For example you have a component, which take a trasclude input element:css
<au-fa-input id="password-field" icon="lock" > <input placeholder="Password" class="test-class"> </au-fa-input>
There is many ways to get ElementRef of the input, for example using Reference:html
<au-fa-input id="password-field" icon="lock" > <input #input placeholder="Password" class="test-class"> </au-fa-input>
We add a #input ref, so that inside component, we can using @ContentChild and AfterContentInit lifecycle:web
export class AuFaInputComponent implements AfterContentInit{ @Input() icon: string; @ContentChild('input') input: HTMLInputElement; ngAfterContentInit () { console.log("input", this.input); }
This approach works fine, but it requires us to put a element ref onto the input
One way to avoid putting a reference is creating a directive ref, and we can add common functionalitiy to it, such as focus and blur events:ide
import {Directive, HostListener} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'au-fa-input input' }) export class InputRefDirective { focus = false; @HostListener('focus') isFocus() { console.log("now focus"); this.focus = true; } @HostListener('blur') isBlur() { console.log("now blur"); this.focus = false; } }
And we our component, we need to change @ContentChild:ui
input: InputRefDirective;
So for now, in html, we don't need #input any more:this
<au-fa-input id="password-field" icon="lock" > <input placeholder="Password" class="test-class"> </au-fa-input>
Now, let's say if we want to add some styling base on whether input field is focused or
First, some css class:code
// component :host(.input-focus) { border-color: #4D90FE; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #4D90FE; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #4D90FE; }
Use the function form to apply host styles conditionally by including another selector inside parentheses after :host. So here, we check if .input-focus is present on the host element, then we apply the styling, otherwise not.component
Now we only need to apply .input-focus class to the host element when input.focus is true, we can do this easily by @HostBinding:
@HostBinding('class.input-focus') get isInputFocus() { return this.input ? this.input.focus : false; }
import {Component, Input, ContentChild, AfterContentInit, HostBinding} from '@angular/core'; import {InputRefDirective} from 'app/lib/common/input-ref.directive'; @Component({ selector: 'au-fa-input', templateUrl: './au-fa-input.component.html', styleUrls: ['./au-fa-input.component.css'] }) export class AuFaInputComponent implements AfterContentInit { @Input() icon: string; @ContentChild(InputRefDirective) input: InputRefDirective; @HostBinding('class.input-focus') get isInputFocus() { return this.input ? this.input.focus : false; } ngAfterContentInit() { if (!this.input) { console.error('You forgot pass in the input field'); } } get classes() { const cssClasses = {}; if (this.icon) { cssClasses['fa-' + this.icon] = true; } return cssClasses; } }
import {Directive, HostListener} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'au-fa-input input' }) export class InputRefDirective { focus = false; @HostListener('focus') isFocus() { this.focus = true; } @HostListener('blur') isBlur() { this.focus = false; } }