
MA5680T>enable  進入特權模式
MA5680T#config  進入配置模式
MA5680T(config)#display current-configuration simple  查看配置文件
MA5680T(config)#board add 0/17 H801GICF         添加上聯板0/17
MA5680T(config)#vlan 110 to 117                 建立所需vlan 110-117
MA5680T(config)#port vlan 110 to 117 0/17 0     容許110 到117 vlan經過0/17 0口逶傳
MA5680T(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 10  profile-name baozheng10M type2 assure 10240      建立DBA模板 爲保證10M
MA5680T(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name baozheng10Mxinlu        建立線路模板,並綁定dba 10
MA5680T(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#tcont 1 dba-profile-id 10   綁定dba 10
MA5680T(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#commit      完成
MA5680T(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#quit        退出
MA5680T(config)#ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name  4kou_onu        建立服務模板,備註爲4口
MA5680T(config-gpon-srvprofile-10)#ont-port pots 2 eth 4        2個電話接口,4個網線接口
MA5680T(config-gpon-srvprofile-10)#multicast-forward untag      轉發,去vlan標籤
MA5680T(config-gpon-srvprofile-10)#commit                       完成
[global-config]                                                            +
dba-profile add profile-id 10 profile-name "baozheng10M" type2 assure 10240+
ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name "4kou_onu"                  +
ont-port pots 2 eth 4                                                      +
multicast-forward untag                                                    +
commit                                                                     +
quit                                                                       +
ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name "baozheng10Mxinlu"         +
tr069-management ip-index 0                                                +
tcont 1 dba-profile-id 10                                                  +
commit                                                                     +
quit                                                                       +
MA5680T(config)#display board 0 查看有哪些板槽可用
MA5680T(config)#board add 0/16 H806GPBD 添加16槽下行GPON板
MA5680T(config)#interface gpon 0/16     進入gpon 0/16槽
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable        開啓0口自動發現
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 1 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 2 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 3 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 4 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 5 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 6 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#port 7 ont-auto-find enable
MA5680T(config)# display board 0        查看添加的板槽狀態(Normal正常)
16      H806GPBD   Normal    +
17      H801GICF   Normal    +
MA5680T(config)#display ont autofind all
        Daweicun_MA5680T(config)#       display ont autofind all
        失敗: 不存在自動發現的ONT
        Daweicun_MA5680T(config)#display ont autofind all
        Failure: The automatically found ONTs do not exist
Number              : 1
F/S/P               : 0/16/0  (機框/板槽/端口)
Ont SN              : 4857544365BC8D2E  光貓序列號
Password            : 0x00000000000000000000
Loid                :
Checkcode           :
VendorID            : HWTC
Ont Version         : 2E2.A
Ont SoftwareVersion : V3R012C00S103
Ont EquipmentID     : 010C
Ont autofind time   : 2015-03-11 17:48:08+08:00
The number of GPON autofind ONT is 1
MA5680T(config)#interface gpon 0/16     進入板槽接口0/16
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#ont add 0 sn-auth  4857544397322012 omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc  hbjy_8#1304      根據sn號添加onu
  Number of ONTs that can be added: 1, success: 1
  PortID :0, ONTID :0           提示第幾個ONU
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#quit       退出板槽
MA5680T(config)#service-port vlan 110 gpon 0/16/0 ont 0 eth 1 multi-service user-vlan untagged  開啓服務
MA5680T(config)#display board 0/16 查看ont在線狀況(pon燈由綠色閃爍到綠色常亮爲正常,可以使用)
MA5680T(config)#display current-configuration simple | include 22012  根據不完整SN號查找完整的SN號
  It will take a long time if the content you search is too much or the string  you input is too long, you can press CTRL_C to break
   ont add 0 0 sn-auth "4857544397322012" omci ont-lineprofile-id 10
   ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc "hbjy_8#1304"
MA5680T(config)#display ont info by-sn 4857544397322012         根據完整的SN號查找ONT的位置信息
    F/S/P                : 0/16/0
    ONT-ID               : 0
    Control flag         : active
    Run state            : online
MA5680T(config)#undo service-port port 0/16/0 ont 0     刪除0/16/0 ont 0的服務
{ |gemport }:
            undo service-port port 0/16/0 ont 0
              It will take several minutes, and console may timeout, please use command
              idle-timeout to set time limit
                Are you sure to release service virtual port(s)? (y/n)[n]:y     確認刪除
                  The number of total service virtual port which need be deleted:           1
                The number of total service virtual port which have been deleted:
MA5680T(config)#interface gpon 0/16
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/16)#ont delete 0 0     進入板槽,刪除0口 0ont
  Number of ONTs that can be deleted: 1, success: 1
Quit  退出
Save  保存