deploy to remote server by one button click功能
使用插件前linux 我要發佈一個netcore的項目到阿里雲的windows服務器的話我通常須要以下的步驟:git 1. vs中發佈網站到c:/temp/website 目錄下github 2. 遠程桌面鏈接上遠程服務器WIN2012或者以上版本 在使用插件後 我只須要點一個按鈕。。。docker 1.iis deploy support (support increment deploy and rollback) | iis一鍵發佈自動部署 支持增量和回滾support deploy netcore project and netframework project to the remote server iis by one click.json if remote server not exist the website in iis.will automatically create.ubuntu require to install deploy agent in the remote windows 支持一鍵部署 netcore 和 netframework發佈到遠程機器的iis (支持mvc webapi)centos 支持website自動建立api 2.docker deploy support(support rollback ) | docker一鍵發佈自動部署support deploy netcore project to the remote linux server as a docker container by one click. test success in centos7+ and ubuntu 16.04 + no need deploy agent installed in the linux server. 支持 一鍵部署netcore項目發佈到linux服務器的docker容器 在 centos7+ 和ubuntu 16.04 + 測試成功 不須要在linux上安裝agent 3.window service delpoy support(support increment deploy and rollback) | windowsservice一鍵發佈自動部署support deploy netcore project and netframework project to the remote server windows services by one click. if service not exist on remote server will automatically create. require to install deploy agent in the remote windows server. 支持netcore和netframework發佈 支持windowsservice自動建立 注意:windowsservice的話須要在windows服務器上部署一個windows service服務。windows server deploy need install agent | agent下載地址和使用方法請參考:how to install agent: installed antdeploy vs plugin success| 安裝成功後 以下:IIS deploy page:Docker deploy page:WindowsService deploy page:setting page:how to set Quick Start
how antdeploy workhow antdeploy agent work in windows serverhow antdeploy work in linux serverSource Code QA & DEMO【demo】deploy netcore project to Docker : 【demo】deploy netframework mvc project to remote iis : 【demo】deploy netcore mvc project to remote iis : 【demo】deploy netframework windows service project to remote server : 【demo】deploy netcore windows service project to remote server : 【how to install agent in windows server】 【why need to install agent in windows server】 一鍵發佈工具(ant deploy tool)AntDeploy交流反饋QQ羣 Change LOG3.2
2.6增量發佈bug修復 2.5增量發佈功能:
注意:docker發佈不支持增量 2.4窗體改爲Showmodel模式 規避忘記關致使進程佔用操做vs會卡死的問題 2.3
/{文件夾名稱}?.+ 例如 : /runtimes?.+ 就表明排除掉publish下的整個runtimes文件夾 2.2vs插件:緊急修復運行插件後,關閉vs出現關不掉的bug 2.1