深讀了mybatis 官方的文章,最後總結出一最重要的的一條,必定要好好利用官方 的autoMapping 特性,不然就得一條條寫映射關係了。固然對於實體的嵌套填充, 我只作一層,再往下走就須要在程序邏輯上作一些處理 html
這裏配置的邏輯只與表在邏輯上的鏈接相關,是否在數據中實現關係無關。 java
一、constructor 實體的構造方法
二、autoMapping 自動屬性映射
三、collection 集合屬性的映射
四、association 關聯屬性的映射 git
五、mapUnderscoreToCamelCase 是否開啓自動駝峯命名規則,全局配置. github
實例一,使用下劃線: sql
PsProjectDao.xml api
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.dao.PsProjectDao"> <!-- <typeAlias type="com.someapp.model.User" alias="User"/> --> <!-- begin result map area --> <resultMap id="psProjectResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.entity.PsProject" autoMapping ="true"> <id property="id" column="id" /> <!-- <result property="title" column="blog_title"/>--> <association property="customer" column="customerid" resultMap="psCustomerResultMap" columnPrefix="customer_"/> <association property="department" column="departmentid" resultMap="departmentResultMap" columnPrefix="department_"/> <association property="projectManager" column="projectManagerid" resultMap="userResultMap" columnPrefix="projectManager_"/> <association property="marketer" column="marketerid" resultMap="userResultMap" columnPrefix="marketer_"/> <collection property="push" column="push" ofType="PsProjectPush" resultMap="psProjectPushResultMap" columnPrefix="push_"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="userResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.User" autoMapping ="true"> <id property="id" column="id"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="departmentResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.Office" autoMapping ="true" > <id property="id" column="id"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="psCustomerResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.entity.PsCustomer" autoMapping ="true"> <id property="id" column="id"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="psProjectPushResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.entity.PsProjectPush" autoMapping ="true"> <id property="id" column="id"/> </resultMap> <!-- end resultmap area --> <!-- begin sql columns area --> <sql id="psProjectColumns"> a.id AS "id", a.code AS "code", a.name AS "name", a.type AS "type", a.importance_degree AS "importanceDegree", a.tech_state AS "techState", a.customerid AS "customerid", a.departmentid AS "departmentid", a.project_managerid AS "projectManagerid", a.plan_starttime AS "planStarttime", a.plan_endtime AS "planEndtime", a.state AS "state", a.act_starttime AS "actStarttime", a.act_endtime AS "actEndtime", a.sending_time AS "sendingTime", a.old_plan_starttime AS "oldPlanStarttime", a.old_plan_endtime AS "oldPlanEndtime", a.delivery_time AS "deliveryTime", a.complete_status AS "completeStatus", a.marketerid AS "marketerid", a.create_by AS "createBy.id", a.create_date AS "createDate", a.update_by AS "updateBy.id", a.update_date AS "updateDate", a.remarks AS "remarks", a.del_flag AS "delFlag" </sql> <sql id="departmentColumns"> d.id as "department_id", d.name as "department_name" </sql> <sql id="projectManagerColumns"> pm.id as "projectManager_id", pm.name as "projectManager_name" </sql> <sql id="marketerColumns"> m.id as "marketer_id", m.name as "marketer_name" </sql> <sql id="psCustomerColumns"> c.id as "customer_id", c.code as "customer_code", c.name as "customer_name" </sql> <sql id="psProjectPushColumns"> ps.id as "push_id", ps.projectid AS "push_project.id", ps.userid AS "push_user.id", ps.is_readed AS "push_isReaded" </sql> <!-- end sql columns area --> <sql id="psProjectJoins"> LEFT JOIN ps_customer c ON c.id = a.customerid LEFT JOIN sys_office d ON d.id = a.departmentid LEFT JOIN sys_user pm ON pm.id = a.project_managerid LEFT JOIN sys_user m ON m.id = a.marketerid LEFT JOIN ps_project_push ps ON ps.projectid=a.id </sql> <select id="findAllList" resultMap="psProjectResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="psProjectColumns"/>, <include refid="departmentColumns"/>, <include refid="projectManagerColumns"/>, <include refid="marketerColumns"/>, <include refid="psCustomerColumns"/>, <include refid="psProjectPushColumns"/> FROM ps_project a <include refid="psProjectJoins"/> <where> a.del_flag = #{DEL_FLAG_NORMAL} </where> <choose> <when test="page !=null and page.orderBy != null and page.orderBy != ''"> ORDER BY ${page.orderBy} </when> <otherwise> ORDER BY a.update_date DESC </otherwise> </choose> </select> <insert id="insert"> INSERT INTO ps_project( id, code, name, type, importance_degree, tech_state, customerid, departmentid, managerid, plan_starttime, plan_endtime, state, act_starttime, act_endtime, sending_time, old_plan_starttime, old_plan_endtime, delivery_time, complete_status, marketerid, create_by, create_date, update_by, update_date, remarks, del_flag ) VALUES ( #{id}, #{code}, #{name}, #{type}, #{importanceDegree}, #{techState}, #{customer.id}, #{department.id}, #{projectManager.id}, #{planStarttime}, #{planEndtime}, #{state}, #{actStarttime}, #{actEndtime}, #{sendingTime}, #{oldPlanStarttime}, #{oldPlanEndtime}, #{deliveryTime}, #{completeStatus}, #{marketer.id}, #{createBy.id}, #{createDate}, #{updateBy.id}, #{updateDate}, #{remarks}, #{delFlag} ) </insert> <update id="update"> UPDATE ps_project SET code = #{code}, name = #{name}, type = #{type}, importance_degree = #{importanceDegree}, tech_state = #{techState}, customerid = #{customer.id}, departmentid = #{department.id}, managerid = #{projectManager.id}, plan_starttime = #{planStarttime}, plan_endtime = #{planEndtime}, state = #{state}, act_starttime = #{actStarttime}, act_endtime = #{actEndtime}, sending_time = #{sendingTime}, old_plan_starttime = #{oldPlanStarttime}, old_plan_endtime = #{oldPlanEndtime}, delivery_time = #{deliveryTime}, complete_status = #{completeStatus}, marketerid = #{marketer.id}, update_by = #{updateBy.id}, update_date = #{updateDate}, remarks = #{remarks} WHERE id = #{id} </update> <update id="delete"> UPDATE ps_project SET del_flag = #{DEL_FLAG_DELETE} WHERE id = #{id} </update> </mapper>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.dao.PsProjectDao"> <!-- <typeAlias type="com.someapp.model.User" alias="User"/> --> <!-- begin result map area --> <resultMap id="psProjectResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.entity.PsProject" autoMapping="true"> <id property="id" column="id" /> <!-- <result property="title" column="blog_title"/> --> <association property="customer" column="customerid" resultMap="psCustomerResultMap" columnPrefix="customer." /> <association property="department" column="departmentid" resultMap="departmentResultMap" columnPrefix="department." /> <association property="projectManager" column="projectManagerid" resultMap="userResultMap" columnPrefix="projectManager." /> <association property="marketer" column="marketerid" resultMap="userResultMap" columnPrefix="marketer." /> <collection property="push" column="push" ofType="PsProjectPush" resultMap="psProjectPushResultMap" columnPrefix="push." /> </resultMap> <resultMap id="userResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.User" autoMapping="true"> <id property="id" column="id" /> </resultMap> <resultMap id="departmentResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.Office" autoMapping="true"> <id property="id" column="id" /> </resultMap> <resultMap id="psCustomerResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.entity.PsCustomer" autoMapping="true"> <id property="id" column="id" /> </resultMap> <resultMap id="psProjectPushResultMap" type="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.projectschedule.entity.PsProjectPush" autoMapping="true"> <id property="id" column="id" /> </resultMap> <!-- end resultmap area --> <!-- begin sql columns area --> <sql id="psProjectColumns"> a.id AS "id", a.code AS "code", a.name AS "name", a.type AS "type", a.importance_degree AS "importanceDegree", a.tech_state AS "techState", a.customerid AS "customerid", a.departmentid AS "departmentid", a.project_managerid AS "projectManagerid", a.plan_starttime AS "planStarttime", a.plan_endtime AS "planEndtime", a.state AS "state", a.act_starttime AS "actStarttime", a.act_endtime AS "actEndtime", a.sending_time AS "sendingTime", a.old_plan_starttime AS "oldPlanStarttime", a.old_plan_endtime AS "oldPlanEndtime", a.delivery_time AS "deliveryTime", a.complete_status AS "completeStatus", a.marketerid AS "marketerid", a.create_by AS "createBy.id", a.create_date AS "createDate.id", a.update_by AS "updateBy.id", a.update_date AS "updateDate.id", a.remarks AS "remarks", a.del_flag AS "delFlag" </sql> <sql id="departmentColumns"> department.id as "department.id", department.name as "department.name" </sql> <sql id="projectManagerColumns"> projectManager.id as "projectManager.id", projectManager.name as "projectManager.name" </sql> <sql id="marketerColumns"> marketer.id as "marketer.id", marketer.name as "marketer.name" </sql> <sql id="psCustomerColumns"> customer.id as "customer.id", customer.code as "customer.code", customer.name as "customer.name" </sql> <sql id="psProjectPushColumns"> push.id as "push.id", push.projectid AS "push.project.id", push.userid AS "push.user.id", push.is_readed AS "push.isReaded" </sql> <!-- end sql columns area --> <sql id="psProjectJoins"> LEFT JOIN ps_customer customer ON customer.id = a.customerid LEFT JOIN sys_office department ON department.id = a.departmentid LEFT JOIN sys_user projectManager ON projectManager.id = a.project_managerid LEFT JOIN sys_user marketer ON marketer.id = a.marketerid LEFT JOIN ps_project_push push ON push.projectid=a.id </sql> <select id="findAllList" resultMap="psProjectResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="psProjectColumns" /> , <include refid="departmentColumns" /> , <include refid="projectManagerColumns" /> , <include refid="marketerColumns" /> , <include refid="psCustomerColumns" /> , <include refid="psProjectPushColumns" /> FROM ps_project a <include refid="psProjectJoins" /> <where> a.del_flag = #{DEL_FLAG_NORMAL} </where> <choose> <when test="page !=null and page.orderBy != null and page.orderBy != ''"> ORDER BY ${page.orderBy} </when> <otherwise> ORDER BY a.update_date DESC </otherwise> </choose> </select> <insert id="insert"> INSERT INTO ps_project( id, code, name, type, importance_degree, tech_state, customerid, departmentid, managerid, plan_starttime, plan_endtime, state, act_starttime, act_endtime, sending_time, old_plan_starttime, old_plan_endtime, delivery_time, complete_status, marketerid, create_by, create_date, update_by, update_date, remarks, del_flag ) VALUES ( #{id}, #{code}, #{name}, #{type}, #{importanceDegree}, #{techState}, #{customer.id}, #{department.id}, #{projectManager.id}, #{planStarttime}, #{planEndtime}, #{state}, #{actStarttime}, #{actEndtime}, #{sendingTime}, #{oldPlanStarttime}, #{oldPlanEndtime}, #{deliveryTime}, #{completeStatus}, #{marketer.id}, #{createBy.id}, #{createDate}, #{updateBy.id}, #{updateDate}, #{remarks}, #{delFlag} ) </insert> <update id="update"> UPDATE ps_project SET code = #{code}, name = #{name}, type = #{type}, importance_degree = #{importanceDegree}, tech_state = #{techState}, customerid = #{customer.id}, departmentid = #{department.id}, managerid = #{projectManager.id}, plan_starttime = #{planStarttime}, plan_endtime = #{planEndtime}, state = #{state}, act_starttime = #{actStarttime}, act_endtime = #{actEndtime}, sending_time = #{sendingTime}, old_plan_starttime = #{oldPlanStarttime}, old_plan_endtime = #{oldPlanEndtime}, delivery_time = #{deliveryTime}, complete_status = #{completeStatus}, marketerid = #{marketer.id}, update_by = #{updateBy.id}, update_date = #{updateDate}, remarks = #{remarks} WHERE id = #{id} </update> <update id="delete"> UPDATE ps_project SET del_flag = #{DEL_FLAG_DELETE} WHERE id = #{id} </update> </mapper>
/** * 項目管理Entity * @author xiaohelong * @version 2016-01-06 */ public class PsProject extends DataEntity<PsProject> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String code; // 項目編號 private String name; // 項目名稱 private String type; // 項目類型(科研項目,仍是交付) private String importanceDegree; // 重要程度(通常,重要,緊急) private String techState; // 技術狀態(徹底沿用,設計更改,全新設計) private PsCustomer customer; // 客戶單位 private Office department; // 所屬部門 private User projectManager; // 項目經理 private Date planStarttime; // 計劃開始時間 private Date planEndtime; // 計劃結束時間 private String state; // 項目當前狀態(等待開始,正常進行,交付延期,節點延期,項目暫停,項目終止,項目結束) private Date actStarttime; // 實際開始時間 private Date actEndtime; // 實際結束時間 private Date sendingTime; // 項目下發時間 private Date oldPlanStarttime; // 計劃開始時間(只讀字段,初始化後不更改) private Date oldPlanEndtime; // 計劃結束時間(只讀字段,初始化後不更改) private Date deliveryTime; // 交付時間 private String completeStatus; // 完成狀況(正常完成,延期完成,未完成) private User marketer; // 市場人員ID private List<PsProjectPush> push; //相關領導數據表中並無,放在這裏便於表單操做,由於該字段數據送到另一個表中了。 public PsProject() { super(); } public PsProject(String id){ super(id); } public String getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getImportanceDegree() { return importanceDegree; } public void setImportanceDegree(String importanceDegree) { this.importanceDegree = importanceDegree; } public String getTechState() { return techState; } public void setTechState(String techState) { this.techState = techState; } public PsCustomer getCustomer() { return customer; } public void setCustomer(PsCustomer customer) { this.customer = customer; } public Office getDepartment() { return department; } public void setDepartment(Office department) { this.department = department; } public User getProjectManager() { return projectManager; } public void setProjectManager(User projectManager) { this.projectManager = projectManager; } public Date getPlanStarttime() { return planStarttime; } public void setPlanStarttime(Date planStarttime) { this.planStarttime = planStarttime; } public Date getPlanEndtime() { return planEndtime; } public void setPlanEndtime(Date planEndtime) { this.planEndtime = planEndtime; } public String getState() { return state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public Date getActStarttime() { return actStarttime; } public void setActStarttime(Date actStarttime) { this.actStarttime = actStarttime; } public Date getActEndtime() { return actEndtime; } public void setActEndtime(Date actEndtime) { this.actEndtime = actEndtime; } public Date getSendingTime() { return sendingTime; } public void setSendingTime(Date sendingTime) { this.sendingTime = sendingTime; } public Date getOldPlanStarttime() { return oldPlanStarttime; } public void setOldPlanStarttime(Date oldPlanStarttime) { this.oldPlanStarttime = oldPlanStarttime; } public Date getOldPlanEndtime() { return oldPlanEndtime; } public void setOldPlanEndtime(Date oldPlanEndtime) { this.oldPlanEndtime = oldPlanEndtime; } public Date getDeliveryTime() { return deliveryTime; } public void setDeliveryTime(Date deliveryTime) { this.deliveryTime = deliveryTime; } public String getCompleteStatus() { return completeStatus; } public void setCompleteStatus(String completeStatus) { this.completeStatus = completeStatus; } public User getMarketer() { return marketer; } public void setMarketer(User marketer) { this.marketer = marketer; } public List<PsProjectPush> getPush() { return push; } public void setPush(List<PsProjectPush> push) { this.push = push; } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.dao.OfficeDao"> <sql id="officeColumns"> a.id, a.parent_id AS "parent.id", a.parent_ids, a.area_id AS "area.id", a.code, a.name, a.sort, a.type, a.grade, a.address, a.zip_code, a.master, a.phone, a.fax, a.email, a.remarks, a.create_by AS "createBy.id", a.create_date, a.update_by AS "updateBy.id", a.update_date, a.del_flag, a.useable AS useable, a.primary_person AS "primaryPerson.id", a.deputy_person AS "deputyPerson.id", p.name AS "parent.name", ar.name AS "area.name", ar.parent_ids AS "area.parentIds", pp.name AS "primaryPerson.name", dp.name AS "deputyPerson.name" </sql> <sql id="officeJoins"> LEFT JOIN sys_office p ON p.id = a.parent_id LEFT JOIN sys_area ar ON ar.id = a.area_id LEFT JOIN SYS_USER pp ON pp.id = a.primary_person LEFT JOIN SYS_USER dp ON dp.id = a.deputy_person </sql> <select id="findAllList" resultType="Office"> SELECT <include refid="officeColumns"/> FROM sys_office a <include refid="officeJoins"/> WHERE a.del_flag = #{DEL_FLAG_NORMAL} ORDER BY a.code </select> </mapper>
參考資料: mybatis
1. http://www.mybatis.org/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html#Auto-mapping app
2.http://leeyee.github.io/blog/2013/05/30/mybatis-association-autoMapping/ this