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建立MainCameraScript.cs腳本 MainCameraScript.cs 佈局
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MainCameraScript : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
建立NGUI根節點的方法 字體
private GameObject Window{ set; get;} void CreateUI() { //建立根節點 this.Window = NGUITools.CreateUI(false).gameObject; }
在Window上添加滾動子視圖 this
void CreateUI() { //建立根節點 this.Window = NGUITools.CreateUI(false).gameObject; //在根節點上建立一個UIScrollView子控件 UIScrollView scrollView = NGUITools.AddChild<UIScrollView> (this.Window); }
在滾動視圖上添加Grid表格調整佈局 spa
void CreateUI() { //建立根節點 this.Window = NGUITools.CreateUI(false).gameObject; //在根節點上建立一個UIScrollView子控件 UIScrollView scrollView = NGUITools.AddChild<UIScrollView> (this.Window); //在滾動視圖上添加UIGrid子控件,來調整佈局 UIGrid grid = NGUITools.AddChild<UIGrid> (scrollView.gameObject); //設置grid表格的佈局方向 grid.arrangement = UIGrid.Arrangement.Horizontal; grid.cellWidth = 100.0f; grid.cellHeight = 100.0f; grid.animateSmoothly = false; }
添加建立Label的方法 code
/// <summary> /// 建立一個小Label控件 /// </summary> /// <returns> The label item.</returns> UILabel CreateLabelItem(string name,GameObject parent) { //建立一個Lalel控件 UILabel label = NGUITools.AddChild<UILabel> (parent); //修改Label的字體及顏色 Font f = (Font)Resources.Load ("Arial", typeof(Font)); label.bitmapFont = NGUITools.AddMissingComponent<UIFont> (label.gameObject); label.bitmapFont.dynamicFont = f; label.color = Color.red; //設置Label要顯示的文字 label.text = name; //添加滾動ScrollView時要用到的碰撞器和腳本 label.autoResizeBoxCollider = true; NGUITools.AddMissingComponent<UIDragScrollView> (label.gameObject); NGUITools.AddMissingComponent<BoxCollider> (label.gameObject); //從新調整碰撞器的大小 label.ResizeCollider (); return label; }
在Grid上添加10個Label控件 對象
void CreateUI() { //建立根節點 this.Window = NGUITools.CreateUI(false).gameObject; //在根節點上建立一個UIScrollView子控件 UIScrollView scrollView = NGUITools.AddChild<UIScrollView> (this.Window); //在滾動視圖上添加UIGrid子控件,來調整佈局 UIGrid grid = NGUITools.AddChild<UIGrid> (scrollView.gameObject); //設置grid表格的佈局方向 grid.arrangement = UIGrid.Arrangement.Horizontal; grid.cellWidth = 100.0f; grid.cellHeight = 100.0f; grid.animateSmoothly = false; //在Grid表格上添加20個Label對象 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { CreateLabelItem (Random.Range (100, 999).ToString(), grid.gameObject); } //從新排版 grid.Reposition (); }
整個MainCameraScript.cs的代碼以下 ip
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MainCameraScript : MonoBehaviour { private GameObject Window{ set; get;} void CreateUI() { //建立根節點 this.Window = NGUITools.CreateUI(false).gameObject; //在根節點上建立一個UIScrollView子控件 UIScrollView scrollView = NGUITools.AddChild<UIScrollView> (this.Window); //在滾動視圖上添加UIGrid子控件,來調整佈局 UIGrid grid = NGUITools.AddChild<UIGrid> (scrollView.gameObject); //設置grid表格的佈局方向 grid.arrangement = UIGrid.Arrangement.Horizontal; grid.cellWidth = 100.0f; grid.cellHeight = 100.0f; grid.animateSmoothly = false; //在Grid表格上添加20個Label對象 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { CreateLabelItem (Random.Range (100, 999).ToString(), grid.gameObject); } //從新排版 grid.Reposition (); } /// <summary> /// 建立一個小Label控件 /// </summary> /// <returns> The label item.</returns> UILabel CreateLabelItem(string name,GameObject parent) { //建立一個Lalel控件 UILabel label = NGUITools.AddChild<UILabel> (parent); //修改Label的字體及顏色 Font f = (Font)Resources.Load ("Arial", typeof(Font)); label.bitmapFont = NGUITools.AddMissingComponent<UIFont> (label.gameObject); label.bitmapFont.dynamicFont = f; label.color = Color.red; //設置Label要顯示的文字 label.text = name; //添加滾動ScrollView時要用到的碰撞器和腳本 label.autoResizeBoxCollider = true; NGUITools.AddMissingComponent<UIDragScrollView> (label.gameObject); NGUITools.AddMissingComponent<BoxCollider> (label.gameObject); //從新調整碰撞器的大小 label.ResizeCollider (); return label; } // Use this for initialization void Start () { CreateUI (); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
效果以下 開發