Gulp task return 的做用


使用run-sequence(這個插件來保證順序,可是發現即便使用了這個插件,task之間仍然是異步的,後來網上搜索了下(,獲得如下結論,緣由是個人gulp task沒有return,若是不return 系統不知道何時task結束(Without return the task system wouldn't know when it finished.)因此即便是在run-sequence這個插件下,也沒法保證按指定順序執行。npm

結論: gulp的task都要保證有return或者callback,去通知系統任務結束。(make sure they either return a stream or promise, or handle the callbackgulp

var gulp = require('gulp');
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
var del = require('del');
var fs = require('fs');
// This will run in this order:
// * build-clean
// * build-scripts and build-styles in parallel
// * build-html
// * Finally call the callback function
gulp.task('build', function(callback) {
              ['build-scripts', 'build-styles'],
// configure build-clean, build-scripts, build-styles, build-html as you wish,
// **but make sure they either return a stream or promise, or handle the callback**
// Example:
gulp.task('build-clean', function() {
    // Return the Promise from del()
    return del([BUILD_DIRECTORY]);
//  ^^^^^^
//   This is the key here, to make sure asynchronous tasks are done!
gulp.task('build-scripts', function() {
    // Return the stream from gulp
    return gulp.src(SCRIPTS_SRC).pipe(...)...
//  ^^^^^^
//   This is the key here, to make sure tasks run to completion!

gulp.task('callback-example', function(callback) {
    // Use the callback in the async function
    fs.readFile('...', function(err, file) {
//      ^^^^^^^^^^
//       This is what lets gulp know this task is complete!