//ptree的optional接口 auto item = root.get_child_optional("Root.Scenes");
該接口返回的是一個optional<ptree>,外面還要判斷該節點是否存在,optional對象經過bool操做符來判斷該對象是不是無效值,經過指針訪問 json
//ptree的optional接口 auto item = root.get_child_optional("Root.Scenes"); if(item) cout<<"該節點存在"<<endl;
ptree維護了一個pair<string, ptree>的子節點列表,first指向的是該節點的TagName,second指向的纔是ptree節點,所以在遍歷ptree子節點時要注意迭代器的含義。ide
for (auto& data : root) { for (auto& item : data.second) //列表元素爲pair<string, ptree>,要用second繼續遍歷 { cout<<item.first<<endl; } }
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::mbstate_t>> conv (newstd::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::mbstate_t>("CHS")); //寬字符轉爲窄字符 string str = conv.to_bytes(L"你好"); //窄字符轉爲寬字符 string wstr = conv.from_bytes(str);
#include "boost/program_options/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp" void ParseChn() { std::wifstream f(fileName); std::locale utf8Locale(std::locale(), new boost::program_options::detail::utf8_codecvt_facet()); f.imbue(utf8Locale); //先轉換一下 //用wptree去解析 property_tree::wptree ptree; property_tree::read_xml(f, ptree); }
void Init(const wstring& fileName, wptree& ptree) { std::wifstream f(fileName); std::locale utf8Locale(std::locale(), new std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>); f.imbue(utf8Locale); //先轉換一下 //用wptree去解析 property_tree::read_xml(f, ptree); }
auto child = item.second.get_child("Scenes.Scene"); auto oname = child.get_optional<string>("<xmlattr>.Name"); //oname內部存了一個unicode字符串,須要將其轉換爲寬字符串獲得中文 std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> converter; std::wstring wide = converter.from_bytes(*oname); //寬字符串轉爲窄字符串 //std::string narrow = converter.to_bytes(L"foo");
#include<boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include<boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp> using namespace boost; using namespace boost::property_tree; #include <map> #include <vector> #include <codecvt> #include <locale> using namespace std; const wstring XMLATTR = L"<xmlattr>"; const wstring XMLCOMMENT = L"<xmlcomment>"; const wstring XMLATTR_DOT = L"<xmlattr>."; const wstring XMLCOMMENT_DOT = L"<xmlcomment>."; class ConfigParser { public: ConfigParser() : m_conv(new code_type("CHS")) { } ~ConfigParser() { } void Init(const wstring& fileName, wptree& ptree) { std::wifstream f(fileName); std::locale utf8Locale(std::locale(), new std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>); f.imbue(utf8Locale); //先轉換一下 wcout.imbue(std::locale("chs")); //初始化cout爲中文輸出格式 //用wptree去解析 property_tree::read_xml(f, ptree); } // convert UTF-8 string to wstring std::wstring to_wstr(const std::string& str) { return m_conv.from_bytes(str); } // convert wstring to UTF-8 string std::string to_str(const std::wstring& str) { return m_conv.to_bytes(str); } //獲取子節點列表 auto Descendants(const wptree& root, const wstring& key)->decltype(root.get_child_optional(key)) { return root.get_child_optional(key); } //根據子節點屬性獲取子節點列表 template<typename T> vector<wptree> GetChildsByAttr(const wptree& parant, const wstring& tagName, const wstring& attrName, const T& attrVal) { vector<wptree> v; for (auto& child : parant) { if (child.first != tagName) continue; auto attr = Attribute<T>(child, attrName); if (attr&&*attr == attrVal) v.push_back(child.second); } return v; } //獲取節點的某個屬性值 template<typename R> optional<R> Attribute(const wptree& node, const wstring& attrName) { return node.get_optional<R>(XMLATTR_DOT + attrName); } //獲取節點的某個屬性值,默認爲string optional<wstring> Attribute(const wptree& node, const wstring& attrName) { return Attribute<wstring>(node, attrName); } //獲取value_type的某個屬性值 template<typename R> optional<R> Attribute(const wptree::value_type& pair, const wstring& attrName) { if (pair.first == XMLATTR) return pair.second.get_optional<R>(attrName); else if (pair.first == XMLCOMMENT) return optional<R>(); else return pair.second.get_optional<R>(XMLATTR_DOT + attrName); } //獲取value_type的某個屬性值,默認爲string optional<wstring> Attribute(const wptree::value_type& pair, const wstring& attrName) { return Attribute<wstring>(pair, attrName); } //根據某個屬性生成一個<string, ptree>的multimap template<class F = std::function<bool(wstring&)>> multimap<wstring, wptree> MakeMapByAttr(const wptree& root, const wstring& key, const wstring& attrName, F predict = [](wstring& str){return true; }) { multimap<wstring, wptree> resultMap; auto list = Descendants(root, key); if (!list) return resultMap; for (auto& item : *list) { auto attr = Attribute(item, attrName); if (attr&&predict(*attr)) resultMap.insert(std::make_pair(*attr, item.second)); } return resultMap; } private: using code_type = std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, std::mbstate_t>; std::wstring_convert<code_type> m_conv; };
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Root Id="123456"> <Scenes> <!--註釋說明1--> <Scene Name="測試1"> <!--註釋說明11--> <DataSource> <!--註釋說明111--> <Data> <!--註釋說明111--> <Item Id="1" FileName="測試文件1" /> </Data> <Data> <Item Id="2" FileName="測試文件2" /> <Item Id="3" FileName="測試文件3" /> </Data> </DataSource> </Scene> <!--註釋說明1--> <Scene Name="測試2"> <DataSource> <Data> <Item Id="4" FileName="測試文件4" /> </Data> <Data> <Item Id="5" FileName="測試文件5" /> </Data> </DataSource> </Scene> </Scenes> </Root>
void Test() { wptree pt; ConfigParser parser; parser.Init(L"test1.xml", pt); //解決中文問題,要轉換爲unicode解析 auto scenes = parser.Descendants(pt, L"Root.Scenes"); //返回的是optional<wptree> if (!scenes) return; for (auto& scene : *scenes) { auto s = parser.Attribute(scene, L"Name"); //獲取Name屬性,返回的是optional<wstring> if (s) { wcout << *s << endl; } auto dataList = parser.Descendants(scene.second, L"DataSource"); //獲取第一個子節點 if (!dataList) continue; for (auto& data : *dataList) { for (auto& item : data.second) { auto id = parser.Attribute<int>(item, L"Id"); auto fileName = parser.Attribute(item, L"FileName"); if (id) { wcout << *id << L" " << *fileName << endl; //打印id和filename } } } } }
一點題外話,基於這個幫助類再結合linq to object能夠輕鬆的實現linq to xml:
//獲取子節點SubNode的屬性ID的值爲0x10000D的項並打印出該項的Type屬性 from(node.Descendants("Root.SubNode")).where([](XNode& node) { auto s = node.Attribute("ID"); return s&&*s == "0x10000D"; }).for_each([](XNode& node) { auto s = node.Attribute("Type"); if (s) cout << *s << endl; });
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