el表達式(expression language,el),html
<%-- 存放基本數據類型到request域--%> <% String data="abcd"; request.setAttribute("data",data); %> <%-- 使用el從request中取得數據--%> 存放的數據是:${data}
<%-- 存放對象類型數據類型到request域 Person類: -String:name —int:age --%> <% Person p = new Person(); request.setAttribute("person",p); %> <%-- 使用el從request中取得數據--%> 存放person對象及其屬性:${person.name} ${person.age}
<%-- 存放複雜對象類型數據類型到request域 Address類: —String: city —String: province Person類: -String:name —int:age -Address:address --%> <% Person p = new Person(); p.setName("lr"); p.setAge(24); Address a = new Address(); a.setProvince("Shanghai"); // 建立地址 p.setAddress(a); // 地址賦值給person request.setAttribute("person",p); %> <%-- 使用el從request中取得數據--%> 存放person對象及其屬性: ${person.name} ${person.age} ${person.address.province} ${person.address.city}
<% List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Person("john")); list.add(new Person("peter")); list.add(new Person("andrew")); request.setAttribute("list",list); %> <%-- 使用el從request中取得數據--%> ${list[0].name} ${list[1].name}
<% Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("aa",new Person("john")); map.put("bb",new Person("andrew")); map.put("cc",new Person("peter")); map.put("111",new Person("lucy")); request.setAttribute("m",map); %> <%-- 使用el從request中取得數據--%> ${map["aa"].name} ${map["bb"].name} ${map["cc"].name} ${map.aa.name} ${map.bb.name} ${map.cc.name} <!-- 若是關鍵字是數字開頭,必須用下面寫發--> <!-- 使用el表達式取數據時候,一般用.號,若是.號取不出來,則用[]號 --> ${map["111"].name}
${pageScope.user.name} ${requesetScope.user.name} ${sessionScoope.user.name} ${applicationScope.user.name} <%-- 獲取客戶端請求參數,param是一個Map對象,--%> <%--其中每一個請求參數給定一個值 --%> <%-- http://localhost:8080/login.jsp?username=aa & password=123 --%> ${param} ${param.username} ${param.password} <%-- 獲取客戶端請求參數,paramValues是一個Map對象,--%> <%-- 其中每一個請求參數給定多個值 --%> <%-- http://localhost:8080/login.jsp?username=liuyun & username=rongbo --%> ${paramValues} ${paramValues.username[0]} ${paramValues.username[1]} ${header} ${header.Host} ${header['Accept-Language']} ${headerValues} <%--cookie對象是一個Map對象,存放的是‘關鍵字映射到Cookie對象’的entry --%> ${cookie} <%-- Map對象 --%> ${cookie.JSESSIONID.name} ${cookie.JSESSIONID.vlaue} <%--web.xml中配置了參數 --%> <%-- <context-param> <param-name>db</param-name> <param-value>url-db</param-value> </context-param> --%> ${initParam} ${initParam.db}
<%--完成數據回顯,大量使用二元表達式--%> <%--radio表單回顯--%> <% request.setAttribute("gender", "male"); %> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked=${gender=='male'?'checked':''}/> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" checked=${gender=='female'?'checked':''} /> <%--checkbox表單回顯--%> <%--判斷list集合是否爲空--%> ${empty(list)}
使用jsp指令,導入jstl的uri,並指定前綴: <%@taglib uri="#" prefix="c"/>mysql
<%@taglib uri="#" prefix="c"/> <%------------------------------------------------------%> <%--迭代map集合中的數據--%> <%------------------------------------------------------%> <% List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Person("john")); list.add(new Person("peter")); list.add(new Person("andrew")); request.setAttribute("list",list); %> <c:forEach var="person" items="${list}"> ${person.name}; </c:forEach> <%------------------------------------------------------%> <%--迭代map集合中的數據--%> <%------------------------------------------------------%> <% Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("aa",new Person("john")); map.put("bb",new Person("andrew")); map.put("cc",new Person("peter")); map.put("111",new Person("lucy")); request.setAttribute("m",map); %> <%-- 對Map集合,本質上是對Map.entrySet放回的集合進行迭代--%> <c:forEach item="entry" items="${map}"> ${entry.key}:${entry.value.name} </c:forEach> <%------------------------------------------------------%> <%--測試條件是否成立--%> <%------------------------------------------------------%> <c:if test="${user!=null}"> 歡迎您${user.username} </c:if> <c:if test="${user==null}"> <input type="text" name="username"/> <input type="password" name="password"/> <input type="submit" value="登陸"/> </c:if>
/* * CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name [[create_specification] * [,create_specification]...] * create_specification: * [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name | [DEFAULT] COLLATE collation_name */ create database mydb1; create database mydb2 character set utf8; -- 指定字符集,utf8, 不是utf-8 create database mydb2 character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; --指定字符集、排序規則 show create database mydb2; --查看建立庫的細節
drop database mydb1;
/* /* * CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXIST] db_name [[alter_specification] * [,alter_specification]...] * alter_specification: * [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name | [DEFAULT] COLLATE collation_name * 注意:不能修改庫名 */ alter database mydb2 character set utf8; show create database mydb2;
mysqldump -u 用戶名 -p 數據庫名 > 文件名.sql (windows命令)正則表達式
/** * source 文件名.sql */ create database tt; user tt; create table a{ name varchar(20) }; insert into a(name) values('aaaa'); select * from a;
mysql -u root -p tt > c:tt.sql (window命令 導出)
drop dababase tt; --刪除庫 --恢復庫,只能恢復數據,不能恢復庫,所以必須從新新建庫 --1.建立庫 create database tt; --建庫 user tt; --進入庫tt source c:\a.sql; --恢復數據
mysql -uroot -proot tt<c:a.sql (windows命令)
/* CREATE TABLE table_name * { * field1 datatype, * filed2 datatype, * filed3 datatype * }character set charset_name collate collation_name; * * datatype: * 文本、二進制: * char(size) ------定長 * varchar(size) ------變長 * blob(最大64k) longblob -----變長 * text longtext -----變長,大文本 * 日期時間:date datetime timestamp -----變長 * 注意:實際開發過程當中,容量很大的數據(好比音頻、視頻等)不會存放到數據庫中,而是存放到文件系統。 * 緣由:解決數據庫連接資源。讀取超大容量數據,鏈接佔用的時間長。 */ create table employee { id int, name varchar(40), sex varchar(4), entry_date date, job varchar(40), salary decimal(8,2), resume text }; show tables; ----查看全部表 show create table employee;----顯示指定表的建立細節 desc employee ; ----查看錶結構
/* * 1.修改表:增長列、修改列數據類型、刪除列、修改列名 * ALTER TABLE table_name * ADD column datatype [default_expr] [,column datatype]...; * MODIFY column datatype [default_expr] [,column datatype]...; * DTOP column; * CHANGE COLUMN old_name new_name data_type; * 2. 修改表名 * RENAME TABLE table_name to table_name_1 * * 3. 修改表的字符集 * ALTER TABLE table_name character set utf8 * * 4. 刪除表 * DROP TABLE table_name; */ alter table employee add image blob;----增長大頭貼列,存放大頭貼圖片 alter table employee modify job varchar(60);----修改job列 alter table employee drop sex;----刪除類 rename table employee; ----從新命名錶(庫不能重命名,可是表能夠) alter table employee character utf8;----修改字符集 alter table employee change column name username varchar(30);----修改列名
drop table employee;----刪除表
crud: crete read update delete
/** * INSERT INTO tb_name[(filed1[, field2...])] * VALUES(value [,value...]); * * 細節:1. 表名後面的字段列表能夠不跟,這種狀況下,values必須按順序指定每一個字段的值 * 2. 字符和日期必須被單引號''包含 * 3. 插入空值:不指定值,或者指定爲null * 4. insert into user(id) values(4)和insert into user(id) values('4') * 所以,全部的數值類型的值能夠加單引號,mysql能夠自動轉換爲相應類型的值 */ RENAME TABLE employee to user; ----注意沒有TABLE關鍵字 insert into user(id, username,birthday, entry_date, job, salary,resume) values(1, 'andrew','2014-03-33','bb','2019-06-32',90,'aaaa');
/** * UPDATE tb_name * SET col_name1=expr1 [,col_name2=expr2...] * [WHERE where_definition] */ update employee set salary=3000 where name='張三'; update employee set salary=1000,job='ccc' where name='andrew';
/** * DELETE from tb_name * [WHERE where_definition] * 注意: * 1.delete只能以記錄爲單位刪除; * 2.從一個表中刪除記錄將引發其餘表的參照完整性問題。在修改數據庫中的數據時, * 頭腦中應時刻不要忘記這個潛在的問題 */ delete from employee where name="andrew"; delete from employee; ----刪除全部記錄 truncate table employee; ----摧毀表,並從新構建表結構,速度快,在要刪除全部數據記錄的情形下
select(read),包括:select子句、where子句、from子句、order by子句、group by子句、having子句
/** * SELECT [DISTINCT] *[column1 [,column2...]] FROM tb_name; */ ----@file:定義sql腳本:c:\student.sql(能夠是其餘目錄) create table student { id int, name varchar(20), chinese float, english float, math float }; insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values('1','andrew','22','90','97'); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values('2','peter','100','90','97'); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values('3','lily','67','90','97'); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values('4','lucy','33','90','97'); ----在客戶端,使用: source c:\student.sql ----查詢 select * from student; ----查詢全部 select name,english from student; ----查詢感興趣的字段 select distinct english from student; ----剔除重複數據
/** * SELECT * {column1 | expression, column2 | expression,...} * FROM tabble; * * SELECT column as 別名 from table; */ select name,(chinese+english+math) from student; ----計算總分 select name as 姓名,(chinese+english+math) as 分數 from student; ----添加別名 select name 姓名,(chinese+english+math) 分數 from student; ----添加別名 select * from student where english>'90'; select * from student where name='andrew'; select * from student where (chinese+english+math)>'200';
/** * 在where子句中使用運算符 * 1.比較運算: * > >= < <= = <> * BETWEEN ... AND ... * IN(set) * LIKE 'pattern' ,這裏使用兩種通配符,%匹配一個或者多個字符,_匹配單個字符 * IS NULL * 2.邏輯運算: * and * or * not */ select * from student where english>'80' and english<'90';----(80,90) select * from student where english between '80' and '90'; ----[80,90] select * from student where math in(80,90); select * from student where math='80' or math='90'; select * from student where name like '李%'; select * from student where math>'80' and chinese>'80';
使用order by子句排序
/** * 使用order by 子句 * * SELECT column1,column2... * FROM tabble * ORDER BY column ASC|DESC; */ select name,math from student order by math desc; select name, (chinese+english+math) as score from student order by score desc;
/** * 使用聚合函數:count,sum, avg, max, min * SELECT count(*) | count(列名) * FROM table * [WHERE where_definition]; */ select count(*) from student; ----count聚合函數只會統計有值的數據 select sum(english), sum(math) from student; select sum(english)/sum(*) from student; select avg(math) from student;
使用group by子句
select product, sum(price) from orders group by product;
使用having子句: 相似於where子句,可是where子句後不能跟聚合函數,可是having能夠
select product from orders group by product having sum(product)>'100';
——web.ui:hide jsp pages for users
——web.controller:calling service layer
——web.formbean: from jsp pages to controller
Title:用戶註冊\n業務流程 瀏覽器->web.UI.\nRegisterUiServlet:訪問註冊頁面\nregister.jsp web.UI.\nRegisterUiServlet->register.jsp:forward到\n/WEB-INF/jsp/register.jsp register.jsp->瀏覽器:返回register.jsp\n生成的註冊頁面 瀏覽器->RegisterServlet:用戶填寫表單,\n提交到RegisterServlet RegisterServlet->WebUtils:封裝request\n請求參數到Bean WebUtils->WebUtils:調用BeanUtils.\ncopyProperty\n(destBean,key,value); WebUtils->RegisterServlet:返回FormBean RegisterServlet->RegisterServlet:form .\nvalidate RegisterServlet->WebUtils:調用BeanUtils.\ncopyBean\n(key,value); WebUtils->RegisterServlet:返回User \ndomain對象 RegisterServlet->BusinesService\nServlet:註冊 BusinesService\nServlet->BusinesService\nServlet:1.檢查用戶\n是否存在\n2.不存在\則註冊\n3.存在\n返回錯誤信息 BusinesService\nServlet->瀏覽器:返回login.jsp\n生成的登陸頁面
/** * 數據庫, * 1. 使用Map集合模擬數據庫; * 2. 初始數據經過靜態代碼塊添加到內存中Map集合 */ package cn.itcast.DB; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import cn.itcast.domain.Book; public class DB { private static Map map = new LinkedHashMap<String,Book>(); static{ map.put("1", new Book("1","java","lr","itcast",33.3f)); map.put("2", new Book("2","php","lr","itcast",33.3f)); map.put("3", new Book("3","spring","lr","itcast",33.3f)); map.put("4", new Book("4","struts","lr","itcast",33.3f)); map.put("5", new Book("5","hibernate","lr","itcast",33.3f)); } public static Map getAll(){ return map; } }
/** * DAO層: */ import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import cn.itcast.DB.DB; import cn.itcast.domain.Book; public class BookDao { public Map getAll(){ return DB.getAll(); } public Book find(String id){ return (Book) DB.getAll().get(id); } }
/** * 實體類:包括Book、Cart、CartItem */ package cn.itcast.domain; public class Book { String id; String name; String author; String description; float price; public Book(String id, String name, String author, String description,float price) { super(); this.id = id; this.name = name; this.author = author; this.description = description; this.price = price; } /* 此處省略getters和setters方法 }
package cn.itcast.domain; public class CartItem { private Book book; int quantity; float price; }
package cn.itcast.domain; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; public class Cart { private Map<String, CartItem> map = new LinkedHashMap(); private float price; public void add(Book book){ CartItem item = map.get(book.getId()); if(item == null){ item = new CartItem(); item.setBook(book); item.setQuantity(1); map.put(book.getId(), item); }else{ item.setQuantity(item.getQuantity()+1); } } public Map<String, CartItem> getMap() { return map; } public void setMap(Map<String, CartItem> map) { this.map = map; } public float getPrice() { float totalPrice = 0.0f; for(Map.Entry<String, CartItem> entry: map.entrySet()){ totalPrice += entry.getValue().getPrice(); } this.price = totalPrice; return price; } public void setPrice(float price) { this.price = price; } }
/** * 業務邏輯層: */ package cn.itcast.serviceimpl; import java.util.Map; import cn.itcast.daoimpl.BookDao; import cn.itcast.domain.Book; import cn.itcast.domain.Cart; public class BusinessService { BookDao dao = new BookDao(); public Map getAll(){ return dao.getAll(); } public Book find(String id){ return dao.find(id); } public void deleteCartItem(String id, Cart cart) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub cart.getMap().remove(id); } public void clearCart(Cart cart) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub cart.getMap().clear(); } public void changeItemQuantity(String id, int quantity, Cart cart) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub cart.getMap().get(id).setQuantity(quantity); } }
/** * web層——控制器servlet * @brief: * 1. web層控制器是頁面請求的web資源,控制器調用邏輯層進行處理,將處理結果結果轉發到jsp; * 2. 轉發到的jsp中,使用jstl、el表達式將數據從域中取出來用於顯示; * 3. jsp頁面中的javascript代碼和用戶交互,根據結果動態請求其餘web資源 * 包括的Servlet: * ListBookServlet 對應‘瀏覽商品’連接訪問的資源 * BuyServlet 對應‘購買’連接對應的資源 * ChangeQuantityServlet 對應‘數量input組件’對應的請求的資源 * DeleteCartItemServlet 對應‘刪除’連接對應的資源 * ClearCartServlet 對應‘清空購物車’連接對應的資源 */ // 具體servlet類省略
<%-- 瀏覽商品頁面 --%> <h1>書籍列表</h1> <table border="1" width="70%" align="center"> <tr> <td>書名</td> <td>做者</td> <td>簡介</td> <td>價格</td> <td>操做</td> </tr> <c:forEach var="entry" items="${map }"> <tr> <td>${entry.value.name }</td> <td>${entry.value.author }</td> <td>${entry.value.description }</td> <td>${entry.value.price }</td> <td> <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/BuyServlet?id=${entry.value.id }" target="_blank">購買</a> </td> </tr><br/> </c:forEach> </table>
<%--購物車頁面--%> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"%> <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Insert title here</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function deleteItem(id){ var b = window.confirm("您肯定刪除嗎?"); if(b){ window.location.href=href="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/DeleteItemServlet?id="+id; } } function clearcart(){ var b = window.confirm("您肯定清空嗎?"); if(b){ window.location.href="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/ClearCartServlet"; } } function changeQuantity(input, id, oldquantity){ var quantity = input.value; if(isNaN(quantity)){ alert("請輸入合法數字"); input.value = oldquantity; return; } if(quantity < 0 || quantity != parseInt(quantity) ){ alert("請輸入正整數"); input.value = oldquantity; return; } var b = window.confirm(" 確認修改嗎爲"+quantity); if(b){ window.location.href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/ChangeQuantityServlet?id="+id+"&quantity="+quantity; } } </script> </head> <body style="text-align:center;"> <h1>書籍列表</h1> <c:if test="${empty(cart.map)}"> 您沒有購買任何商品 </c:if> <c:if test="${!empty(cart.map)}"> <table border="1" width="70%" align="center"> <tr> <td>書名</td> <td>做者</td> <td>單價</td> <td>數量</td> <td>小計</td> <td>操做</td> </tr> <c:forEach var="entry" items="${cart.map }"> <tr> <td>${entry.value.book.name }</td> <td>${entry.value.book.author }</td> <td>${entry.value.book.price }</td> <td> <input type="text" name="quantity" value="${entry.value.quantity }" onchange="changeQuantity(this,${entry.key }, ${entry.value.quantity })"/> </td> <td>${entry.value.price }</td> <td> <a href="javascript:vid(0)" onclick="deleteItem(${entry.key})">刪除</a> </td> </c:forEach> <tr> <td colspan="3">總價</td> <td colspan="2">${cart.price}</td> <td colspan="1"> <a href="javascript:vid(0)" onclick="clearcart()">清空</a> </td> </tr> </table> </c:if> </body> </html>
/** * 這裏導報必須導入dom4j的document類 * @author lr * */ public class XmlUtils { private static String xmlPath = null; static{ xmlPath = XmlUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResource("users.xml").getPath(); System.out.println(xmlPath); } public static Document getDocument() throws DocumentException{ SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document = reader.read(new File(xmlPath)); return document; } public static void write2Xml(Document document) throws IOException{ XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter( new FileWriter( xmlPath) ); writer.write( document ); writer.close(); } }
/** * 1.使用消息摘要算法生成md5碼,而後使用base64算法編碼 * 2.md5碼生成採用消息摘要算法類 MessageDigest * 3.生成base64碼,採用 Base64 */ public class ServiceUtils { public static String md5(String data){ try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5"); byte[] md5 = md.digest(data.getBytes()); /* * md5摘要太長,採用base64進行編碼 * 1.使用BASE64Encoder,but jdk not support this deprecated class and method * 2.使用Base64來得到Encoder */ Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); return encoder.encodeToString(md5); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }
/** * @method:public static <T> T request2Bean(HttpServletRequest request, Class<T> cls) * @brief: * 第一個關鍵點;將request中的property拷貝到bean中去,要使用到beanutils包中的靜態方法,拷貝特定屬性 * <T>是類型參數的形式參數,調用過程當中類型經過T傳入 * @author lr * * 關鍵點:使用BeanUtils的copyProperties時,之能拷貝bean裏面的基本數據類型,要將form中的String日期 * 拷貝到Domain bean的Date屬性中去,必需要寫轉換器 * ConvertUtils.register(Converter c,Class cls) */ public class WebUtils { public static <T> T request2Bean(HttpServletRequest request, Class<T> cls) { // 1.create an T instance T bean; try { bean = cls.newInstance(); // 2. copy propertys in request to new bean Enumeration<String> e = request.getParameterNames(); while(e.hasMoreElements()){ String name = e.nextElement(); String value = request.getParameter(name); BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, name,value); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } return bean; } public static String generatieID(){ return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } public static void copyBean(Object src, Object dest){ ConvertUtils.register(new Converter() { public Object convert(Class type, Object value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(value==null){ return null; } String str = (String)value; if(str.equals("")) return null; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { return df.parse(str); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }, Date.class); try { BeanUtils.copyProperties(dest, src); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
/** * xpath常見模式: * 1.查找屬性值爲指定值的user節點: * "//user[@username='"+username+"' and @password='"+password+"']" 用戶名、密碼爲指定值 * "//user[@username='"+username+"']" 用戶名爲指定值 */ public class UserDaoImpl { public void add(User user){ try { Document document = XmlUtils.getDocument(); /* * get the root element */ Element root = document.getRootElement(); Element e = root.addElement("user"); e.setAttributeValue("id",user.getId()); e.setAttributeValue("username", user.getUsername()); e.setAttributeValue("password", user.getPassword()); e.setAttributeValue("birthday", user.getBirthday() == null?"":user.getBirthday().toLocaleString()); XmlUtils.write2Xml(document); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * find user according to specified usenrmae and password */ public User find(String username, String password){ User user = null; try { Document document = XmlUtils.getDocument(); Element e = (Element)document.selectSingleNode( "//user[@username='"+username+"' and @password='"+password+"']"); if(e == null) return null; user = new User(); user.setId(e.attributeValue("id")); user.setUsername(e.attributeValue("username")); user.setPassword(e.attributeValue("password")); user.setEmail(e.attributeValue("email")); user.setBirthday(new Date()); } catch (DocumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return user; } /* * find if user exist */ public boolean find(String username){ try { Document document = XmlUtils.getDocument(); Element e = (Element)document.selectSingleNode("//user[@username='"+username+"']"); if(e == null) return false; } catch (DocumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated cach block e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } }
/** * 正則表達式的\w在java字符串中,寫成\\w; * 典型的模式: * 1.郵箱:"\\w+@\\w+(\\.\\w+)+",其中\\w表示字母、數字、下劃線,例如lr@whu.edu.cn * 2.用戶名3-8個字母:"[a-zA-Z]{3,8}" * 3.密碼3-8位字母:"\\d{3,8}" * */ public boolean validate(){ boolean isOK =true; /* * username * 不容許爲空,所以必須加trim,由於""和" "是等同,所以用trim修剪空格 */ if(this.username == null || this.username.trim().equals("")){ isOK = false; errs.put("username", "username can not be empty"); }else{ if(!username.matches("[a-zA-Z]{3,8}")){ isOK = false; errs.put("username", "用戶名必須是3-8位字母"); } } /* * password * 不容許爲空,所以必須加trim,由於""和" "是等同,所以用trim修剪空格 */ if(this.password == null || this.password.trim().equals("")){ isOK = false; errs.put("password", "password can not be empty"); }else{ if(!password.matches("\\d{3,8}")){ isOK = false; errs.put("password", "password must be 3-8 digits"); } } /* * password2 * 不容許爲空,所以必須加trim,由於""和" "是等同,所以用trim修剪空格 */ if(this.password2 == null || this.password2.trim().equals("")){ isOK = false; errs.put("password2", "password2 can not be empty"); }else{ if(!password.equals(password2)){ isOK = false; errs.put("password2", "password2 not equals passwords"); } } /* * email * 不容許爲空,所以必須加trim,由於""和" "是等同,所以用trim修剪空格 */ if(this.email == null || this.email.trim().equals("")){ isOK = false; errs.put("email", "email can not be empty"); }else{ if(!email.matches("\\w+@\\w+(\\.\\w+)+")){ isOK = false; errs.put("email", "not the correct email format"); } } /** * birthday can be empty,but if not empty ,it must be al valid value */ if(!(this.birthday== null) && !this.birthday.trim().equals("")){ try{ DateLocaleConverter dlc = new DateLocaleConverter(); dlc.convert(this.birthday,"yyyy-MM-dd"); }catch(ConversionException e){ isOK = false; errs.put("birthday", "format is invalid"); } } return isOK; }
public static String generatieID(){ return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); }
/** * birthday can be empty,but if not empty ,it must be al valid value * * DateLocaleConverter 和 SimpleDateFormat * * 1. 使用DateLocaleConverter,convert方法轉換非法字符串拋出異常 * 2. 肯定字符串表示的日前是合法日期前提下,可使用SimpleDateFormat */ if(!(this.birthday== null) && !this.birthday.trim().equals("")){ try{ DateLocaleConverter dlc = new DateLocaleConverter(); // 利用convert方法拋異常的特性,驗證參數合法性 dlc.convert(this.birthday,"yyyy-MM-dd"); }catch(ConversionException e){ isOK = false; errs.put("birthday", "format is invalid"); } } SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { return df.parse(str); // parse字符串 } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new RuntimeException(e); }
myql>show variables like 'chara%' mysql>set character_set_client=gb2312; mysql>insert into employee(username) values('張三'); myql>select * from employee;
myql>show variables like 'chara%'; myql>set character_set_results=gb2312; myql>select * from employee;
修改安裝目錄下的my.ini文件,CLIENT SECTION部分的:default-character-set=gb2312
#修改配置文件 #修改安裝目錄下的my.ini文件, #CLIENT SECTION部分的:default-character-set=utf8 #省略 # CLIENT SECTION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The following options will be read by MySQL client applications. # Note that only client applications shipped by MySQL are guaranteed # to read this section. If you want your own MySQL client program to # honor these values, you need to specify it as an option during the # MySQL client library initialization. # [client] port=3306 [mysql] default-character-set=utf8 # SERVER SECTION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The following options will be read by the MySQL Server. Make sure that # you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this # file. # [mysqld] # The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on port=3306 #Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this. basedir="D:/Program Files (x86)/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/" #Path to the database root datadir="D:/Program Files (x86)/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/Data/" # The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is # created and no character set is defined default-character-set=utf8 #省略