read() 【即 fileObject().read( [size] ) 】this
with open(r'../learn_file/file_to_read.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as fb: content = fb.read() print(type(content)) print(content) # 輸出: # <class 'str'> # line 1: Hello, Mike. # line 2: Nice to meet you. I'm Nick. # line 3: Welcome to Shenzhen. # line 4: Thx, it is really a beautiful city. I enjoy my time here. # line 5: It is. Shall we go for some coffee this afternoon. # line 6:Sure. And I want to discuss some details about the project we're going to work for
readline() 【即 fileObject.readline( [size] ),[size]表示可選參數。】utf-8
#Python學習交流羣:778463939 with open(r'../learn_file/file_to_read.txt', encoding='UTF-8', mode='r+') as fb: while True: content = fb.readline().replace('\n', '') # content = fb.readlines() # if not content: # break if content: print(type(content), content) else: break # print(type(content)) # print(type(content), content) print(fb.name) # 輸出: # <class 'str'> line 1: Hello, Mike. # <class 'str'> line 2: Nice to meet you. I'm Nick. # <class 'str'> line 3: Welcome to Shenzhen. # <class 'str'> line 4: Thx, it is really a beautiful city. I enjoy my time here. # <class 'str'> line 5: It is. Shall we go for some coffee this afternoon. # <class 'str'> line 6:Sure. And I want to discuss some details about the project we're going to work for. # ../learn_file/file_to_read.txt
readlines() 【即 fileObject.readlines( [sizeint] ),[sizeint] 表示可選參數】it
特色:從文件一次讀取全部行並返回列表,若給定sizeint > 0,返回總和大約爲sizeint字節的行class
with open(r'../learn_file/file_to_read.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as fb: content = fb.readlines() print(type(content)) for line in content: print(type(line), line.replace('\n', '')) # 輸出 # <class 'list'> # <class 'str'> line 1: Hello, Mike. # <class 'str'> line 2: Nice to meet you. I'm Nick. # <class 'str'> line 3: Welcome to Shenzhen. # <class 'str'> line 4: Thx, it is really a beautiful city. I enjoy my time here. # <class 'str'> line 5: It is. Shall we go for some coffee this afternoon. # <class 'str'> line 6:Sure. And I want to discuss some details about the project we're going to work for.