安裝 WSL 2
這裏使用binary download的方式。git
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64 sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
以後使用 minikube命令能夠看到輸出。github
$ minikube minikube provisions and manages local Kubernetes clusters optimized for development workflows. 基本命令: start Starts a local Kubernetes cluster status Gets the status of a local Kubernetes cluster stop Stops a running local Kubernetes cluster delete Deletes a local Kubernetes cluster dashboard Access the Kubernetes dashboard running within the minikube cluster pause pause Kubernetes unpause 恢復 Kubernetes Images Commands: docker-env Configure environment to use minikube's Docker daemon podman-env Configure environment to use minikube's Podman service cache Add, delete, or push a local image into minikube 配置和管理命令: addons Enable or disable a minikube addon config Modify persistent configuration values profile Get or list the the current profiles (clusters) update-context Update kubeconfig in case of an IP or port change 網絡和鏈接命令: service Returns a URL to connect to a service tunnel Connect to LoadBalancer services 高級命令: mount 將指定的目錄掛載到 minikube ssh Log into the minikube environment (for debugging) kubectl Run a kubectl binary matching the cluster version node Add, remove, or list additional nodes 故障排除命令ƒ ssh-key 檢索指定集羣的 ssh 密鑰路徑 ip 檢索正在運行的羣集的 IP 地址 logs Returns logs to debug a local Kubernetes cluster update-check 打印當前和最新版本版本 version 打印 minikube 版本 Other Commands: completion Generate command completion for a shell Use "minikube <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
阿里雲容器鏡像服務 USTC Docker Hub 源使用幫助docker
minikube start \ --driver docker \ --registry-mirror https://********.mirror.aliyuncs.com \ --image-repository=registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers
若是要使用 USTC的鏡像或者你的阿里雲鏡像,把 registry-mirror 這個參數換成你的鏡像地址就行了。
😄 Debian 10.4 上的 minikube v1.11.0 ✨ 根據現有的配置文件使用 docker 驅動程序 👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube 🏃 Updating the running docker "minikube" container ... 🐳 正在 Docker 19.03.2 中準備 Kubernetes v1.18.3… ▪ kubeadm.pod-network-cidr= 🔎 Verifying Kubernetes components... 🌟 Enabled addons: default-storageclass, storage-provisioner 🏄 完成!kubectl 已經配置至 "minikube"
weakptr@DESKTOP-DO4OJHD:~/sources/scripts/kubernetes$ kubectl run nginx --image nginx pod/nginx created weakptr@DESKTOP-DO4OJHD:~/sources/scripts/kubernetes$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 6s weakptr@DESKTOP-DO4OJHD:~/sources/scripts/kubernetes$ kubectl logs nginx Error from server (BadRequest): container "nginx" in pod "nginx" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled
weakptr@DESKTOP-DO4OJHD:~$ docker exec -t d2c8bc89c023 docker pull nginx Using default tag: latest Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
以前指定了 registry-mirror,因此理論上來講不該該出現這種狀況,除非這個registry-mirror沒有生效。用docker info檢查也證明了個人想法,發現確實沒有生效。minikube ssh docker info
- issue 2638: how to set up mirror-registry
- issue 6848: how to update the registry-mirror of a minikube instance
其不生效的理由是以前已經用minikube start
最簡單的處理方式是用minikube delete
把現有的vm刪了,從新執行一遍minikube start
參數。或者也能夠像是上面的issue 2638裏的方法,minikube ssh