C++ opencv Image visual enhancement - false color(圖像視覺效果加強-僞彩色)


  • --->Today, a new feature has been briefly implemented, which is the ability to read 16-bit images and enhance false-color visuals.I personally feel that various languages are still good for C++,python is very popular, but the execution efficiency in the project is really uncomfortable.

若是你真的瞭解opencv等,你會發現,opencv默認讀取的是8位圖像數據,若是須要讀取16位深度的圖像,你須要進行相應的處理。你會奇怪位深度對於一個圖像有什麼用,位深度用於指定圖像中的每一個像素能夠使用的顏色信息數量。每一個像素使用的信息位數越多,可用的顏色就越多,顏色表現就更逼真。例如,位深度爲 1 的圖像的像素有兩個可能的值:黑色和白色。位深度爲 8 的圖像有 28(即 256)個可能的值。位深度爲 8 的灰度模式圖像有 256 個可能的灰色值。RGB 圖像由三個顏色通道組成。8 位/像素的 RGB 圖像中的每一個通道有 256 個可能的值,這意味着該圖像有 1600 萬個以上可能的顏色值。有時將帶有 8 位/通道 (bpc) 的 RGB 圖像稱做 24 位圖像(8 位 x 3 通道 = 24 位數據/像素)。除了 8 位/通道的圖像以外,Photoshop 還能夠處理包含 16 位/通道或 32 位/通道的圖像。包含 32 位/通道的圖像也稱做高動態範圍 (HDR) 圖像。windows

  • --->If you really understand opencv and so on, you will find that opencv reads 8-bit image data by default, and if you need to read 16-bit depth image, you need to process accordingly.You wonder what bit depth is good for an image. Bit depth is used to specify the amount of color information that each pixel in the image can use.The more bits of information each pixel USES, the more colors are available and the more realistic the color presentation.For example, the pixels of an image with a bit depth of 1 have two possible values: black and white.An image with a bit depth of 8 has 28(256) possible values.A grayscale image with a bit depth of 8 has 256 possible gray values.The RGB image consists of three color channels.Each channel in an 8-bit/pixel RGB image has 256 possible values, which means that the image has more than 16 million possible color values.RGB images with 8 bit/channel (BPC) are sometimes referred to as 24 bit images (8 bit x 3 channel = 24 bit data/pixel).In addition to 8-bit/channel images, Photoshop can also process images containing 16-bit/channel or 32-bit/channel.Images containing 32 bits/channels are also known as high dynamic range (HDR) images.


  • ---->Grayscale is the most direct visual feature to describe the content of grayscale image.It refers to the color depth of the point in the black and white image, ranging from 0 to 255, white is 255, black is 0, so the black and white image is also called grayscale image.The value of the gray-scale image matrix element is usually [0,255], so its data type is generally an 8-bit unsigned integer, which is commonly referred to as the 256-level gray-scale.The transformation of grayscale image into color image is called pseudo-color processing of grayscale image.There are many ways to realize the pseudo-color processing technology, such as: gray segmentation method, gray grade-color transformation method, filtering method and so on.The following is the graygrade-color transformation method, which is used to feed the grayscale image from the sensor into the R, G, and B converters with three different features, and then send the different outputs of the three converters to the color display for display.


  • ---->You can see the bit depth in the image properties -->


  • ---->After understanding these, you can use opencv to load 16-bit image data, in fact, precisely, no matter in what kind of form to load, for human visual difference is not particularly big, for Windows will be optimized, finally converted to 8 bits for display, refer to my code, you can read the 16-bit image.
Mat img = imread("./1.tif", cv::IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL | cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH);
cout << "源文件位深度:"<<img.depth() << endl;
Mat image(img.rows,img.cols,CV_16U);
for (int i = 0;i < image.rows;i++)
	for (int j = 0;j < image.cols;j++)
		image.at<short>(i, j) = img.at<short>(i, j);


  • ---->In this case, the bit depth of the output source file is 16 bit, and if it is read directly, it will get 8 bit.


  • ---->Then, i define three single-channel RGB, a 16-bit depth,channel.Refer to my code below:
Mat R(image.rows,image.cols,CV_16U);
Mat G(image.rows,image.cols,CV_16U);
Mat B(image.rows,image.cols,CV_16U);
R = image.clone();
G = image.clone();
B = image.clone();
cout << "R文件位深度:"<< R.depth() << endl;
cout << "G文件位深度:"<< G.depth() << endl;
cout << "B文件位深度:"<< B.depth() << endl;

那麼,如何將16位數據進行僞彩色的轉換呢,這是個問題,值得思考。 spa


  • ---->So, how to convert 16-bit data to pseudo-color is a problem worth thinking about.
  • The mapping relationship is as follows, where R(x,y), G(x,y) and B(x,y) represent the color values of channels R, G and B, respectively; f(x,y) represents the gray value of the grayscale image of a specific point; f is the gray value of the selected gray image.However, you have to understand that the relationship here is the transformation of 8 bitmaps.


---->I did a simple correspondence, this is a very simple one, it's just a linear correspondence, but you have to know, this is bad, but you can do it this way.

int rows = image.rows;
int cols = image.cols;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
		int current = image.at<short>(i, j);//uchar 8位
		if ( current  >= 0 && current <= 16448)
			R.at<short>(i, j) = 0;
			G.at<short>(i, j) = 4 * current;
			B.at<short>(i, j) = 65535;
		else if (16448 < current && current <= 32896)
			R.at<short>(i, j) = 0;
			G.at<short>(i, j) = 65535;
			B.at<short>(i, j) = (-4)*(current-32896);
		else if (32896 < current && current <= 49344)
			R.at<short>(i, j) = 4 * (current - 32896);
			G.at<short>(i, j) = 65535;
			B.at<short>(i, j) = 0;
			R.at<short>(i, j) = 65535;
			G.at<short>(i, j) = (-4)*(current - 65535);
			B.at<short>(i, j) = 0;




原型:<1>C++: void merge(const Mat* mv, size_tcount, OutputArray dst);
          <2>C++: void merge(InputArrayofArrays mv,OutputArray dst);

        第一個參數:mv,填須要被合併的輸入矩陣 或 vector容器的陣列;

  • ---->Finally, it's a merge of three channels, using the function merge().

    Merge () function: the reverse of the split() function, which merges multiple arrays into a multichannel array, merges a given set of isolated single-channel arrays into a multichannel array to create a multichannel array consisting of multiple single-channel arrays.

    Prototype: <1>C++: void merge(const Mat* mv, size_tcount, OutputArray dst);
                     <2>C++: void merge(InputArrayofArrays mv,OutputArray dst);

Variables are introduced as follows:

(1)The first parameter: mv, filling the array of input matrix or vector containers that need to be merged;

        (2)The second parameter: count, when mv is a blank C array, represents the number of input matrix, which must be greater than 1 obviously;

       (3)The third parameter: DST, the output matrix, has the same size and depth as mv[0], and the number of channels is the total number of channels in the matrix array.

Mat imgArray[3];
imgArray[0] = R;
imgArray[1] = G;
imgArray[2] = B;
Mat newImg;
merge(imgArray, 3, newImg);
cout << "out文件位深度:"<< newImg.depth() << endl;


  • ---->result:

 my main code:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    輸入深度(src.depth()) 輸出深度(ddepth)
    CV_8U -1 / CV_16S / CV_32F / CV_64F
    CV_16U / CV_16S -1 / CV_32F / CV_64F
    CV_32F -1 / CV_32F / CV_64F
    CV_64F -1 / CV_64F
    當ddepth = -1時,輸出圖像將具備與源相同的深度。
    /*depth 圖像元素的位深度,能夠是下面的其中之一:
                 位深度                                      取值範圍
    IPL_DEPTH_8U - 無符號8位整型                               0--255
    IPL_DEPTH_8S - 有符號8位整型                             -128--127
    IPL_DEPTH_16U - 無符號16位整型                             0--65535
    IPL_DEPTH_16S - 有符號16位整型                       -32768--32767
    IPL_DEPTH_32S - 有符號32位整型                              0--65535
    IPL_DEPTH_32F - 單精度浮點數                               0.0--1.0
    IPL_DEPTH_64F - 雙精度浮點數                                0.0--1.0
    • CV_8U - 8-bit unsigned integers ( 0..255 )
    • CV_8S - 8-bit signed integers ( -128..127 )
    • CV_16U - 16-bit unsigned integers ( 0..65535 )
    • CV_16S - 16-bit signed integers ( -32768..32767 )
    • CV_32S - 32-bit signed integers ( -2147483648..2147483647 )
    • CV_32F - 32-bit floating-point numbers ( -FLT_MAX..FLT_MAX, INF, NAN )
    • CV_64F - 64-bit floating-point numbers ( -DBL_MAX..DBL_MAX, INF, NAN )
        #define CV_8U   0
        #define CV_8S   1
        #define CV_16U  2
        #define CV_16S  3
        #define CV_32S  4
        #define CV_32F  5
        #define CV_64F  6
        #define CV_USRTYPE1 7
     原型:<1>C++: void merge(const Mat* mv, size_tcount, OutputArray dst);
          <2>C++: void merge(InputArrayofArrays mv,OutputArray dst);
        第一個參數:mv,填須要被合併的輸入矩陣 或 vector容器的陣列;
    return a.exec();

 ​​​I hope I can help you,If you have any questions, please  comment on this blog or send me a private message. I will reply in my free time.
