<script src="https://gosspublic.alicdn.com/aliyun-oss-sdk-4.4.4.min.js"></script>
<input type="file" name="file" @change='selectFile' multiple="multiple"/>上傳圖片/文件
mounted () { this.initConfig() // 調用後臺接口獲取阿里雲上傳下載通行證 } methods: { initConfig () { // 初始化oss權限 let url = 'document.getAccess' let params = { type: 'H' } this.$api.send(url, params).then((response) => { if (response.status === 200) { let data = response.body.data.data /* global OSS */ // 去掉esllint對OSS的校驗 this.client = new OSS.Wrapper({ region: 'oss-cn-shenzhen', accessKeyId: 'your accessKeyId', accessKeySecret: 'your accessKeySecret', stsToken: 'your stsToken', bucket: 'xx' }) } }) }, selectFile (e) { // 選擇文件 for (let i = 0; i < e.target.files.length; i++) { this.pushFile(e.target.files[i]) } }, pushFile (file) { let that = this let _file = file var storeAs = '' // 傳到oss上的名字 // 調用上傳方法 that.client.multipartUpload('cloudStorage/' + storeAs, _file, { progress: function* (percentage) { let fileloadingNum = Math.ceil(percentage * 100) + '%' console.log(fileloadingNum) // 上傳文件進度 } }).then(function (result) { // 調用後臺添加文件的接口 let url = 'netdisc.addDoc' let params = { data: 'xx' } that.$api.send(url, params).then((response) => { if (response.status === 200) { // 上傳成功 } }) }).catch(function (err) { // 上傳失敗,彈出上傳失敗的消息 }) } }
若是圖片要用canvas作壓縮, 獲得的是base64數據,要轉換成blob對象,再轉爲buffer流。用put上傳
有些手機不支持canvas直接轉爲blob對象能夠引入canvas-to-blob.min.js 將canvas轉爲blob對象
blob插件地址: https://github.com/blueimp/Ja...
exif.js 官網地址 http://code.ciaoca.com/javasc...
pushFile (file) { let that = this if (['jpeg', 'png', 'jpg'].indexOf(file.type.split('/')[1]) < 0) { alert('只支持jpg/png格式的圖片') return false } // orient=>照片的角度 /* global EXIF */ let orient EXIF.getData(file, function () { orient = EXIF.getTag(this, 'Orientation') }) // 壓縮圖片須要的一些元素和對象 let reader = new FileReader() let img = new Image() // 選擇得是圖片 if (file.type.indexOf('image') === 0) { reader.readAsDataURL(file) } // 縮放圖片須要的canvas let canvas = document.createElement('canvas') let context = canvas.getContext('2d') // base64 地址加載完後 img.onload = function () { // 圖片原始尺寸 let originWidth = this.width let oringinHeight = this.height // 最大尺寸限制 let maxWidth = 800 let maxHeight = 800 // 目標尺寸 let targetWidth = originWidth let targetHeight = oringinHeight // 圖片尺寸超過800x800的限制 if (originWidth > maxWidth || oringinHeight > maxHeight) { if (originWidth / oringinHeight > maxWidth / maxHeight) { // 更寬 targetWidth = maxWidth targetHeight = Math.round(maxWidth * (oringinHeight / originWidth)) } else { targetHeight = maxHeight targetWidth = Math.round(maxHeight * (originWidth / oringinHeight)) } } // canvas 對圖片進行縮放 canvas.width = targetWidth canvas.height = targetHeight // 清除畫布 context.clearRect(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight) // 圖片壓縮 context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight) if (orient !== '' && orient !== 1) { // orient === 1是正常的 switch (orient) { case 6: // 須要順時針向左90度旋轉 that.rotateImg(img, 'left', canvas, targetWidth, targetHeight) break case 8: // 須要逆時針向右90度旋轉 that.rotateImg(img, 'right', canvas, targetWidth, targetHeight) break case 3: // 須要180度旋轉 that.rotateImg(img, 'right', canvas, targetWidth, targetHeight) that.rotateImg(img, 'right', canvas, targetWidth, targetHeight) break } } if (canvas.toBlob) { canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { // 在這裏實現上傳操做 let reader2 = new FileReader() reader2.readAsArrayBuffer(blob) reader2.onload = function (event) { let buffer = new OSS.Buffer(event.target.result) that.client.put(storeAs, buffer).then((result) => { if (result.url) { // 得到圖片地址 that.src= result.url } }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) alert('上傳失敗, 請從新上傳') }) } }, file.type || 'image/png') } } rotateImg (img, direction, canvas, targetWidth, targetHeight) { // 最小與最大旋轉方向,圖片旋轉4次後回到原方向 var minstep = 0 var maxstep = 3 if (img === null) return // img的高度和寬度不能在img元素隱藏後獲取,不然會出錯 var step = 2 if (step === null) { step = minstep } if (direction === 'right') { step++ // 旋轉到原位置,即超過最大值 step > maxstep && (step = minstep) } else { step-- step < minstep && (step = maxstep) } // 旋轉角度以弧度值爲參數 let degree = step * 90 * Math.PI / 180 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') switch (step) { case 0: canvas.width = targetWidth canvas.height = targetHeight ctx.clearRect(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight) ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight) break case 1: canvas.width = targetHeight canvas.height = targetWidth ctx.rotate(degree) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, targetHeight, targetWidth) ctx.drawImage(img, 0, -targetHeight, targetWidth, targetHeight) break case 2: canvas.width = targetWidth canvas.height = targetHeight ctx.rotate(degree) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight) ctx.drawImage(img, -targetWidth, -targetHeight, targetWidth, targetHeight) break case 3: canvas.width = targetHeight canvas.height = targetWidth ctx.rotate(degree) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, targetHeight, targetWidth) ctx.drawImage(img, -targetHeight, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight) break } } }