package; public class Array<E> { private int size; private E[] data; public Array(int capacity) { data = (E[]) new Object[capacity]; size = 0; } public Array() { this(10); } public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } public int getSize() { return this.size; } public void addLast(E e) { this.add(size, e); } public void addFirst(E e) { this.add(0, e); } public void add(int index, E e) { if (index < 0 || index > data.length - 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" out of index "); } if (this.size == data.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" data is full "); } for (int i = size + 1; i > index; i--) { data[i] = data[i - 1]; } size++; data[index] = e; } public E remove(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > data.length - 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" out of index "); } return null; } public E get(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" out of index "); } return data[index]; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); res.append(String.format("Array: size = %d , capacity = %d\n", size, data.length)); res.append('['); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { res.append(data[i]); if (i != size - 1) { res.append(", "); } } res.append(']'); return res.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Array<Integer> arr = new Array(20); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { arr.add(i, i); } System.out.println(arr); arr.addFirst(-1); System.out.println(arr.toString()); arr.add(0, 2); System.out.println(arr.toString()); arr.add(2, 2); System.out.println(arr.toString()); arr.addLast(15); System.out.println(arr); System.out.println(arr.get(0)); System.out.println(arr.get(1)); ClassLoader c = Array.class.getClassLoader(); //獲取Test類的類加載器 System.out.println(c); ClassLoader c1 = c.getParent(); //獲取c這個類加載器的父類加載器 System.out.println(c1); ClassLoader c2 = c1.getParent();//獲取c1這個類加載器的父類加載器 System.out.println(c2); } }