
服務端,採用 Mosquitto 來轉發分發消息。java



服務端 啓動 mosquitto

(底下的命令是我本身放到環境變量裏面的,經過alias 運行mosquitto)
IshallbeThatIshallbe:~ iamthat$ mosquitto_start
1427629906: mosquitto version 1.3.5 (build date 2014-10-27 15:12:32+0000) starting
1427629906: Config loaded from /usr/local/Cellar/mosquitto/1.3.5/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
IshallbeThatIshallbe:~ iamthat$ 1427629906: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1427629906: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.


客戶端代碼以下: 記住導入三個ibm 的jar 包。網絡

package mqtthelloworld;


public class Client1 {

	 private final static String CONNECTION_STRING = "tcp://";
	 private final static boolean CLEAN_START = true;
	 private final static short KEEP_ALIVE = 30;//低耗網絡,可是又須要及時獲取數據,心跳30s
	 private final static String CLIENT_ID = "client1";
	 private final static String[] SUBSCRIBE_TOPICS = {
	private final static int[] QOS_VALUES = {01};
	private static final String[] PUBLISH_TOPICS = {"gabriel"};
	private static final String publish_topic="gabriel"; 
	 private MqttClient mqttClient;
	 public Client1(){
	  try {
	   mqttClient = new MqttClient(CONNECTION_STRING);
	   SimpleCallbackHandler simpleCallbackHandler = new SimpleCallbackHandler();
	   mqttClient.connect(CLIENT_ID, CLEAN_START, KEEP_ALIVE);
	   mqttClient.subscribe(SUBSCRIBE_TOPICS, QOS_VALUES);//訂閱接主題
	    * 完成訂閱後,能夠增長心跳,保持網絡通暢,也能夠發佈本身的消息
	  } catch (MqttException e) {
	   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
	 private void publishMessage(String message) throws MqttNotConnectedException, MqttPersistenceException, IllegalArgumentException, MqttException{
		 mqttClient.publish(publish_topic, message.getBytes(), QOS_VALUES[0], true);
	 public static void main(String[] args) throws MqttNotConnectedException, MqttPersistenceException, IllegalArgumentException, MqttException {
		Client1 client1=new Client1();
		for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
			client1.publishMessage("testing Client1 and this is "+i+"th message published");


package mqtthelloworld;


public class SimpleCallbackHandler implements MqttSimpleCallback {

	   * 當客戶機和broker意外斷開時觸發
	   * 能夠再此處理從新訂閱
	  public void connectionLost() throws Exception {
	   // TODO Auto-generated method stub

	   * 客戶端訂閱消息後,該方法負責回調接收處理消息
	  public void publishArrived(String topicName, byte[] payload, int Qos, boolean retained) throws Exception {
	   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
	   System.out.println("訂閱主題: " + topicName);
	   System.out.println("消息數據: " + new String(payload));
	   System.out.println("消息級別(0,1,2): " + Qos);
	   System.out.println("是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): " + retained);




IshallbeThatIshallbe:bin iamthat$ mosquitto_sub -v -t 'gabriel'




運行Client1 結果以下:ide


IshallbeThatIshallbe:bin iamthat$ mosquitto_sub -v -t 'gabriel'
1427630077: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
1427630077: New client connected from ::1 as mosqsub/418-IshallbeTha (c1, k60).
1427630094: New connection from on port 1883.
1427630094: New client connected from as client1 (c1, k30).
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 0th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 1th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 2th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 3th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 4th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 5th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 6th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 7th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 8th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 9th message published


訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 0th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 1th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 2th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel





IshallbeThatIshallbe:bin iamthat$ mosquitto_pub -t 'gabriel' -m 'connecting to publisher'
IshallbeThatIshallbe:bin iamthat$ 



IshallbeThatIshallbe:bin iamthat$ mosquitto_sub -v -t 'gabriel'
1427630077: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
1427630077: New client connected from ::1 as mosqsub/418-IshallbeTha (c1, k60).
1427630094: New connection from on port 1883.
1427630094: New client connected from as client1 (c1, k30).
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 0th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 1th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 2th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 3th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 4th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 5th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 6th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 7th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 8th message published
gabriel testing Client1 and this is 9th message published
1427631029: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
1427631029: New client connected from ::1 as mosqpub/468-IshallbeTha (c1, k60).
gabriel connecting to publisher



訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 0th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 1th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 2th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 3th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 4th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 5th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 6th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 7th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 8th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel
消息數據: testing Client1 and this is 9th message published
消息級別(0,1,2): 1
是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false
訂閱主題: gabriel 消息數據: connecting to publisher 消息級別(0,1,2): 0 是不是實時發送的消息(false=實時,true=服務器上保留的最後消息): false 




就三種角色: 訂閱者,服務代理,發佈者。

客戶端訂閱者訂閱主題---》  服務代理broker-----> 反饋發佈者消息給訂閱者(消息的傳遞經過主題)

發佈者建立主題發佈消息---》服務端broker ---》反饋給訂閱者(消息傳遞經過主題)

訂閱者發送消息---》服務端broker---> 發佈者(消息傳遞經過主題)
