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4.若是您有任何疑問,請查看 FAQMIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars是一個前沿領域的研究課程,課程研究小組包括:機器學習
Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning and Self-Driving Cars [課件地址 演講視頻]ide
Lecture 2: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning [課件地址 演講視頻]學習
Lecture 3: Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-End Learning of the Driving Task [課件地址 演講視頻]網站
Lecture 4: Recurrent Neural Networks for Steering through Time [課件地址 演講視頻]google
Lecture 5: Deep Learning for Human-Centered Semi-Autonomous Vehicles [課件地址 演講視頻]人工智能
Extra: MIT Sloan: Intro to Machine Learning (in 360/VR)[課件地址 演講視頻]設計
主題 1:Technology, Policy and Vehicle Safety in the Age of AI [演講視頻]
Chris Gerdes
Professor Stanford
主題 2:Past, Present, and Future of Motion Planning in a Complex World [演講視頻]
Sertac Karaman
Professor, MIT
主題 3:From Research to Reality: Testing Self-Driving Cars on Public Roads [演講視頻]
Karl Iagnemma
CEO, nuTonomy and Research Scientist, MIT
主題 4:Self-Driving Vehicles, SLAM, and Deep Learning [演講視頻]
John Leonard
Professor, MIT
主題 5:We Only Adopt What We Trust: Policy and the Business of Autonomy [演講視頻]
Eric Daimler
White House Presidential Innovation Fellow, Office of Science and Technology Policy