參考: http://www.smartmarmot.com/wiki/index.php?title=Orabbixphp
Orabbix是設計用來爲zabbix監控Oracle數據庫的插件,它提供多層次的監控,包括可用性和服務器性能指標。 它提供了從衆多Oracle實例採集數據的有效機制,進而提供此信息的監控和性能指標。而後,您能夠利用的zabbix的報告功能爲收集的全部數據,並提供分析。目前的發行版中包含了一組預先定義的模板,包括從初始部署警報和圖形功能。然而,這些能夠進行微調,以知足您的需求和數據/監控要求。數據庫
- 數據庫版本
- 歸檔日誌與生產趨勢分析
- 觸發器,表/過程等命中率
- 邏輯I / O性能
- 物理I / O性能
- 共享池
- Sessions
- 數據庫大小
- Zabbix 2.2.9 Server * Java Runtime Environment 6 * RHEL5.3 * IP:
- DB Server: * Oracle 11g * IP:
第二步:下載Orabbix到Zabbix Server上 http://www.smartmarmot.com/product/orabbix/download/app
On the Zabbix Server(
#unzip Orabbix to: /opt/orabbix [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# pwd /opt/orabbix [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# ll orabbix-1.2.3.zip -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 4858160 Oct 13 06:50 orabbix-1.2.3.zip [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# unzip orabbix-1.2.3.zip [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# tree -L 1 ./ ./ |-- conf |-- doc |-- init.d |-- install.cmd |-- lib |-- logs |-- orabbix-1.2.3.jar |-- orabbix-1.2.3.zip |-- orabbix.exe |-- orabbixw.exe |-- run.bat |-- run.sh |-- template |-- uninstall.cmd #Copy file /opt/orabbix/init.d/orabbix to /etc/init.d/orabbix [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# cp /opt/orabbix/init.d/orabbix /etc/init.d/orabbix #Grant execute permissions to the following files: [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/orabbix [root@hzbacksto orabbix]# chmod 755 /opt/orabbix/run.sh
#On the DB Server( CREATE TABLESPACE TBS_ZABBIX_01 DATAFILE '/home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/cha/tbs_zabbix_01.dbf' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED LOGGING ONLINE EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE BLOCKSIZE 8K SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO FLASHBACK ON; CREATE USER ZABBIX IDENTIFIED BY pass DEFAULT TABLESPACE TBS_ZABBIX_01 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP PROFILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK; GRANT CONNECT TO ZABBIX; GRANT RESOURCE TO ZABBIX; ALTER USER ZABBIX DEFAULT ROLE ALL; GRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO ZABBIX; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ZABBIX; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO ZABBIX; GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO ZABBIX; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO ZABBIX; exec dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl(acl => 'resolve.xml',description => 'resolve acl', principal =>'ZABBIX', is_grant => true, privilege => 'resolve'); exec dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl(acl => 'resolve.xml', host =>'*'); commit; #verify the above is correct by running select utl_inaddr.get_host_name('') from dual; #On the Zabbix Server( chkconfig --add orabbix chkconfig --list
cp /opt/orabbix/conf/config.props.sample config.props #comma separed list of Zabbix servers ZabbixServerList=ZabbixServer1 #此處的ZabbixServer1與如下兩行開頭對應 ZabbixServer1.Address= #zabbixserver地址 ZabbixServer1.Port=10051 #zabbixserver端口 #pidFile OrabbixDaemon.PidFile=./logs/orabbix.pid #frequency of item's refresh OrabbixDaemon.Sleep=300 #MaxThreadNumber should be >= than the number of your databases OrabbixDaemon.MaxThreadNumber=100 #put here your databases in a comma separated list DatabaseList=cha # 名稱與該機在 zabbix 中監控的主機名稱保持一致 #Configuration of Connection pool #if not specified Orabbis is going to use default values (hardcoded) #Maximum number of active connection inside pool DatabaseList.MaxActive=10 #The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait #(when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned #before throwing an exception, or <= 0 to wait indefinitely. DatabaseList.MaxWait=100 DatabaseList.MaxIdle=1 #define here your connection string for each database cha.Url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ #經過jbdc鏈接,確保系統有jdk環境 cha.User=zabbix cha.Password=pass #Those values are optionals if not specified Orabbix is going to use the general values cha.MaxActive=10 cha.MaxWait=100 cha.MaxIdle=1 cha.QueryListFile=./conf/query.props #此句指定數據查詢文件,可針對不一樣數據庫,定製不一樣的查詢文件 #DB2.Url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@server2.domain.example.com:<LISTENER_PORT>:DB2 #DB2.User=zabbix #DB2.Password=zabbix_password #DB2.QueryListFile=./conf/query.props #DB3.Url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@server3.domain.example.com:<LISTENER_PORT>:DB3 #DB3.User=zabbix #DB3.Password=zabbix_password #DB3.QueryListFile=./conf/query.props
[root@hzbacksto conf]# /etc/init.d/orabbix start [root@hzbacksto ~]# tail -f /opt/orabbix/logs/orabbix.log 2015-10-13 03:32:32,773 [main] INFO Orabbix - maxPoolSize=10 2015-10-13 03:32:32,773 [main] INFO Orabbix - maxIdleSize=1 2015-10-13 03:32:32,773 [main] INFO Orabbix - maxIdleTime=1800000ms 2015-10-13 03:32:32,773 [main] INFO Orabbix - poolTimeout=100 2015-10-13 03:32:32,773 [main] INFO Orabbix - timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1 2015-10-13 03:32:32,773 [main] INFO Orabbix - numTestsPerEvictionRun=3 2015-10-13 03:32:33,283 [main] INFO Orabbix - Connected as ZABBIX 2015-10-13 03:32:33,286 [main] INFO Orabbix - --------- on Database -> cha 2015-10-13 03:32:34,344 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO Orabbix - Done with dbJob on database cha QueryList elapsed time 998 ms
將該模板 Orabbix_export_full.xml下載到本機,導入zabbix server template中
[root@hzbacksto template]# pwd /opt/orabbix/template [root@hzbacksto template]# ll total 236 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 107257 Oct 25 2011 Orabbix_export_full.xml