

#pragma once
template<class T>
class DouList
 DouListNode<T>* head;
 DouListNode<T>* tail;
 DouListNode<T>* cur;
 bool AddTail(T value);
 bool AddHead(T value);
 void RemoveThis(bool direction);
 void RemoveAll();
 void SetBegin();
 int  GetCount();
 void TowardCur();
 void BackCur();
 DouListNode<T>* GetCur();
 DouListNode<T>* GetHead();
 DouListNode<T>* GetTail();
 void InsertAfter(T value);//
 bool Is Empty();
 T GetNext();
 T GetPrior();ios

template<class T>
T DouList<T>::GetPrior()
{//get the value in DouListNode where pointer cur point to prior
 T num=cur->GetData();
 return num;
template<class T>
T DouList<T>::GetNext()
{//get the value in DouListNode where pointer cur point to next
 T num=cur->GetData();
 return num;
template<class T>
void DouList<T>::InsertAfter(T value)
{//pointer cur may be the head,tail,or between them
 else if(cur==head)
 DouListNode<T> temp=new DouListNode<T>(value);
template<class T>
bool DouList<T>::IsEmpty()
 return head->GetLink()==head;
template<class T>
DouListNode<T>* DouList<T>::GetTail()
 return tail;
template<class T>
DouListNode<T>* DouList<T>::GetHead()
 return head;
template<class T>
DouListNode<T>* DouList<T>::GetCur()
 return cur;
template<class T>
void DouList<T>::BackCur()
template<class T>
void DouList<T>::TowardCur()
template<class T>
int  DouList<T>::GetCount()
{//count the numbers of DouListNode in DouList
 DouListNode<T>* temp=cur;
 int i=0;
 return i;
template<class T>
void DouList<T>::SetBegin()
template<class T>
void DouList<T>::RemoveAll()
{//delete all nodes in DouList
 int length=GetCount();
 for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
template<class T>
void DouList<T>::RemoveThis(bool direction)
 //pointer head can not be deleted
  //move direction:default lift to right

 DouListNode<T>* preCur=NULL;
 DouListNode<T>* nextCur=NULL;
 //move direction:default lift to right
template<class T>
bool DouList<T>::AddHead(T value)
{//create a DouListNode with value, then insert into DouList at the behind of pointer head.
 DouListNode<T>* add=new DouListNode<T>(value);

 //if tail equal to head, reset pointer tail.
  return true;
  return false;
template<class T>
bool DouList<T>::AddTail(T value)
{//add to the end of DouList
 DouListNode<T>* add=new DouListNode<T>(value);
 if(tail!=NULL)//judge the value of pointer tail: NULL or something else
  return true;
  return false;
template<class T>
{//create DouList
 head=tail=new DouListNode<T>;
