軟件-編程軟件:Visual Studio Code

ylbtech-軟件-編程軟件:Visual Studio Code

Microsoft在2015年4月30日Build 開發者大會上正式宣佈了 Visual Studio Code 項目:一個運行於 Mac OS X、Windows和 Linux 之上的,針對於編寫現代 Web雲應用的跨平臺源代碼編輯器express

1. 產生背景返回頂部

這標誌着微軟公司第一次向開發者們提供了一款真正的跨平臺編輯器。 雖然完整版的 Visual Studio 仍然是隻能運行在 Windows 和 macOS(Mac OS X )之上,可是這一次的聲明向咱們展現了微軟公司對於支持其餘計算機平臺的承諾。編程

2. 發展歷程返回頂部
「不少人都使用Windows做爲他們的開發環境,可是咱們也注意到了,還有不少人使用 Linux 和 Mac「,Somasegar,微軟公司的開發者事業部總裁在這周稍早時候對筆者如是說道。」 咱們想讓他們可以在他們習慣的平臺上使用咱們公司的產品,而不是非要遷徙到 Windows 上「。這些平臺上的不少開發者們也更樂意於使用像 Sublime Text 這種 輕量級代碼編輯器,而非像 Visual Studio 這種 全特性IDE
3. 主要功能返回頂部
該編輯器也集成了全部一款現代編輯器所應該具有的特性,包括 語法高亮(syntax high lighting), 可定製的熱鍵綁定(customizable keyboard bindings), 括號匹配(bracket matching)以及 代碼片斷收集(snippets)。Somasegar 也告訴筆者這款編輯器也擁有對 Git開箱即用的支持。
7. 安裝程序返回頂部
MICROSOFT PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO CODE "INSIDERS" These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) and you. They apply to the software named above. The terms also apply to any Microsoft services or updates for the software, except to the extent those have different terms. IF YOU COMPLY WITH THESE LICENSE TERMS, YOU HAVE THE RIGHTS BELOW. 1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. a. General. You may use any number of copies of the software to develop and test your applications, including deployment within your internal corporate network. b. Demo use. The uses permitted above include use of the software in demonstrating your applications. c. Backup copy. You may make one or more backup copies of the software, for reinstalling the software. d. Third Party Programs. i. The software may include third party components with separate legal notices or governed by other agreements, as described in the ThirdPartyNotices file accompanying the software. Even if such components are governed by other agreements, the disclaimers and the limitations on and exclusions of damages below also apply. ii. The software contains third party components licensed under open source licenses with source code availability obligations. Copies of those licenses are included in the ThirdPartyNotices file or accompanying credits file. You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us if and as required under the relevant open source licenses by sending a money order or check for $5.00 to: Source Code Compliance Team, Microsoft Corporation, 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 USA. Please write "third party source code for Visual Studio Code" in the memo line of your payment.  We may also make the source available at http://thirdpartysource.microsoft.com/.
    e.    Extensions.  The software gives you the option to download other Microsoft and third party software packages from our extension marketplace or package managers. Those packages are under their own licenses, and not this agreement. Microsoft does not distribute, license or provide any warranties for any of the third party packages. 2.    TERM. The term of this agreement is ninety days. 3.    PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE. This software is a pre-release version. It may not operate correctly or work the way a final version of the software will. Microsoft may change it for the final, commercial version. Microsoft also may not release a commercial version.  Microsoft is not obligated to provide maintenance, technical support or updates to you for the software. 4.    DATA. The software may collect information about you and your use of the software, and send that to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. For this pre-release version, users cannot opt out of data collection. There may also be some features in the software that enable you to collect data from users of your applications. If you use these features to enable data collection in your applications, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications.  You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and the privacy statement at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=528096&clcid=0x409. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.

5.    UPDATES. The software may install automatic updates. By using the software, you agree to receive automatic updates without any additional notice, and permit Microsoft to download and install them for you. If you do not want automatic updates, you may turn them off by following the instructions in the documentation at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=616397.

6.    FEEDBACK. If you give feedback about the software to Microsoft, you give to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share and commercialize your feedback in any way and for any purpose. You will not give feedback that is subject to a license that requires Microsoft to license its software or documentation to third parties because we include your feedback in them. These rights survive this agreement. 7.    SCOPE OF LICENSE. The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Microsoft reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not * work around any technical limitations in the software; * reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the software except, and solely to the extent: (i) permitted by applicable law, despite this limitation; or (ii) required to debug changes to any libraries licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License which are included with and linked to by the software; * remove, minimize, block or modify any notices of Microsoft or its suppliers in the software; * use the software in any way that is against the law; or * share, publish, or lend the software, or provide the software  as a hosted solution for others to use, or transfer the software or this agreement to any third party. 8.    SUPPORT SERVICES. Because this software is "as is," we may not provide support services for it. 9.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services. 10.    EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. Microsoft software, online services, professional services and related technology are subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. You must comply with all applicable international and national laws including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions programs, and end-user, end use and destination restrictions by the U.S. and other governments related to Microsoft products, services and technologies.   For additional information, see www.microsoft.com/exporting. 11.    APPLICABLE LAW.  If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington law applies to interpretation of and claims for breach of this agreement, and the laws of the state where you live apply to all other claims. If you acquired the software in any other country, its laws apply. 12.    LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your state or country. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your state or country if the laws of your state or country do not permit it to do so. Without limiting the foregoing, for Australia, YOU HAVE STATUTORY GUARANTEES UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW AND NOTHING IN THESE TERMS IS INTENDED TO AFFECT THOSE RIGHTS. 13.    DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. THE SOFTWARE IS LICENSED "AS-IS." YOU BEAR THE RISK OF USING IT. MICROSOFT GIVES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES OR CONDITIONS. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER YOUR LOCAL LAWS, MICROSOFT EXCLUDES THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 14.    LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. YOU CAN RECOVER FROM MICROSOFT AND ITS SUPPLIERS ONLY DIRECT DAMAGES UP TO U.S. $5.00. YOU CANNOT RECOVER ANY OTHER DAMAGES, INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL, LOST PROFITS, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. This limitation applies to (a) anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party applications; and (b) claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law. It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your state or country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages. *   *   * Please note: As this software is distributed in Quebec, Canada, some of the clauses in this agreement are provided below in French. Remarque : Ce logiciel étant distribué au Québec, Canada, certaines des clauses dans ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en français. EXONÉRATION DE GARANTIE. Le logiciel visé par une licence est offert « tel quel ». Toute utilisation de ce logiciel est à votre seul risque et péril. Microsoft n’accorde aucune autre garantie express. Vous pouvez bénéficier de droits additionnels en vertu du droit local sur la protection duesc consommateurs, que ce contrat ne peut modifier. La ou elles sont permises par le droit local, les garanties implicites de qualité marchande, d’adéquation à un usage particulier et d’absence de contrefaçon sont exclues. LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES-INTÉRÊTS ET EXCLUSION DE RESPONSABILITÉ POUR LES DOMMAGES. Vous pouvez obtenir de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement à hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez prétendre à aucune indemnisation pour les autres dommages, y compris les dommages spéciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de bénéfices. Cette limitation concerne: (a) tout ce qui est relié au logiciel, aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code) figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers; et (b) les réclamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilité stricte, de négligence ou d’une autre faute dans la limite autorisée par la loi en vigueur. Elle s’applique également, même si Microsoft connaissait ou devrait connaître l’éventualité d’un tel dommage. Si votre pays n’autorise pas l’exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilité pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l’exclusion ci-dessus ne s’appliquera pas à votre égard. EFFET JURIDIQUE. Le présent contrat décrit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir d’autres droits prévus par les lois de votre pays. Le présent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous confèrent les lois de votre pays si celles ci ne le permettent pas *   *   *
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warn 做者:ylbtech