許多 Android 開發者可能常常遇到這樣的狀況:測試的時候好好的,一上線,各類系統的 crash 就報上來了,並且不少是偶現的,好比:android
不少狀況下,這些異常崩潰並非由 APP 致使的,並且堆棧中也沒有半點 APP 的影子,就拿 WindowManager$BadTokenException
來講,一部分是 Android 7.1 的 bug,一部分多是操做 Dialog
或者 Fragment
致使,若是是 APP 代碼邏輯的問題,很容易就能在堆棧中發現,那若是是由於系統致使的崩潰,咱們是否是就無能爲力了呢?git
仍是拿 WindowManager$BadTokenException
來舉例子,若是是由於 Toast
致使的,不少人的第一反應就是自定義 Toast
,固然,這徹底能解決問題,可是 Booster 提供了另外一種徹底不同的解決方案 —— 在構建期間將代碼中全部對 Toast.show(...)
方法的調用指令替換爲 ShadowToast.show(Toast)
public class ShadowToast { /** * Fix {@code WindowManager$BadTokenException} for Android N * * @param toast * The original toast */ public static void show(final Toast toast) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 25) { workaround(toast).show(); } else { toast.show(); } } private static Toast workaround(final Toast toast) { final Object tn = getFieldValue(toast, "mTN"); if (null == tn) { Log.w(TAG, "Field mTN of " + toast + " is null"); return toast; } final Object handler = getFieldValue(tn, "mHandler"); if (handler instanceof Handler) { if (setFieldValue(handler, "mCallback", new CaughtCallback((Handler) handler))) { return toast; } } final Object show = getFieldValue(tn, "mShow"); if (show instanceof Runnable) { if (setFieldValue(tn, "mShow", new CaughtRunnable((Runnable) show))) { return toast; } } Log.w(TAG, "Neither field mHandler nor mShow of " + tn + " is accessible"); return toast; } } 複製代碼
這樣作的好處是,全部代碼(包括依賴的第三方 Library)都會被替換,並且徹底無不侵入,不再用擔憂 Toast
除了 Toast
會致使 WindowManager$BadTokenException
外,在 Activity
的生命週期回調中也常常出現,Booster 又有什麼樣的解決方案呢?—— 攔截 ActivityThread
public class ActivityThreadHooker { private volatile static boolean hooked; public static void hook() { if (hooked) { return; } Object thread = null; try { thread = android.app.ActivityThread.currentActivityThread(); } catch (final Throwable t1) { Log.w(TAG, "ActivityThread.currentActivityThread() is inaccessible", t1); try { thread = getStaticFieldValue(android.app.ActivityThread.class, "sCurrentActivityThread"); } catch (final Throwable t2) { Log.w(TAG, "ActivityThread.sCurrentActivityThread is inaccessible", t1); } } if (null == thread) { Log.w(TAG, "ActivityThread instance is inaccessible"); return; } try { final Handler handler = getHandler(thread); if (null == handler || !(hooked = setFieldValue(handler, "mCallback", new ActivityThreadCallback(handler)))) { Log.i(TAG, "Hook ActivityThread.mH.mCallback failed"); } } catch (final Throwable t) { Log.w(TAG, "Hook ActivityThread.mH.mCallback failed", t); } if(hooked) { Log.i(TAG, "Hook ActivityThread.mH.mCallback success!"); } } private static Handler getHandler(final Object thread) { Handler handler; if (null != (handler = getFieldValue(thread, "mH"))) { return handler; } if (null != (handler = invokeMethod(thread, "getHandler"))) { return handler; } try { if (null != (handler = getFieldValue(thread, Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread$H")))) { return handler; } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Main thread handler is inaccessible", e); } return null; } } 複製代碼
有人可能會問,若是跟處理 Toast
的崩潰同樣,直接用 try-catch
大法這樣粗暴的處理方式的話,那 APP 自己的 bug 是否是就不能及時發現了呢?—— 確實是這樣!app
正是基於這樣的考慮,Booster 並非簡單粗暴的一塊兒兜住,雖然這樣作可讓崩潰率變得更好看,可是,APP 自己的問題也就被掩蓋了,我們但是對技術有追求的,這種掩耳盜鈴的事情我們怎麼可能會幹呢,那究竟是如何甄別異常是由 APP 引發的呢?—— 堆棧信息框架
class ActivityThreadCallback implements Handler.Callback { private static final String LOADED_APK_GET_ASSETS = "android.app.LoadedApk.getAssets"; private static final String ASSET_MANAGER_GET_RESOURCE_VALUE = "android.content.res.AssetManager.getResourceValue"; private static final String[] SYSTEM_PACKAGE_PREFIXES = { "java.", "android.", "androidx.", "dalvik.", "com.android.", ActivityThreadCallback.class.getPackage().getName() + "." }; private final Handler mHandler; public ActivityThreadCallback(final Handler handler) { this.mHandler = handler; } @Override public final boolean handleMessage(final Message msg) { try { this.mHandler.handleMessage(msg); } catch (final NullPointerException e) { if (hasStackTraceElement(e, ASSET_MANAGER_GET_RESOURCE_VALUE, LOADED_APK_GET_ASSETS)) { abort(e); } rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(e); } catch (final SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | AndroidRuntimeException | WindowManager.BadTokenException e) { rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(e); } catch (final Resources.NotFoundException e) { rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(e); abort(e); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) && isCausedBy(cause, DeadSystemException.class)) || (isCausedBy(cause, NullPointerException.class) && hasStackTraceElement(e, LOADED_APK_GET_ASSETS))) { abort(e); } rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(e); } catch (final Error e) { rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(e); abort(e); } return true; } private static void rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(final RuntimeException e) { if (!isCausedBySystem(e)) { throw e; } } private static void rethrowIfNotCausedBySystem(final Error e) { if (!isCausedBySystem(e)) { throw e; } } private static boolean isCausedBySystem(final Throwable t) { if (null == t) { return false; } for (Throwable cause = t; null != cause; cause = cause.getCause()) { for (final StackTraceElement element : cause.getStackTrace()) { if (!isSystemStackTrace(element)) { return false; } } } return true; } private static boolean isSystemStackTrace(final StackTraceElement element) { final String name = element.getClassName(); for (final String prefix : SYSTEM_PACKAGE_PREFIXES) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean hasStackTraceElement(final Throwable t, final String... traces) { return hasStackTraceElement(t, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(traces))); } private static boolean hasStackTraceElement(final Throwable t, final Set<String> traces) { if (null == t || null == traces || traces.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (final StackTraceElement element : t.getStackTrace()) { if (traces.contains(element.getClassName() + "." + element.getMethodName())) { return true; } } return hasStackTraceElement(t.getCause(), traces); } @SafeVarargs private static boolean isCausedBy(final Throwable t, final Class<? extends Throwable>... causes) { return isCausedBy(t, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(causes))); } private static boolean isCausedBy(final Throwable t, final Set<Class<? extends Throwable>> causes) { if (null == t) { return false; } if (causes.contains(t.getClass())) { return true; } return isCausedBy(t.getCause(), causes); } private static void abort(final Throwable t) { final int pid = Process.myPid(); final String msg = "Process " + pid + " is going to be killed"; if (null != t) { Log.w(TAG, msg, t); } else { Log.w(TAG, msg); } Process.killProcess(pid); System.exit(10); } } 複製代碼
以上的異常處理中,包含了有不少細節的問題,好比:Android N 以上的版本在 APP 升級後首次啓動找不到 AssetManager
等等。因此針對這些異常的處理辦法就是 —— 不是系統致使的,統統拋出去,這樣,APP 自身的 bug 就能在第一時間被發現了。ide
在攔截 ActivityThread
後,將非系統異常拋出去雖然對於崩潰率來講收益明顯,可是給 APM 系統作異常聚合帶來了一些麻煩,由於不少 APM 系統的聚合算法也是根據堆棧來聚合的,不巧的是,這些被拋出來的異常最終都會被聚合到 ActivityThreadCallback
以上的這些解決方案,在 Booster 框架中都提供了現成的模塊: