windows 10工作站_什麼是適用於工作站的Windows 10 Pro,它有何不同?

windows 10工作站

windows 10工作站

Microsoft has announced Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. This is a higher-end version of Windows 10 Professional for expensive PCs with powerful hardware. The included features are already available on Windows Server, but are being brought over to a desktop version of Windows.

微軟宣佈推出Windows 10 Pro for Workstations。 這是Windows 10 Professional的高端版本,用於具有強大硬件的昂貴PC。 包括的功能已在Windows Server上提供,但已被帶到Windows的桌面版本。

Here are the features it includes, and why you would want them.


ReFS(彈性文件系統) (ReFS (Resilient File System))

Microsoft’s new resilient file system, ReFS for short, 「provides cloud-grade resiliency for fault-tolerant storage spaces and manages very large volumes with ease.」

微軟新的彈性文件系統,簡稱ReFS, 「爲容錯存儲空間提供雲級彈性,並輕鬆管理非常大的卷。」

This feature isn’t technically exclusive to Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. You can use it on any edition of Windows 10 along with Storage Spaces. When used along with Storage Spaces, ReFS can detect when data becomes corrupt on a mirrored drive and quickly repair it with data from another drive.

從技術上講,此功能不是Windows 10 Pro工作站專用的。 您可以在Windows 10的任何版本以及存儲空間上使用它。 與存儲空間一起使用時,ReFS可以檢測到鏡像驅動器上的數據何時損壞,並使用其他驅動器上的數據快速修復數據。

However, ReFS can only be used on Storage Spaces on normal editions of Windows 10. Windows Server 2016 systems can format drives as ReFS without using Storage Spaces, and this offers some performance advantages in certain situations—for example, when using various virtual machine features in Microsoft Hyper-V. But, to really benefit from ReFS, you’ll need a PC with multiple storage drives.

但是,ReFS只能在Windows 10普通版的存儲空間上使用。WindowsServer 2016系統可以在不使用存儲空間的情況下將驅動器格式化爲ReFS,這在某些情況下(例如,使用各種虛擬機功能時)具有一些性能優勢。在Microsoft Hyper-V中。 但是,要真正受益於ReFS,您需要一臺具有多個存儲驅動器的PC。

At the moment, Windows 10 can’t actually boot from ReFS, so there’s no way to format your system drive as ReFS. This means ReFS can’t fully replace NTFS. It’s unclear whether Microsoft is fixing this limitation for Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, or simply allowing users to format any drive with the ReFS file system.

目前,Windows 10實際上無法從ReFS引導,因此無法將系統驅動器格式化爲ReFS。 這意味着ReFS無法完全替代NTFS。 目前尚不清楚微軟是要修復針對Windows 10 Pro工作站的限制,還是隻是允許用戶使用ReFS文件系統格式化任何驅動器。

永久記憶 (Persistent Memory)

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations supports NVDIMM-N hardware. NVDIMM-N is a non-volatile type of memory. This memory is as fast to access and write to as normal RAM, but the data stored in it won’t be erased when your computer shoots down—that’s what the non-volatile part means.

Windows 10專業版工作站支持NVDIMM-N硬件。 NVDIMM-N是非易失性內存。 該內存的訪問和寫入速度與普通RAM一樣快,但是當計算機故障時,不會刪除存儲在其中的數據-這就是非易失性部分的意思。

This allows demanding applications to access important data as quickly as possible. The data doesn’t need to be stored on a slower disk and moved back and forth between memory and storage.

這允許要求苛刻的應用程序儘快訪問重要數據。 數據不需要存儲在較慢的磁盤上,也不需要在內存和存儲之間來回移動。

The reason we don’t all use NVDIMM-N memory today is because it’s much more expensive than normal RAM. It’s very high-end hardware right now, and if you don’t have the expensive hardware, you can’t take advantage of this feature anyway.

我們今天不都使用NVDIMM-N內存的原因是因爲它比普通RAM貴得多。 目前,它是非常高端的硬件,如果您沒有昂貴的硬件,則無論如何都無法利用此功能。

更快的文件共享 (Faster File Sharing)

This edition of Windows 10 includes SMB Direct, a feature also available on Windows Server. SMB Direct requires network adapters that support Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA).

Windows 10的此版本包括SMB Direct,Windows Server也提供此功能。 SMB Direct需要支持遠程直接內存訪問(RDMA)的網絡適配器。

As Microsoft puts it, 「Network adapters that have RDMA can function at full speed with very low latency, while using very little CPU.」 This aids applications that access large amounts of data on remote SMB (Windows network file sharing) shares over the network. Such applications benefit from faster transfer of large amounts of data, lower latency when accessing data, and low CPU utilization even when transferring a large amount of data very quickly.

正如微軟所說,「具有RDMA的網絡適配器可以以極低的延遲全速運行,而佔用的CPU卻很少。」 這有助於通過網絡訪問遠程SMB( Windows網絡文件共享)共享上的大量數據的應用程序。 這樣的應用程序受益於更快的大量數據傳輸,訪問數據時的較低延遲以及較低的CPU利用率,即使非常快速地傳輸大量數據也是如此。

Once again, you need high-end hardware that isn’t available on a typical consumer desktop PC to do this. If you don’t have network adapters that support RDMA, this feature won’t help you.

再一次,您需要典型的家用臺式PC上沒有的高端硬件來執行此操作。 如果您沒有支持RDMA的網絡適配器,則此功能將無濟於事。

You can check whether your network adapters are RDMA-capable through PowerShell. Right-click the Start button on Windows 10 and select 「PowerShell (Admin)」 to open PowerShell as Administrator. Type 「Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface」 at the prompt and press Enter. Look under the 「RDMA Capable」 column to see whether they support RDMA. On a typical desktop PC, they almost certainly won’t.

您可以通過PowerShell檢查網絡適配器是否支持RDMA。 右鍵單擊Windows 10上的開始按鈕,然後選擇「 PowerShell(Admin)」以管理員身份打開PowerShell。 在提示符下鍵入「 Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface 」,然後按Enter。 在「 RDMA Capable」列下查看它們是否支持RDMA。 在典型的臺式PC上,幾乎可以肯定不會。

擴展的硬件支持 (Expanded Hardware Support)

Microsoft is allowing Windows 10 Pro for Workstations to run on devices with 「high performance configurations」, including server-grade Intel Xeon and AMD Opteron processors that would normally require Windows Server.

Microsoft允許Windows 10 Pro for Workstation在具有「高性能配置」的設備上運行,包括通常需要Windows Server的服務器級Intel Xeon和AMD Opteron處理器。

Windows 10 Pro currently only supports up to two physical CPUs and 2 TB of RAM per system, but Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will support up to four CPUs and 6 TB of RAM.

Windows 10 Pro當前僅支持每個系統最多兩個物理CPU和2 TB RAM,但是Windows 10 Pro for Workstations將最多支持四個CPU和6 TB RAM。

Once again, this feature will only aid people building expensive, high-end professional PCs.


我如何得到它? (How Do I Get It?)

This new edition of Windows 10 will be available when the Fall Creators Update is released.

秋季創作者更新發佈後,將可以使用Windows 10的新版本。

Microsoft hasn’t actually mentioned a price tag for this product. It’s intended for high-end workstation PCs. Microsoft isn’t going to sell it alongside other editions of Windows 10 in retail stores, and they have no reason to. All the features only benefit people who require support for expensive, high-end hardware. High-end workstation PCs will ship with Windows 10 Pro for Workstations installed, and it will likely be available to businesses and other organizations in volume license agreements.

微軟實際上並未提及該產品的價格標籤。 適用於高端工作站PC。 微軟不會在零售商店中將其與其他版本的Windows 10一起出售,並且沒有理由。 所有功能僅使需要支持昂貴的高端硬件的人受益。 高端工作站PC將隨Windows 10 Pro for Workstations一起安裝,並且可能會通過批量許可協議供企業和其他組織使用。

While Microsoft is adding another edition of Windows 10, most people won’t need to even know it exists. But it’s another way for Microsoft to segment the market for Windows licenses, allowing them to charge more for a version of Windows 10 that will be required on very expensive workstation PCs.

在Microsoft添加另一版本的Windows 10時,大多數人甚至不需要知道它的存在。 但這是微軟劃分Windows許可市場的另一種方式,允許他們爲非常昂貴的工作站PC所需的Windows 10版本收取更多費用。


windows 10工作站