Mustache 是一個 logic-less (輕邏輯)模板解析引擎,它的優點在於能夠應用在 Javascript、PHP、Python、Perl 等多種編程語言中。這裏主要是看JavaScript中的應用。Javascript 語言的模板引擎,目前流行有 Mustache、Hogan、doT.js、JsRender、Kendo UI Templates等,html
Mustache 的模板語法很簡單,就那麼幾個: {{keyName}} {{#keyName}} {{/keyName}} {{^keyName}} {{/keyName}} {{.}} {{<partials}} {{{keyName}}} {{!comments}}
var view = { title: "Joe", calc: function () { return 2 + 4; } }; var output = Mustache.render("<p>{{title}} spends {{calc}}</p>", view);
mustache的模板就是一段字符串,裏面編寫了任意多的mustache tags,都是使用 {{key}} 來進行佔位,若是渲染數據沒有對應的數據就會渲染爲空,須要注意的是{{}}這樣書寫是不會html轉譯的,渲染數據裏面書寫的html標籤會被轉化爲實體,可使用{{{}}}或者{{&name}},若是不想{{}}被mustache解析渲染的話可使用 {{=<% %>=}} {{key}} <%={{ }}=%> 將忽略出包起來。編程
View: { "name": "Chris", "company": "<b>GitHub</b>" } Template: * {{name}} //* Chris * {{age}} //* * {{company}} //* <b>GitHub</b> * {{{company}}} //* <b>GitHub</b> * {{&company}} //* <b>GitHub</b> {{=<% %>=}} * {{company}} //* {{company}} <%={{ }}=%>
JavaScript's dot notation may be used to access keys that are properties of objects in a view.數組
View: { "name": { "first": "Michael", "last": "Jackson" }, "age": "RIP" } Template: * {{name.first}} {{name.last}} * {{age}} Output: * Michael Jackson * RIP
區塊內的部分可能會被渲染一次或者屢次,根據模板中的具體展現,區塊一樣是使用兩個tag標誌起始和結束,{{#key}} {{/key}}
If the person key does not exist, or exists and has a value of null, undefined, false, 0, or NaN, or is an empty string or an empty list, the block will not be rendered.
View: { "stooges": [ { "name": "Moe" }, { "name": "Larry" }, { "name": "Curly" } ] } Template: {{#stooges}} //<b>Moe</b> <b>{{name}}</b> //<b>Larry</b> {{/stooges}} //<b>Curly</b>
{{#musketeers}} * {{.}} {{/musketeers}}
View: { "beatles": [ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Lennon" }, { "firstName": "Paul", "lastName": "McCartney" }, { "firstName": "George", "lastName": "Harrison" }, { "firstName": "Ringo", "lastName": "Starr" } ], "name": function () { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; } } Template: {{#beatles}} * {{name}} {{/beatles}} Output: * John Lennon * Paul McCartney * George Harrison * Ringo Starr
If the value of a section key is a function, it is called with the section's literal block of text, un-rendered, as its first argument. The second argument is a special rendering function that uses the current view as its view argument. It is called in the context of the current view object. View: { "name": "Tater", "bold": function () { return function (text, render) { return "<b>" + render(text) + "</b>"; } } } Template: {{#bold}}Hi {{name}}.{{/bold}} Output: <b>Hi Tater.</b>
這個和塊區更像是一個組合,對應 if else這種狀況,塊區實在key有內容的時候來進行渲染,反轉塊區偏偏相反,在沒有內容的時候來進行渲染,這也很符合web開發的情景,
View: { "repos": [] } Template: {{#repos}}<b>{{name}}</b>{{/repos}} {{^repos}}No repos :({{/repos}} Output: No repos :(
Comments begin with a bang and are ignored. The following template:
<h1>Today{{! ignore me }}.</h1>
Will render as follows:
{{!comment}} 這就是註釋了
子模塊就是當渲染的數據比較的複雜的時候就能夠考慮使用分割來進行部分一快一塊的渲染,{{> block}}
For example, this template and partial: base.mustache: <h2>Names</h2> {{#names}} {{> user}} {{/names}} user.mustache: <strong>{{name}}</strong> Can be thought of as a single, expanded template: <h2>Names</h2> {{#names}} <strong>{{name}}</strong> {{/names}} In mustache.js an object of partials may be passed as the third argument to Mustache.render. The object should be keyed by the name of the partial, and its value should be the partial text. Mustache.render(template, view, { user: userTemplate });