Usage Simple example var Obj: TJsonObject; begin Obj := TJsonObject.Parse('{ "foo": "bar", "array": [ 10, 20 ] }') as TJsonObject; try ShowMessage(Obj['foo']); ShowMessage(IntToStr(Obj['array'].Count)); ShowMessage(IntToStr(Obj['array'].Items[0])); ShowMessage(IntToStr(Obj['array'].Items[1])); finally Obj.Free; end; end; Filling and serializing JSON objects var Obj, ChildObj: TJsonObject; begin Obj := TJsonObject.Create; try // easy access Obj['foo'] := 'bar'; // normal (and faster) access Obj.S['bar'] := 'foo'; // automatic array creation, Obj is the owner of 'array' Obj.A['array'].Add(10); Obj.A['array'].Add(20); // automatic object creation, 'array' is the owner of ChildObj ChildObj := Obj.A['array'].AddObject; ChildObj['value'] := 12.3; // automatic array creation, ChildObj is the owner of 'subarray' ChildObj.A['subarray'].Add(100); ChildObj.A['subarray'].Add(200); ShowMessage(Obj.ToJSON({Compact:=}False)); finally Obj.Free; end; { "foo": "bar", "bar": "foo", "array": [ 10, 20, { "value": 12.3, "subarray": [ 100, 200 ] } ] } Copying JSON objects with Assign var Obj, ClonedObj: TJsonObject; begin Obj := TJsonObject.ParseUtf8('{ "foo": [ "bar", {}, null, true, false, { "key": "value" } ] }') as TJsonObject; try ClonedObj := TJsonObject.Create; try // Make a copy of Obj ClonedObj.Assign(Obj); ShowMessage(ClonedObj.ToJSON(False)); finally ClonedObj.Free; end; finally Obj.Free; end; end; { "foo": [ "bar", {}, null, true, false, { "key": "value" } ] }