function extend(subClass, superClass) { var F = function() {} F.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new F(); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass subClass.superclass = superClass.prototype if(superClass.prototype.constructor !== superClass) { superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass } } // var Bicycle = new Interface('Bicycle', ['assemble', 'wash', 'ride', 'repair', 'getPrice']); /** * [AcmeComfortCruiser 自行車類] */ var AcmeComfortCruiser = function(){}; AcmeComfortCruiser.prototype = { assemble: function() {}, wash: function() {}, ride: function() {}, repair: function() {}, getPrice: function() { return 399.00 } } /** * [BicycleDecorator 裝飾類的抽象類] */ var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { // Interface.ensureImplements(bicycle, Bicycle); this.bicycle = bicycle; } BicycleDecorator.prototype = { assemble: function() { return this.bicycle.assemble(); }, wash: function() { return this.bicycle.wash(); }, ride: function() { return this.bicycle.ride(); }, repair: function() { return; }, getPrice: function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice(); } } /** * [HeadlightDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var HeadlightDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle) } extend(HeadlightDecorator, BicycleDecorator) HeadlightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach headlight to handlebars.'; } HeadlightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 15.00; } /** * [TaillightDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var TaillightDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle) } extend(TaillightDecorator, BicycleDecorator); TaillightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach taillight to the seat post.'; } TaillightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 9.00; } // usage var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()) myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()) myBicycle = new TaillightDecorator(myBicycle); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice())
HeadlightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 15.00; }
var FrameColorDecorator = function(bicycle, frameColor) {, bicycle); // 添加了用以實現其提供的附加特性的屬性 this.frameColor = frameColor; } extend(FrameColorDecorator, BicycleDecorator); FrameColorDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { // 方法添加的步驟出如今其方法以前 return 'Print the frame ' + this.frameColor + ' and allow it to dry. ' + this.bicycle.assemble() } FrameColorDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 30.00; } // usage var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); console.log(myBicycle.assemble()) myBicycle = new FrameColorDecorator(myBicycle, 'red') console.log(myBicycle.assemble())
引入替換組件方法的裝飾者後,必須設法確保按正確的順序應用裝飾者(如:使用工廠方法,ps:參考第 5 大點)java
/** * [LifetimeWarrantyDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var LifetimeWarrantyDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle); } extend(LifetimeWarrantyDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // 把原來的 repair 方法替換爲一個新方法,而組件的方法則不會再被調用 = function() { return 'This bicycle is covered by a lifetime warranty.' } LifetimeWarrantyDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 199.00 } /** * [TimedWarrantyDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var TimedWarrantyDecorator = function(bicycle, coverageLengthInYears) {, bicycle); this.coverageLength = coverageLengthInYears; this.expDate = new Date(); var coverageLengthInMs = this.coverageLength * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; this.expDate.setTime(this.expDate.getTime() + coverageLengthInMs) } extend(TimedWarrantyDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // 根據某種條件決定是否替代組件方法,在條件知足是替代,不然使用組件的方法 = function() { var repairInstructions; var currentDate = new Date(); if(currentDate < this.expDate) { repairInstructions = 'This bicycle is currently covered by a warrenty.' }else { repairInstructions =; } return repairInstructions; } TimedWarrantyDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + (40.00 * this.coverageLength) } // usage var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()) // 替代 myBicycle = new LifetimeWarrantyDecorator(myBicycle) console.log( // 判斷是否替代 myBicycle = new TimedWarrantyDecorator(myBicycle, 1) console.log(myBicycle.getPrice())
var BellDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle); } extend(BellDecorator, BicycleDecorator); BellDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + 'Attach bell to handlebars.' } BellDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 6.00; } // 這裏添加了一個新方法 BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell = function() { return 'Bell rung' } // usage var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle) myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); console.log(myBicycle.ringBell()) // 這樣子會報錯,由於 BellDecorator 添加的 ringBell 方法(及其餘方法)會在 HeadlightDecorator 類經過 extend() 繼承 new F() 時被抹除(也不是被抹除,只是不能在經過當前對象的原型鏈找到,其實這個方法在新對象的 bicycle 屬性裏面仍是能經過其原型鏈找到)。 // BellDecorator 必須放在最後應用,不然這個新方法將沒法訪問。這是由於其餘裝飾者只能傳遞他們知道的方法,也即那些定義在接口中的方法。P170
function extend(subClass, superClass) { var F = function() {} F.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new F(); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass subClass.superclass = superClass.prototype if(superClass.prototype.constructor !== superClass) { superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass } } var Interface = function(name, methods) { if(arguments.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Interface constructor called with "+ arguments.length + "arguments, but expected exactly 2") } = name; this.methods = []; for(var i=0, len=methods.length; i<len; i++) { if(typeof methods[i] !== 'string') { throw new Error("Interface constructor expects method names to be passed in as a string") } this.methods.push(methods[i]); } } var Bicycle = new Interface('Bicycle', ['assemble', 'wash', 'ride', 'repair', 'getPrice']); var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { this.bicycle = bicycle; this.interface = Bicycle; outerloop: // 使用標記,能夠在程序的任何地方使用這個名字來引用他 for(var key in this.bicycle) { if(typeof this.bicycle[key] !== 'function') { continue outerloop; } for(var i=0, len=this.interface.methods.length; i<len; i++) { if(key === this.interface.methods[i]) { continue outerloop } } var that = this; (function(methodName) { that[methodName] = function() { return that.bicycle[methodName](); } })(key); } } BicycleDecorator.prototype = { assemble: function() { return this.bicycle.assemble(); }, wash: function() { return this.bicycle.wash(); }, ride: function() { return this.bicycle.ride(); }, repair: function() { return; }, getPrice: function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice(); } } /** * [AcmeComfortCruiser 自行車類] */ var AcmeComfortCruiser = function(){}; AcmeComfortCruiser.prototype = { assemble: function() { return 'assemble:' }, wash: function() {}, ride: function() {}, repair: function() {}, getPrice: function() { return 399.00 } } /** * [HeadlightDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var HeadlightDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle) } extend(HeadlightDecorator, BicycleDecorator) HeadlightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach headlight to handlebars.'; } HeadlightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 15.00; } /** * [BellDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var BellDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle); } extend(BellDecorator, BicycleDecorator); BellDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + 'Attach bell to handlebars.' } BellDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 6.00; } BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell = function() { return 'Bell rung' } var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()) myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle) myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()) console.log(myBicycle.ringBell())
function extend(subClass, superClass) { var F = function() {} F.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new F(); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass subClass.superclass = superClass.prototype if(superClass.prototype.constructor !== superClass) { superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass } } var Interface = function(name, methods) { if(arguments.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Interface constructor called with "+ arguments.length + "arguments, but expected exactly 2") } = name; this.methods = []; for(var i=0, len=methods.length; i<len; i++) { if(typeof methods[i] !== 'string') { throw new Error("Interface constructor expects method names to be passed in as a string") } this.methods.push(methods[i]); } } Interface.ensureImplements = function(object) { if(arguments.length < 2) { throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements call with " + arguments.length + "arguments, but expected at least 2") } for(var i=1,len=arguments.length; i<len; i++) { var interface = arguments[i]; if(interface.constructor !== Interface) { throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements expects arguments two and above to be instances of Interface"); } for(var j=0, methodsLen = interface.methods.length; j<methodsLen; j++) { var method = interface.methods[j]; if(!object[method] || typeof object[method] !== 'function') { throw new Error('Function Interface.ensureImplements: Object does not implement the '+ + " interface. Method " + method + " was not found") } } } } var Bicycle = new Interface('Bicycle', ['assemble', 'wash', 'ride', 'repair', 'getPrice']); // model 1 var AcmeComfortCruiser = function(){}; AcmeComfortCruiser.prototype = { assemble: function() {}, wash: function() {}, ride: function() {}, repair: function() {}, getPrice: function() { return 399.00 } } // model 2 var AcmeSpeedster = function() {} extend(AcmeSpeedster, AcmeComfortCruiser) /** * [BicycleDecorator 裝飾類的抽象類] */ var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { // Interface.ensureImplements(bicycle, Bicycle); this.bicycle = bicycle; } BicycleDecorator.prototype = { assemble: function() { return this.bicycle.assemble(); }, wash: function() { return this.bicycle.wash(); }, ride: function() { return this.bicycle.ride(); }, repair: function() { return; }, getPrice: function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice(); } } /** * [HeadlightDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var HeadlightDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle) } extend(HeadlightDecorator, BicycleDecorator) HeadlightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach headlight to handlebars.'; } HeadlightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 15.00; } /** * [BellDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var BellDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle); } extend(BellDecorator, BicycleDecorator); BellDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + 'Attach bell to handlebars.' } BellDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 6.00; } BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell = function() { return 'Bell rung' } // BicycleShop class 是一個抽象類,須要在繼承後實現裏面的方法 var BicycleShop = function() {}; BicycleShop.prototype = { sellBicycle: function(model) { var bicycle = this.createBicycle(model) bicycle.assemble() return bicycle; }, // 工廠方法 createBicycle: function(model) { throw new Error('Unsupported operation on an abstract class.') } } var AcmeBicycleShop = function() {}; extend(AcmeBicycleShop, BicycleShop); AcmeBicycleShop.prototype.createBicycle = function(model, options) { var bicycle = new AcmeBicycleShop.models[model](); // 有必要時能夠在這裏對裝飾者組件前後應用進行排序,下面使用的是直接遍歷按順序應用 for(var i=0, len= options.length; i<len; i++) { var decorator = AcmeBicycleShop.options[options[i].name] if(typeof decorator !== 'function') { throw new Error('Decorator ' + options[i].name + 'not found'); } var argument = options[i].arg; bicycle = new decorator(bicycle, argument) } Interface.ensureImplements(bicycle, Bicycle); return bicycle } AcmeBicycleShop.models = { 'The Speedster' : AcmeSpeedster, 'The Comfort Cruiser' : AcmeComfortCruiser } AcmeBicycleShop.options = { 'headlight' : HeadlightDecorator, 'bell': BellDecorator } var alecsCruisers = new AcmeBicycleShop(); var myBicycle = alecsCruisers.createBicycle('The Speedster', [ {name: 'headlight'}, {name: 'bell'} ]) myBicycle.ringBell()
// 將傳入函數的執行結果轉化爲大寫形式 function upperCaseDecorator(func) { return function() { return func.apply(this, arguments).toUpperCase() } } function getDate() { return (new Date()).toString() } getDateCaps = upperCaseDecorator(getDate) // usage getDateCaps()
function upperCaseDecorator(func) { return function() { return func.apply(this, arguments).toUpperCase() } } function extend(subClass, superClass) { var F = function() {} F.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new F(); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass subClass.superclass = superClass.prototype if(superClass.prototype.constructor !== superClass) { superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass } } /** * [AcmeComfortCruiser 自行車類] */ var AcmeComfortCruiser = function(){}; AcmeComfortCruiser.prototype = { assemble: function() {}, wash: function() {}, ride: function() {}, repair: function() {}, getPrice: function() { return 399.00 } } /** * [BicycleDecorator 裝飾類的抽象類] */ var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { this.bicycle = bicycle; } BicycleDecorator.prototype = { assemble: function() { return this.bicycle.assemble(); }, wash: function() { return this.bicycle.wash(); }, ride: function() { return this.bicycle.ride(); }, repair: function() { return; }, getPrice: function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice(); } } /** * [BellDecorator 裝飾者類] */ var BellDecorator = function(bicycle) {, bicycle); } extend(BellDecorator, BicycleDecorator); BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell = function() { return 'Bell rung' } // 使用函數裝飾者裝飾方法 BellDecorator.prototype.ringBellLoudly = upperCaseDecorator(BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell) var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle) myBicycle.ringBell() myBicycle.ringBellLoudly()
/** * [ListBuilder] * @param {[type]} parent [description] */ var ListBuilder = function(parent) { this.parentEl = document.getElementById(parent); } ListBuilder.prototype = { buildList: function(listLength) { var list = document.createElement('ol'); this.parentEl.appendChild(list); for(var i=0; i< listLength; i++) { var item = document.createElement('li'); list.appendChild(item) } } } /** * [MethodProfiler class] * @param {[type]} component [description] */ var MethodProfiler = function(component) { this.component = component; this.timers = {}; for(var key in this.component) { if(typeof this.component[key] !== 'function') { continue; } var that = this; // 使用匿名函數的做用是保留正確的 methodName 變量值 (function(methodName) { that[methodName] = function() { that.startTimer(methodName); var returnValue = that.component[methodName].apply(that.component, arguments); that.displayTime(methodName, that.getElapsedTime(methodName)); return returnValue; } })(key) } } MethodProfiler.prototype = { startTimer: function(methodName) { this.timers[methodName] = (new Date()).getTime(); }, getElapsedTime: function(methodName) { return (new Date()).getTime() - this.timers[methodName]; }, displayTime: function(methodName, time) { console.log(methodName + ': ' + time + ' ms') } } // usage var list = new ListBuilder('feed-readers') var listp = new MethodProfiler(list) listp.buildList(500)