Try to share something when I get something to shareapp
ES6 bring in a new scope based on block, before that we only have global and local scope.less
The blocked scope declares by let, and below are the goodies:this
function hi(){ let hi = 10; let hi = 20; // error out : let cannot be re-declare, var can }
function hi(){ let hi = 10; if(true){ let hi = 20; } console.log(hi); // log 10; }
function hi(){ let hi = 10; if(true){ hi = 20; } console.log(hi); // log 20; }
for(let i = 0; i< 10; i++){ setTimeout( function a() { console.log(i); //print 0 to 9 }, 100 * i); }
for(var i = 0; i< 10; i++){ setTimeout( function a() { console.log(i); //print 10 by 10 times }, 100 * i); }
Generally, var is less recommended:function
if( can use const) use const else if( can use let) use let else use var
So far, very rare case this could happen, I have to learn more stuff to tell in which specific case, this happens.sed
Nothing new, just a summary of what I think of all the daily readings.
All above is just for beginners like me. Any meaningful comments are much welcomed and appreciated.