緣由: 實際參數列表和形式參數列表長度不一樣,看報錯信息指向java
The builder annotation creates a so-called
If a member is annotated, it must be either a constructor or a method. If a class is annotated, then a private constructor is generated with all fields as arguments (as if @AllArgsConstructor(AccessLevel.PRIVATE) is present on the class), and it is as if this constructor has been annotated with @Builder instead.
The effect
of @Builder is that an inner class is generated named TBuilder, with a private constructor. Instances of TBuilder are made with the method named builder() which is also generated for you in the class itself (not in the builder class).
The TBuilder
class contains 1 method for each parameter of the annotated constructor / method (each field, when annotating a class), which returns the builder itself. The builder also has a build() method which returns a completed instance of the original type, created by passing all parameters as set via the various other methods in the builder to the constructor or method that was annotated with @Builder. The return type of this method will be the same as the relevant class, unless a method has been annotated, in which case it
@Builder默認的實現方式是在類上添加@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PACKAGE)spa