本來不支持 IQueryable 主要出於使用習慣的考慮,若是繼承 IQueryable,編寫代碼的智能總會提示出現一堆你不想使用的方法(對不起,我有強迫症),IQueryable 自身提供了一堆無法實現的方法,還有外部入侵的擴展方法,嚴重影響編碼體驗。以下圖:html
原覺得必須實現 IQueryable 才能夠實現,結果一次驚喜,原來只要有對應的方法就成。sql
雖然支持了,可是仍是推薦使用【鏈式 + lambda】 !!!編碼
此次功能更新,ISelect 增長了 5個方法,對【鏈式 + lambda】的用戶可能會形成少量影響,我在註釋上標明瞭,以下圖:code
特別是 .Select(),原先沒有支持,該功能與 ToList(a => new Dto{}) 合併實現的。htm
若是必定要使用 .Select() 方法,請務必在 .ToList() 以前調用它;繼承
請減小圖中方法在【鏈式 + labmda】模式下的使用;事務
全部 ISelect 均可以使用 linq to sql,包括 Repository、DbContext;get
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() where a.id == item.id select a ).ToList();
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() where a.id == item.id select new { a.id } ).ToList();
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() where a.id == item.id select new { a.id, a.name, testsub = new { time = a.age > 10 ? "大於" : "小於或等於" } } ).ToList();
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId select a ).ToList(); var t2 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId select new { a.id, bid = b.id } ).ToList(); var t3 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId where a.id == item.id select new { a.id, bid = b.id } ).ToList();
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into temp from tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select a ).ToList(); var t2 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into temp from tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { a.id, bid = tc.id } ).ToList(); var t3 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into temp from tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() where a.id == item.id select new { a.id, bid = tc.id } ).ToList();
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() from b in fsql.Select<School>() where a.id == b.StudentId select a ).ToList(); var t2 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() from b in fsql.Select<School>() where a.id == b.StudentId select new { a.id, bid = b.id } ).ToList(); var t3 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() from b in fsql.Select<School>() where a.id == b.StudentId where a.id == item.id select new { a.id, bid = b.id } ).ToList();
var t1 = ( from a in fsql.Select<Student>() where a.id == item.id group a by new {a.id, a.name } into g select new { g.Key.id, g.Key.name, cou = g.Count(), avg = g.Avg(g.Value.age), sum = g.Sum(g.Value.age), max = g.Max(g.Value.age), min = g.Min(g.Value.age) } ).ToList();
(二十四)Linq To Sql 語法使用介紹