- 給定兩張表buy和fork分別記錄用戶的購買記錄、收藏記錄
- 返回狀態「已收藏已購買」「已收藏未購買」「未收藏已購買」,以(0,1)表示
create table buy(user_id int,item_id int,buy_time DATE); create table fork(user_id int,item_id int ,fork_time DATE); insert into buy values(0001,201,'2008-09-04'); insert into buy values(0001,206,'2008-09-04'); insert into buy values(0002,203,'2008-09-04'); insert into buy values(0003,204,'2008-09-04'); insert into fork values(0001,203,'2008-09-04'); insert into fork values(0001,201,'2008-09-04'); insert into fork values(0001,205,'2008-09-04'); insert into fork values(0004,203,'2008-09-04'); insert into fork values(0003,204,'2008-09-04'); insert into fork values(0002,201,'2008-09-04');
TABLE fork
- 表格中能夠發現以下問題
- 最後輸出中須要彙總全部用戶&商品
- 當保證buy表全部數據時,應使用LEFT JOIN
- 如有數據有購買記錄,無收藏記錄,表格中則會顯示NULL
SELECT * FROM buy LEFT JOIN fork ON buy.user_id=fork.user_id AND buy.item_id=fork.item_id;
- 根據是否爲NULL值,進行邏輯判斷
CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&NOT buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork& NOT buy'
- 固然以buy爲主表,是不可能出現【未收藏已購買】【未收藏未購買】的狀況的。
SELECT buy.user_id,buy.item_id, CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&NOT buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork& NOT buy' FROM buy LEFT JOIN fork ON buy.user_id=fork.user_id and buy.item_id=fork.item_id
SELECT fork.user_id,fork.item_id, CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&NOT buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork& NOT buy' FROM fork LEFT JOIN buy ON buy.user_id=fork.user_id and buy.item_id=fork.item_id
- 兩個結果合併後,便可獲得最終結果
- UNION - 去除重複行合併
SELECT buy.user_id,buy.item_id, CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&NOT buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork& NOT buy' FROM buy LEFT JOIN fork ON buy.user_id=fork.user_id and buy.item_id=fork.item_id UNION SELECT fork.user_id,fork.item_id, CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is not null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'fork&NOT buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork&buy', CASE WHEN fork.fork_time is null and buy.buy_time is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS 'NOT fork& NOT buy' FROM fork LEFT JOIN buy ON buy.user_id=fork.user_id and buy.item_id=fork.item_id ORDER BY user_id,item_id;