SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository + Diagnostics ......github
SmartSql 借鑑了 MyBatis 的思想,使用 XML 來管理 SQL ,而且提供了若干個篩選器標籤來消除代碼層面的各類 if/else 的判斷分支。數據庫
SmartSql將管理你的 SQL ,而且經過篩選標籤來維護原本你在代碼層面的各類條件判斷,使你的代碼更加優美。json
DotNet 體系下大都是 Linq 系的 ORM,Linq 很好,消除了開發人員對 SQL 的依賴。 但卻忽視了一點,SQL 自己並不複雜,並且在複雜查詢場景當中開發人員很難經過編寫Linq來生成良好性能的SQL,相信使用過EF的同窗必定有這樣的體驗:「我想好了Sql怎麼寫,而後再來寫Linq,完了可能還要再查看一下Linq輸出的Sql是什麼樣的「。這是很是糟糕的體驗。要想對Sql作絕對的優化,那麼開發者必須對Sql有絕對的控制權。另外Sql自己很簡單,爲什麼要增長一層翻譯器呢?緩存
Create Database SmartSqlSample GO
Use SmartSqlSample GO
Create Table T_Article ( Id bigint not null primary key identity(1,1), Title nvarchar(255) not null, Content nvarchar(max) null, Author nvarchar(255) null, Status int not null, CreateTime datetime not null default getdate(), ModifiedTime datetime not null default getdate() )
1. AspNetCore基礎庫
2. SmartSql.DI.Extension(咱們的主角)
3. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore(方便咱們接口測試)
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 <!--
3 //******************************* 4 // Create By Noah.Ji 5 // Date 2019-05-10 6 // Github : https://github.com/noahjzc/SmartSqlSample 7 //*******************************-->
8 <SmartSqlMapConfig xmlns="http://SmartSql.net/schemas/SmartSqlMapConfig.xsd">
9 <!-- 容許使用緩存(之後章節細講) -->
10 <Settings IsCacheEnabled="true" />
11 <!-- 屬性、特性配置節點,這裏只配置一個鏈接字符串 -->
12 <Properties>
13 <Property Name="ConnectionString" Value="Data Source=localhost;database=SmartSqlSample;uid=sa;pwd=123456" />
14 <Property Name="ReadOneConnectionString" Value="Data Source=;database=SmartSqlSample;uid=sa;pwd=123456" />
15 </Properties>
16 <!-- 數據庫配置 Start -->
17 <Database>
18 <DbProvider Name="SqlServer" />
19 <Write Name="Sample-Write" ConnectionString="${ConnectionString}" />
20 <!-- 多讀節點配置 -->
21 <!--
22 <Read Name="Sample-Node-1" ConnectionString="${ReadOneConnectionString}" Weight="60"/> 23 <Read Name="Sample-Node-2" ConnectionString="Data Source=456.456.456.456;database=SmartSqlSample;uid=sa;pwd=123456" Weight="40"/> 24 -->
25 </Database>
26 <!-- 數據庫配置 End -->
27 <!-- 數據Map配置 Start -->
28 <SmartSqlMaps>
29 <!-- 文件夾 -->
30 <SmartSqlMap Path="Maps" Type="Directory"></SmartSqlMap>
32 <!-- 文件夾及子集(遞歸獲取文件夾下全部Map文件) -->
33 <!--<SmartSqlMap Path="Maps" Type="DirectoryWithAllSub"></SmartSqlMap>-->
35 <!-- 單個文件 -->
36 <!--<SmartSqlMap Path="Maps/T_Article.xml" Type="File"></SmartSqlMap>-->
38 <!-- 嵌入式資源 -->
39 <!--<SmartSqlMap Path="SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.Maps.T_Article.xml, SmartSqlSampleChapterOne" Type="Embedded"></SmartSqlMap>-->
41 <!-- http資源 -->
42 <!--<SmartSqlMap Type="Uri" Path="https://smartsql.net/Maps/T_Article.xml" />-->
43 </SmartSqlMaps>
44 <!-- 數據Map配置 End -->
45 </SmartSqlMapConfig>
1 <SmartSqlMap Scope="Article" xmlns="http://SmartSql.net/schemas/SmartSqlMap.xsd">
2 ... 3 </SmartSqlMap>
<Statement Id="Insert"> INSERT INTO T_Article (Title ,Content ,Author ,Status ,CreateTime ,ModifiedTime ) VALUES (@Title ,@Content ,@Author ,@Status ,@CreateTime ,GetDate() ); SELECT Scope_Identity(); </Statement>
<Statement Id="Delete"> DELETE T_Article WHERE Id = @Id </Statement>
<Statement Id="Update"> UPDATE T_Article <Set> ModifiedTime = GetDate() <IsProperty Prepend="," Property="Title"> Title = @Title </IsProperty>
<IsProperty Prepend="," Property="Content"> Content = @Content </IsProperty>
<IsProperty Prepend="," Property="Author"> Author = @Author </IsProperty>
<IsProperty Prepend="," Property="Status"> Status = @Status </IsProperty>
<IsProperty Prepend="," Property="CreateTime"> CreateTime = @CreateTime </IsProperty>
</Set> Where id=@Id </Statement>
<Statement Id="QueryParams">
<IsGreaterEqual Prepend="And" Property="Id" CompareValue="0"> T.Id = @Id </IsGreaterEqual>
<IsNotEmpty Prepend="And" Property="Title"> T.Title Like '%'+@Title+'%' </IsNotEmpty>
<IsNotEmpty Prepend="And" Property="Ids"> T.Id IN @Ids </IsNotEmpty>
<Statement Id="Query"> SELECT T.* FROM T_Article T <Include RefId="QueryParams" />
<Switch Prepend="Order By" Property="OrderBy">
<Default> T.id Desc </Default>
<IsNotEmpty Prepend="Limit" Property="Taken">@Taken</IsNotEmpty>
<Statement Id="QueryByPage"> SELECT T.* FROM T_Article As T <Include RefId="QueryParams" />
<Switch Prepend="Order By" Property="OrderBy">
<Default> T.Id Desc </Default>
</Switch> Offset ((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) Rows Fetch Next @PageSize Rows Only; </Statement>
<Statement Id="GetRecord"> SELECT Count(1) FROM T_Article T <Include RefId="QueryParams" />
// register smartsql
services.AddSmartSql(builder => { builder.UseAlias("SmartSqlSampleChapterOne"); // 定義實例別名,在多庫場景下適用。 //.UseXmlConfig(ResourceType.File,"MyConfig.xml");
1 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; 2 using SmartSql; 3 using SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.Entity; 4 using System; 5 using System.Collections.Generic; 6
7 namespace SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.DataAccess 8 { 9 /// <summary>
10 ///
11 /// </summary>
12 public class ArticleDataAccess 13 { 14 private readonly ISqlMapper _sqlMapper; 15
16 /// <summary>
17 ///
18 /// </summary>
19 /// <param name="sp"></param>
20 public ArticleDataAccess(IServiceProvider sp) 21 { 22 _sqlMapper = sp.GetSmartSql("SmartSqlSampleChapterOne").SqlMapper; 23 } 24
25 /// <summary>
26 /// Insert 27 /// </summary>
28 /// <param name="article"></param>
29 /// <returns></returns>
30 public long Insert(T_Article article) 31 { 32 return _sqlMapper.ExecuteScalar<long>(new RequestContext 33 { 34 Scope = "Article", 35 SqlId = "Insert", 36 Request = article 37 }); 38 } 39
40 /// <summary>
41 /// Update 42 /// </summary>
43 /// <param name="article"></param>
44 /// <returns></returns>
45 public int Update(T_Article article) 46 { 47 return _sqlMapper.Execute(new RequestContext 48 { 49 Scope = "Article", 50 SqlId = "Update", 51 Request = article 52 }); 53 } 54
55 /// <summary>
56 /// DyUpdate 57 /// </summary>
58 /// <param name="updateObj"></param>
59 /// <returns></returns>
60 public int DyUpdate(object updateObj) 61 { 62 return _sqlMapper.Execute(new RequestContext 63 { 64 Scope = "Article", 65 SqlId = "Update", 66 Request = updateObj 67 }); 68 } 69
70 /// <summary>
71 /// Delete 72 /// </summary>
73 /// <param name="id"></param>
74 /// <returns></returns>
75 public int Delete(long id) 76 { 77 return _sqlMapper.Execute(new RequestContext 78 { 79 Scope = "Article", 80 SqlId = "Delete", 81 Request = new { Id = id } 82 }); 83 } 84
85 /// <summary>
86 /// GetById 87 /// </summary>
88 /// <param name="id"></param>
89 /// <returns></returns>
90 public T_Article GetById(long id) 91 { 92 return _sqlMapper.QuerySingle<T_Article>(new RequestContext 93 { 94 Scope = "Article", 95 SqlId = "GetEntity", 96 Request = new { Id = id } 97 }); 98 } 99
100 /// <summary>
101 /// Query 102 /// </summary>
103 /// <param name="queryParams"></param>
104 /// <returns></returns>
105 public IEnumerable<T_Article> Query(object queryParams) 106 { 107 return _sqlMapper.Query<T_Article>(new RequestContext 108 { 109 Scope = "Article", 110 SqlId = "Query", 111 Request = queryParams 112 }); 113 } 114
115 /// <summary>
116 /// GetRecord 117 /// </summary>
118 /// <param name="queryParams"></param>
119 /// <returns></returns>
120 public int GetRecord(object queryParams) 121 { 122 return _sqlMapper.ExecuteScalar<int>(new RequestContext 123 { 124 Scope = "Article", 125 SqlId = "GetRecord", 126 Request = queryParams 127 }); 128 } 129
130 /// <summary>
131 /// IsExist 132 /// </summary>
133 /// <param name="queryParams"></param>
134 /// <returns></returns>
135 public bool IsExist(object queryParams) 136 { 137 return _sqlMapper.QuerySingle<bool>(new RequestContext 138 { 139 Scope = "Article", 140 SqlId = "IsExist", 141 Request = queryParams 142 }); 143 } 144 } 145 }
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.DataAccess; using SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.Entity; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.Controllers { /// <summary>
/// </summary>
[Route("[controller]/[action]")] public class ArticleController : Controller { private readonly ArticleDataAccess _articleDataAccess; /// <summary>
/// constructor /// </summary>
/// <param name="articleDataAccess"></param>
public ArticleController(ArticleDataAccess articleDataAccess) { _articleDataAccess = articleDataAccess; } /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="article"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] public T_Article Add([FromBody] T_Article article) { article.Id = _articleDataAccess.Insert(article); return article; } /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpGet] public T_Article Get([FromQuery] long id) { return _articleDataAccess.GetById(id); } /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="article"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] public bool Update([FromBody] T_Article article) { return _articleDataAccess.Update(article) > 0; } /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <param name="status"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] public bool UpdateStatus([FromQuery] long id, [FromQuery] int status) { return _articleDataAccess.DyUpdate(new { Id = id, Status = status }) > 0; } /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpGet] public bool IsExist([FromQuery] long id) { return _articleDataAccess.IsExist(new { Id = id }); } /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpGet] public IEnumerable<T_Article> Query([FromQuery] string key = "") { return _articleDataAccess.Query(new { Title = key }); } } }
1 using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; 2 using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; 3 using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; 4 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; 5 using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; 6 using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger; 7 using System; 8 using System.IO; 9 using SmartSql.ConfigBuilder; 10 using SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.DataAccess; 11
12 namespace SmartSqlSampleChapterOne 13 { 14 public class Startup 15 { 16 public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) 17 { 18 Configuration = configuration; 19 } 20
21 public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } 22 // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. 23 // For more information on how to configure your application, visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398940
24 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) 25 { 26 services.AddMvc(); 27
28 services.AddLogging(logging =>
29 { 30 logging.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace); 31 logging.AddConsole(); 32 }); 33
34 // register smartsql
35 services.AddSmartSql(builder =>
36 { 37 builder.UseAlias("SmartSqlSampleChapterOne"); // 定義實例別名,在多庫場景下適用。 38 //.UseXmlConfig(ResourceType.File,"MyConfig.xml");
39 }); 40
41 // register data access
42 services.AddSingleton<ArticleDataAccess>(); 43
44 // register swagger
45 services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
46 { 47 c.SwaggerDoc("SmartSqlSampleChapterOne", new Info 48 { 49 Title = "SmartSqlSample.ChapterOne", 50 Version = "v1", 51 Description = "SmartSqlSample.ChapterOne"
52 }); 53 var filePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "SmartSqlSampleChapterOne.xml"); 54 if (File.Exists(filePath)) c.IncludeXmlComments(filePath); 55 }); 56
57 } 58
59 // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
60 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) 61 { 62 if (env.IsDevelopment()) app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); 63 app.UseMvc(); 64
65 app.UseSwagger(c => { }); 66 app.UseSwaggerUI(c => { c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/SmartSqlSampleChapterOne/swagger.json", "SmartSqlSampleChapterOne"); }); 67 } 68 } 69 }