create a certificatejava
keytool -genkey -alias <keystore-id>
-keystore <cert-store-dir>/<cert-file-name>.pfx -storepass <password>
-validity 3650 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12
-dname "CN=Self Signed Certificate 20141118170652"windows
eg: keytool -genkey -alias javacer -keystore d:/java.pfx -storepass 123Aking -validity 3650 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12
-dname "CN=Self Signed Certificate 20141118170652"app
Convert the PFX file into JKSdom
<java-install-dir>/bin/keytool.exe -importkeystore
-srckeystore <cert-store-dir>/<cert-file-name>.pfx
-destkeystore <cert-store-dir>/<cert-file-name>.jks
-srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype JKSthis
eg:keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore d:/java.pfx
-destkeystore d:/javajks.jks
-srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype JKSspa
to create cer
<java-install-dir>/bin/keytool -export -alias <keystore-id>
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore <cert-store-dir>/<cert-file-name>.pfx
-storepass <password> -rfc -file <cert-store-dir>/<cert-file-name>.cercode
eg: keytool -export -alias javacer
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore d:/java.pfx
-storepass 123Aking -rfc -file d:/javacer.cerserver
package common; import; import java.util.ArrayList; // Imports for Exceptions import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; // Imports for Azure App Service management configuration import; import; // Service management imports for App Service Web Apps creation import*; import*; // Imports for authentication import; import; public class createazurevm { private static String uri = ""; private static String subscriptionId = "****9"; private static String keyStoreLocation = "D:\\javajks.jks"; private static String keyStorePassword = "123Aking"; // Define web app parameter values. private static String webAppName = "jamborjavacrate"; private static String domainName = ""; private static String webSpaceName = WebSpaceNames.EASTASIAWEBSPACE; private static String appServicePlanName = "jamborplan"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ServiceException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, Exception { // Create web app createWebApp(); } private static void createWebApp() throws Exception { // Specify configuration settings for the App Service management client. Configuration config = ManagementConfiguration.configure( new URI(uri), subscriptionId, keyStoreLocation, // Path to the JKS file keyStorePassword, // Password for the JKS file KeyStoreType.jks // Flag that you are using a JKS keystore ); // Create the App Service Web Apps management client to call Azure APIs // and pass it the App Service management configuration object. WebSiteManagementClient webAppManagementClient = WebSiteManagementService.create(config); // Create an App Service plan for the web app with the specified parameters. WebHostingPlanCreateParameters appServicePlanParams = new WebHostingPlanCreateParameters(); appServicePlanParams.setName(appServicePlanName); appServicePlanParams.setSKU(SkuOptions.Free); webAppManagementClient.getWebHostingPlansOperations().create(webSpaceName, appServicePlanParams); // Set webspace parameters. WebSiteCreateParameters.WebSpaceDetails webSpaceDetails = new WebSiteCreateParameters.WebSpaceDetails(); webSpaceDetails.setGeoRegion(GeoRegionNames.WESTUS); webSpaceDetails.setPlan(WebSpacePlanNames.VIRTUALDEDICATEDPLAN); webSpaceDetails.setName(webSpaceName); // Set web app parameters. // Note that the server farm name takes the Azure App Service plan name. WebSiteCreateParameters webAppCreateParameters = new WebSiteCreateParameters(); webAppCreateParameters.setName(webAppName); webAppCreateParameters.setServerFarm(appServicePlanName); webAppCreateParameters.setWebSpace(webSpaceDetails); // Set usage metrics attributes. WebSiteGetUsageMetricsResponse.UsageMetric usageMetric = new WebSiteGetUsageMetricsResponse.UsageMetric(); usageMetric.setSiteMode(WebSiteMode.Basic); usageMetric.setComputeMode(WebSiteComputeMode.Shared); // Define the web app object. ArrayList<String> fullWebAppName = new ArrayList<String>(); fullWebAppName.add(webAppName + domainName); WebSite webApp = new WebSite(); webApp.setHostNames(fullWebAppName); // Create the web app. WebSiteCreateResponse webAppCreateResponse = webAppManagementClient.getWebSitesOperations().create(webSpaceName, webAppCreateParameters); // Output the HTTP status code of the response; 200 indicates the request succeeded; 4xx indicates failure. System.out.println("----------"); System.out.println("Web app created - HTTP response " + webAppCreateResponse.getStatusCode() + "\n"); // Output the name of the web app that this application created. String shinyNewWebAppName = webAppCreateResponse.getWebSite().getName(); System.out.println("----------\n"); System.out.println("Name of web app created: " + shinyNewWebAppName + "\n"); System.out.println("----------\n"); } }