Android NDK學習(1) 簡介


1、What is the NDK?java

The Android NDK is a toolset that lets you embed components that make use of native code in your Android

Android applications run in the Dalvik virtual machine. The NDK allows you to implement parts of your applications using native-code languages such as C and C++. This can provide benefits to certain classes of applications, in the form of reuse of existing code and in some cases increased speed.ide

 Android NDK是一個工具集合,它可讓你利用原生代碼在你的Android Applications中嵌入組件。。工具


NDK全稱:Native Development Kit。設計

Android NDK 是配合 Android SDK 的工具,Google 推出NDK的目的不是爲了取代Android SDK ,固然也不可能徹底取代,它只是做爲Android SDK  的一個補充。用來編譯應用的原生代碼。code


  * NDK提供了一系列的工具,幫助開發者快速開發C(或C++)的動態庫,並能自動將so和java應用一塊兒打包成apk。這些工具對開發者的幫助是巨大的。orm

  * NDK集成了交叉編譯器,並提供了相應的mk文件隔離CPU、平臺、ABI等差別,開發人員只須要簡單修改mk文件(指出「哪些文件須要編譯」、「編譯特性要求」等),就能夠建立出so。

  * NDK能夠自動地將so和Java應用一塊兒打包,極大地減輕了開發人員的打包工做。



2、What is the JNI?

 THE Java Native Interface (JNI) is a powerful feature of the Java platform.

Applications that use the JNI can incorporate native code written in programming languages such as C and C++, as well as code written in the Java programming language. The JNI allows programmers to take advantage of the power of the Java platform, without having to abandon their investments in legacy code. Because the JNI is a part of the Java platform, programmers can address interoperability issues once, and expect their solution to work with all implementations of the Java platform. 

JNI是Java Native Interface的縮寫,中文爲JAVA本地調用。從Java1.1開始,Java Native Interface(JNI)標準成爲java平臺的一部分,它容許Java代碼和其餘語言寫的代碼進行交互。JNI一開始是爲了本地已編譯語言,尤爲是C和C++而設計的,可是它並不妨礙你使用其餘語言,只要調用約定受支持就能夠了。
