I try to download customer material info record from ERP via request download.
This is my download request created in tcode R3AR2:app
This is my customer material info record created in ERP:this
When I perform request download, I receive this error message in CRM tcode SMW01:spa
I debug and found that the error message is raised in FM below, due to the failure match of Sales organization 50040102 and distribution chain 01:code
error message is raised in line 71:orm
When I check the internal table st_distr_chains, I found there are corresponding entry for channel 10, but not for 01.blog
The solution is, to add missing attribute combination distribution channel 01 and all three division 00, 01 and 07 in tcode PPOMA_CRM:three
and then update buffer table CRMD_ORGMAN_TEMP by running program HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE.圖片
Once done, the modified attributes are now visible in buffer table and the original mapping error message would be resolved.ip
distribution_channel, distribution, CRMD_ORGMAN_TEMP, HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE, PPOMA_CRM, KNMT, KUNNR, CRM_PROD_SALES, CUST_MAT_INFO, customer_material_inforecord, customer_material, info_record