using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
namespace Cachet
public class CreatPublicSeal
Font Var_Font = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold);//定義字符串的字體樣式
//Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(10, 10, 160, 160);//實例化Rectangle類
private static int tem_Line = 160;//記錄圓的直徑
private static int circularity_W = 4;//設置圓畫筆的粗細
private static Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(circularity_W, circularity_W, tem_Line - circularity_W * 2, tem_Line - circularity_W * 2);//設置圓的繪製區域
private static int _letterspace = 4;//字體間距
private static Char_Direction _chardirect = Char_Direction.Center;
private static int _degree = 90;
private static int space = 16;//比外面圓圈小
private static Rectangle NewRect = new Rectangle(new Point(rect.X + space, rect.Y + space), new Size(rect.Width - 2 * space, rect.Height - 2 * space));
/// <summary>
/// 建立公司公共印章獲得gif圖片存儲地址
/// </summary>
/// <param name="company">公司名字</param>
/// <param name="department">部門名字</param>
/// <param name="Url">圖片保存路徑</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string CreatSeal(string company, string department, string Url)
string star_Str = "★";
Bitmap bMap = new Bitmap(160, 160);//畫圖初始化
Graphics g= Graphics.FromImage(bMap);
//Graphics g = this.panel1.CreateGraphics();//實例化Graphics類
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;//消除繪製圖形的鋸齒
Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.Red, circularity_W);//設置畫筆的顏色
g.DrawEllipse(myPen, rect); //繪製圓
Font star_Font = new Font("Arial", 30, FontStyle.Regular);//設置星號的字體樣式
SizeF star_Size = g.MeasureString(star_Str, star_Font);//對指定字符串進行測量
PointF star_xy = new PointF(tem_Line / 2 - star_Size.Width / 2, tem_Line / 2 - star_Size.Height / 2);
g.DrawString(star_Str, star_Font, myPen.Brush, star_xy);
string var_txt = department;
//string var_txt = "財務部";
int var_len = var_txt.Length;
Font Var_Font = new Font("Arial", 22 - var_len*2, FontStyle.Bold);//定義部門字體的字體樣式
SizeF Var_Size = g.MeasureString(var_txt, Var_Font);//對指定字符串進行測量
PointF Var_xy = new PointF(tem_Line / 2 - Var_Size.Width / 2, tem_Line / 2 + star_Size.Height / 2 - Var_Size.Height/2+5);
g.DrawString(var_txt, Var_Font, myPen.Brush, Var_xy);
//string text_txt = "吉林省明日科技有限公司";
string text_txt = company + "專用";
int text_len = text_txt.Length;//獲取字符串的長度
Font text_Font = new Font("Arial", 25 - text_len, FontStyle.Bold);//定義公司名字的字體的樣式
Pen myPenbush = new Pen(Color.White, circularity_W);
float[] fCharWidth = new float[text_len];
float fTotalWidth = ComputeStringLength(text_txt, g, fCharWidth, _letterspace, _chardirect, text_Font);
// Compute arc's start-angle and end-angle
double fStartAngle, fSweepAngle;
fSweepAngle = fTotalWidth * 360 / (NewRect.Width * Math.PI);
fStartAngle = 270 - fSweepAngle / 2;
// Compute every character's position and angle
//PointF[] pntChars = new PointF[text_len];
PointF[] pntChars = new PointF[text_len];
double[] fCharAngle = new double[text_len];
ComputeCharPos(fCharWidth, pntChars, fCharAngle, fStartAngle);
for (int i = 0; i < text_len; i++)
DrawRotatedText(g, text_txt[i].ToString(), (float)(fCharAngle[i] + _degree), pntChars[i], text_Font, myPenbush);
string imageName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".gif";
bMap.Save(Url + imageName);
return Url + imageName;
/// <summary>
/// 計算字符串總長度和每一個字符長度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sText"></param>
/// <param name="g"></param>
/// <param name="fCharWidth"></param>
/// <param name="fIntervalWidth"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static float ComputeStringLength(string sText, Graphics g, float[] fCharWidth, float fIntervalWidth, Char_Direction Direction, Font text_Font)
// Init字符串格式
StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
sf.Trimming = StringTrimming.None;
sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
| StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;
// 衡量整個字符串長度
SizeF size = g.MeasureString(sText, text_Font, (int)text_Font.Style);
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(0f, 0f, size.Width, size.Height);
// 測量每一個字符大小
CharacterRange[] crs = new CharacterRange[sText.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < sText.Length; i++)
crs[i] = new CharacterRange(i, 1);
// 復位字符串格式
sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip;
sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
// 獲得每個字符大小
Region[] regs = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(sText, text_Font, rect, sf);
// Re-compute whole string length with space interval width
float fTotalWidth = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < regs.Length; i++)
if (Direction == Char_Direction.Center || Direction == Char_Direction.OutSide)
fCharWidth[i] = regs[i].GetBounds(g).Width;
fCharWidth[i] = regs[i].GetBounds(g).Height;
fTotalWidth += fCharWidth[i] + fIntervalWidth;
fTotalWidth -= fIntervalWidth;//Remove the last interval width
return fTotalWidth;
/// <summary>
/// 求出每一個字符的所在的點,以及相對於中心的角度
///1. 經過字符長度,求出字符所跨的弧度;
///2. 根據字符所跨的弧度,以及字符起始位置,算出字符的中心位置所對應的角度;
///3. 因爲相對中心的角度已知,根據三角公式很容易算出字符所在弧上的點,以下圖所示;
///4. 根據字符長度以及間隔距離,算出下一個字符的起始角度;
///5. 重複1直至整個字符串結束。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CharWidth"></param>
/// <param name="recChars"></param>
/// <param name="CharAngle"></param>
/// <param name="StartAngle"></param>
private static void ComputeCharPos(float[] CharWidth, PointF[] recChars, double[] CharAngle, double StartAngle)
double fSweepAngle, fCircleLength;
//Compute the circumference
fCircleLength = NewRect.Width * Math.PI;
for (int i = 0; i < CharWidth.Length; i++)
//Get char sweep angle
fSweepAngle = CharWidth[i] * 360 / fCircleLength;
//Set point angle
CharAngle[i] = StartAngle + fSweepAngle / 2;
//Get char position
if (CharAngle[i] < 270f)
recChars[i] = new PointF(
NewRect.X + NewRect.Width / 2
- (float)(NewRect.Width / 2 *
Math.Sin(Math.Abs(CharAngle[i] - 270) * Math.PI / 180)),
NewRect.Y + NewRect.Width / 2
- (float)(NewRect.Width / 2 * Math.Cos(
Math.Abs(CharAngle[i] - 270) * Math.PI / 180)));
recChars[i] = new PointF(
NewRect.X + NewRect.Width / 2
+ (float)(NewRect.Width / 2 *
Math.Sin(Math.Abs(CharAngle[i] - 270) * Math.PI / 180)),
NewRect.Y + NewRect.Width / 2
- (float)(NewRect.Width / 2 * Math.Cos(
Math.Abs(CharAngle[i] - 270) * Math.PI / 180)));
//Get total sweep angle with interval space
fSweepAngle = (CharWidth[i] + _letterspace) * 360 / fCircleLength;
StartAngle += fSweepAngle;
/// <summary>
/// 繪製每一個字符
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g"></param>
/// <param name="_text"></param>
/// <param name="_angle"></param>
/// <param name="text_Point"></param>
/// <param name="text_Font"></param>
/// <param name="myPen"></param>
private static void DrawRotatedText(Graphics g, string _text, float _angle, PointF text_Point, Font text_Font, Pen myPen)
// Init format
StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
// Create graphics path
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath(System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode.Winding);
int x = (int)text_Point.X;
int y = (int)text_Point.Y;
// Add string
gp.AddString(_text, text_Font.FontFamily, (int)text_Font.Style, text_Font.Size, new Point(x, y), sf);
// Rotate string and draw it
Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.RotateAt(_angle, new PointF(x, y));
g.Transform = m;
g.DrawPath(myPen, gp);
g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), gp);
public enum Char_Direction
Center = 0,
OutSide = 1,
ClockWise = 2,
AntiClockWise = 3,