.getIterator(); while(iterator.hashNext()) System.out.println(iterator.next()); } } //迭代器接口 interface Iterator { public boolean hashNext(); public Object next(); } //容器接口 interface Container { public Iterator getIterator(); } //自定義容器(聚合類) class MyContainer implements Container{ public String names[] = {"Robert" , "John" ,"Julie" , "Lora"}; @Override public Iterator getIterator(){ return new MyIterator(); } //自定義迭代器,迭代器類定義爲容器類的內部類 private class MyIterator implements Iterator{ int index = 0; //自定義遍歷規則 @Override public boolean hashNext(){ if(index < names.length) return true; return false; } @Override public Object next(){ if(this.hashNext()) return names[index++]; return null; } } }
public class Chain_of_Responsibility { public static void main(String[] args) { ResponsibilityHandler handler1 = new ResponsibilityHandler("handler1"); ResponsibilityHandler handler2 = new ResponsibilityHandler("handler2"); ResponsibilityHandler handler3 = new ResponsibilityHandler("handler3"); handler1.setResponsibilityHandler(handler2); handler2.setResponsibilityHandler(handler3); handler1.operator();//操做請求會沿着這條鏈傳遞下去, } } //責任處理器/接收器 class ResponsibilityHandler { //聚合本身,構成一條責任鏈 private ResponsibilityHandler responsibilityHandler = null; private String name; public ResponsibilityHandler(String name){ this.name = name; } public ResponsibilityHandler next(){ return this.responsibilityHandler; } public void setResponsibilityHandler(ResponsibilityHandler responsibilityHandler){ this.responsibilityHandler = responsibilityHandler; } public void operator(){ System.out.println(name+" is handler!"); if(this.next() != null){ //將請求發送到下一個責任接收器 next().operator(); } } }
public class CommandDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Receiver receiver = new Receiver("小明"); //指定命令的執行者 Command shootCommand = new ShootCommand(receiver); Command otherCOmmand = new OtherCommand(receiver); Invoker invoker = new Invoker(); invoker.addCommands(shootCommand); invoker.addCommands(otherCOmmand); invoker.sendCommands(); } } //命令 interface Command { public void execute(); } //射擊命令 class ShootCommand implements Command{ private Receiver receiver; public ShootCommand(Receiver receiver){ this.receiver = receiver; } public void execute(){ System.out.println("shootCommand is execute:"); receiver.action(); } } //其餘命令 class OtherCommand implements Command{ private Receiver receiver; public OtherCommand(Receiver receiver){ this.receiver = receiver; } public void execute(){ System.out.println("otherCommand is execute:"); receiver.action(); } } //命令接受者(士兵) class Receiver { public String name; public Receiver(String name){ this.name = name; } //行動,執行命令 public void action(){ System.out.println(name+" received the command!"); } } //命令調用者(司令官) class Invoker { private List<Command> commandList = new ArrayList<Command>(); public void addCommands(Command command){ this.commandList.add(command); } //發出命令 public void sendCommands(){ for(Command command : commandList){ command.execute(); System.out.println(); } commandList.clear(); } }
public class MementoDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { //待備份的類 Originator originator = new Originator(); originator.setState("123"); System.out.println("初始化的狀態爲:"+originator.getState()); MementoStorage mementoStorage = new MementoStorage(); mementoStorage.add(originator.createMemento()); originator.setState("321"); System.out.println("修改後的狀態爲:"+originator.getState()); originator.restoreMemento(mementoStorage.get(0)); System.out.println("還原後的狀態爲:"+originator.getState()); } } //備忘錄類 class Memento { private String state; public Memento(String state){ this.state = state; } public String getState(){ return this.state; } } //備忘錄類倉庫,備忘錄管理類 class MementoStorage { private List<Memento> mementoList = new ArrayList<Memento>(); public void add(Memento state){ mementoList.add(state); } public Memento get(int index){ return mementoList.get(index); } } //原始類 class Originator { private String state; public void setState(String state){ this.state = state; } public String getState(){ return this.state; } //建立備份 public Memento createMemento(){ //把須要備份的信息所有存儲到備份類中。 return new Memento(state); } //還原備份 public void restoreMemento(Memento memento){ //把備份類中存儲的信息還原 state = memento.getState(); } }
我的總結:對象具備多種狀態,且每種狀態具備特定的行爲;應用場景: 行爲隨狀態改變而改變的場景。代碼形式彷佛也和哪一種設計模式類似,仍是那句話,設計模式提倡的是思想,而不是形式。
public class StateDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { QQContext context = new QQContext(); //設置狀態,不一樣的狀態對應不一樣的行爲 context.setState(new OnlineState()); context.getState().getMessage(); } } interface State{ public void getMessage(); } //在線狀態(狀態對象) class OnlineState implements State{ //在線狀態下的行爲 public void getMessage(){ System.out.println("在線中,對好友可見!"); } } //隱身狀態(狀態對象) class StealthState implements State{ //隱身狀態下的行爲 public void getMessage(){ System.out.println("隱身中,對好友不可見!"); } } //QQ的登錄狀態類 class QQContext { private State state; public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } }
public class Visitor { public static void main(String[] args) { Computer computer = new Computer("myComputer"); //computer接受computerVisitor的訪問 computer.accept(new ComputerVisitor()); } } //被訪問者 class Computer { private String computerName; public String getComputerName(){ return computerName; } public Computer(String computerName){ this.computerName = computerName; } //提供接待訪問者的接口 public void accept(ComputerVisitor computerVisitor){ //訪問者訪問自身 computerVisitor.visit(this); } } //訪問者 class ComputerVisitor { //訪問Computer類,將被訪問者的引用傳入訪問者 public void visit(Computer computer){ System.out.println("訪問"+computer+"的name屬性:"+computer.getComputerName()); } }
public class Mediator { public static void main(String[] args) { User1 user1 = new User1("小明"); User2 user2 = new User2("小紅"); UserMediator userMediator = new UserMediator(user1,user2); userMediator.introduceYourselves(); } } class User1 { private String name; public String getName(){ return name; } public User1(String name){ this.name = name; } } class User2 { private String name; public String getName(){ return name; } public User2(String name){ this.name = name; } } //中介者,用來封裝User1與User2的交互操做 class UserMediator { private User1 user1; private User2 user2; //將User1與User2傳入它們的中介者 public UserMediator(User1 user1, User2 user2){ this.user1 = user1; this.user2 = user2; } public void introduceYourselves(){ System.out.println("Hello "+user1.getName()+",I'm "+user2.getName()); System.out.println("Hi "+user2.getName()+",My name is "+user1.getName()); } }
public class Interpreter { public static void main(String[] args) { Context context = new Context(); //建立自定義變量 Variable a = new Variable(); Variable b = new Variable(); //建立常量 3 Constant c = new Constant(3); //給變量賦值 context.put(a, 5).put(b, 1); //構建語法樹(自定義表達式:a+b+3) Expression exp = new Add(new Add(a,b), c); //解釋表達式a+b+3 int result = exp.interpret(context); System.out.println("a+b+3 = "+result); } } //表達式(全部表達式角色繼承該接口,自帶解釋器) interface Expression { //解釋器,解釋角色所需參數存儲在Context類中 public int interpret(Context context); } //構件環境類,包含解釋器以外的一些全局信息,通常是 HashMap。 class Context { private Map<Variable,Integer> valueMap = new HashMap<Variable,Integer>(); public Context put(Variable x, int y){ valueMap.put(x, y); return this; } public int get(Variable x){ int value = (Integer) valueMap.get(x); return value; } } //終結符表達式角色--常量 class Constant implements Expression{ private int a; public Constant(int a){ this.a = a; } public int interpret(Context context){ return a; } } //終結符表達式角色--變量 class Variable implements Expression{ public int interpret(Context context){ return context.get(this); } } //非終結符表達式角色--運算符(+) class Add implements Expression { private Expression x, y; public Add(Expression x, Expression y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int interpret(Context context){ return x.interpret(context) + y.interpret(context); } } |