You most likely already have data or properties in your template which are controlled by third-party components or updated using data binding. You can still use this data as stream by leveraging vue-rx's $watchAsObservable
then chaining RxJS operators onto it as a new stream.vue
For example in our Vue page:app
export default { name: 'app', data() { return { activeTab: 0 } }, ... }
We have a 'activeTab', which bind to template:this
<b-tabs v-model="activeTab"> <b-tab-item label="Luke"></b-tab-item> <b-tab-item label="Darth"></b-tab-item> <b-tab-item label="Leia"></b-tab-item> </b-tabs>
We can use '$watchAsObservable' to convert the value to Observable value:spa
subscriptions() { const activeTab$ = this.$watchAsObservable('activeTab', {immediate: true}).pipe(pluck('newValue')) return {activeTab$ } }