[翻譯文章]: 關於HEVC工做原理的介紹 (上)




How HEVC/H.265 works, technical details & diagrams   Part I

(HEVC或者H.265如何工做:技術細節以及相關流圖)  ide

首先想附上兩個相關連接: 1,CSDN yangxiao_xiang   2, 原出處: here ,   3, 這裏還有一個關於HEVC的技術overview的報告: here  post

 Now that the HEVC standard is finalized, I'd like take this opportunity to explain how HEVC coding works in plain-ish English. About me: I am a hardware codec engineer who has been working with HEVC for over a year now and I have participated in the JCT-VC meetings where HEVC has taken shape. The spec itself, located at http://phenix.int-evry.fr/jct/doc_en...nt.php?id=7243, is rather hard to follow. This post will assume you are reasonably familiar with the coding techniques in H.264/AVC, hereafter referred to as AVC. This overview will gloss over a few details, but feel free to ask for any elaboration.this

現現在HEVC標準已經定稿,我藉此機會用平實的語言向你們介紹一下HEVC如何進行編碼的。關於我本人,我是一個硬件編解碼工程師,在HEVC領域已經有一年的工做經歷,而且參加了研討HEVC標準的JCT-VC會議。對於這個標準自己,具體內容可見於 here ,但寫的晦澀難懂,編碼

 由於它是寫給那些熟悉了H.264/AVC的同志們滴;在本文中咱們會忽略一部分技術細節,可是若有不明指出盡請提出。 (nice boy)spa

To start with: HEVC is actually a bit simpler conceptually than AVC, and lots of things in the spec are done to make life easier for the hardware codec designer (like me)..net


Picture partitioning
Instead of macroblocks, HEVC pictures are divided into so-called coding tree blocks, or CTBs for short, which appear in the picture in raster order. Depending on the stream parameters, they are either 64x64, 32x32 or 16x16. Each CTB can be split recursively in a quad-tree structure, all the way down to 8x8. So for example a 32x32 CTB can consist of three 16x16 and four 8x8 regions. These regions are called coding units, or CUs. CUs are the basic unit of prediction in HEVC. If you have been paying attention you have already inferred that CUs can be 64x64, 32x32, 16x16 or 8x8. The CUs in a CTB are traversed and coded in Z-order. Example ordering in a 64x64 CTB:設計

