Sublime Text 3插件Minify的安裝與使用【翻譯】

Sublime Text 3插件Minify安裝比較簡單,快捷鍵ctrl+shift+p調出package control輸入install package找到minify回車安裝便可,安裝結成功後該文檔在編輯器中彈出。本文系sublime text 3成功安裝插件Minify以後彈出的package control message介紹插件Minify的後續配置等問題的原文翻譯。
因爲本人條件有限,linux、Mac OS下未經測試,僅在windows下安裝成功,若有流程或術語錯誤,還望批評指正css


Package Control Messages


Thank you for installing `Minify' for Sublime Text
感謝您安裝sublime text 「Minify」node

You must complete the installation by installing the required dependencies

  1. If you see this message in your Sublime Text editor then you have already installed the `Minify` package.Please proceed to step 2:
    若是你在sublime text編輯器中看到這則信息說明你已經完成了插件minify的安裝。請進行步驟2
  2. Install Node.js
    Windows and Mac OS X users should just visit and click on the INSTALL button,
    Linux users can download pre-compiled binary files from
    Windows和Mac OS X用戶只須要訪問 而且點擊install按鈕安裝便可,
    Linux請用戶在 下載對應的預編譯二進制文件

    After successful installation, please make sure that `node` is in your `PATH`, here is how to test it:
    Open up a shell window (`Terminal` on Mac OS X, `CMD.exe` on Windows) and issue the following command:
    打開命令行(Mac OS 下的終端/windows下的cmd.exe)輸入如下命令linux

    node --version

    You should see a version number. But if you see an error message such as `command not found` or somethinggit

    similar then `node` is not available via your `PATH` and you must fix this!
    你會看到對應版本號。可是若是報錯,譬如command not found則說明安裝失敗,請及時修復github

  3. Install required Node.js CLI apps:
    From a shell window (`Terminal` on Mac OS X, `CMD.exe` on Windows) issue the following command:

    npm install -g clean-css-cli uglifycss js-beautify html-minifier uglify-js minjson svgo

    If you are on Mac OS X and you get an error here then issue the following command from `Terminal`:
    若是在mac os上報錯多是權限問題,請輸入如下命令npm

    sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local

    and then try to issue the npm install command from above again.
    If you are never going to work with e.g. SVG files then you can leave out `svgo` from the above npm install command. You can also leave out `uglifycss`, etc.

    If you already have some or all of the above Node.js CLI apps installed on your system then it is recommended to update them all to the latest version with the following command:

    npm update -g clean-css-cli uglifycss js-beautify html-minifier uglify-js minjson svgo

    Please test that the installed Node.js CLI apps are available via your `PATH`, here is how:

    Still from a shell window (`Terminal` on Mac OS X, `CMD.exe` on Windows) issue the following command,
    for example:

    cleancss --version

    You should see a version number. But if you see an error message such as `command not found` or something
    similar then `cleancss` is not available via your `PATH` and you must fix this!
    You may want to do this test for all Node.js CLI apps (`cleancss`, `uglifycss`, `js-beautify`, `uglifyjs`,`html-minifier`, `minjson` and `svgo`).

What is `Minify`

`Minify` for Sublime Text can create a minified version of a currently open CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON or SVG file.
Sublime text插件minify能夠輕鬆地幫助你壓縮CSS、HTML、JS、JSON或者svg文件

`Minify` generates a new file with an altered file extension such as `.min.css`, `.min.html`, `.min.js`, `.min.json`
or `.min.svg`.

It can be easily configured to generate .map files too for minified CSS and JavaScript files.

Compared to other Sublime Text minifier packages `Minify` is very light: the plugin itself is less than 250 lines of Python code. Once installed `Minify` does not need Internet access to do its job, it works offline.
相比sublime text的其餘壓縮插件,minify很是輕量,僅由少於250行python編寫而成,一旦安裝完畢便可離線使用,無需再次連網。

`Minify` has been tested under both Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 and it should work fine on all supported platforms (Linux, Mac OS X and Windows).
Minify已經在sublime text 2和sublime text 3上測試經過,在各系統上表現良好(Linux, Mac OS X 和 Windows)。

`Minify` depends on other programs written in Node.js to do its job. Detailed installation instructions for those dependencies are provided above.

Which 3rd party programs are used by `Minify`

How to use `Minify`

Open a .css or .htm or .html or .js or .json or .svg file in your Sublime Text editor and you can
在sublime text編輯器中打開一個.css.htm.html.js.json.svg文件,你能夠:

  • a) use the Context Menu inside the Sublime Text editor window,
  • b) access the Minify file or Beautify file commands under Tools / Minify menu in Sublime Text,
    tools-----minify-----minify file(beautify file)執行編譯
  • c) use one of the following keyboard shortcuts:
    ctrl + alt + m ( super + alt + m Mac OS X )

This minifies the current buffer and saves the minified version into the same directory with the
appropriate .min.css or .min.htm or .min.html or .min.js or .min.svg file extension then it opens the minified file in a new editor window.

ctrl + alt + shift + m ( super + alt + shift + m on Mac OS X )
This beautifies the current buffer and saves the beautified version into the same directory with the appropriate .beautified.css or .beautified.htm or .beautified.html or .beautified.js or .pretty.svg file extension then it opens the beautified file in a new editor tab.
快捷鍵ctrl + alt + shift + m則會生成文件名爲.Beautified.css的格式化的文件,並在新窗口中打開。

User settings

You can put your customized settings here:

Preferences > Package Settings > Minify > Settings - User

To find out what the possible options are please see:

Preferences > Package Settings > Minify > Settings - Default

Please do not edit the "Settings - Default" file!!
請不要編輯默認文件"Settings - Default"(全部定製化的設置編輯在setting-user中)

Project settings

Also, you can override the default and user settings for individual projects. Just add a "Minify" object to the "settings" object in the project's .sublime-project file containing your project specific settings.


"settings": {
  "Minify": {
    "open_file": false,
      "auto_minify_on_save": true,
      "allowed_file_types": [


See for licensing information.
參閱 for licensing information.

