Linux Mint 19 安裝Gnome Boxes 新建失敗


後參照: ... sue/836715

對方報錯: (gnome-boxes:15984): Boxes-WARNING **: wizard.vala:463: Failed to create volume: internal error: creation of non-raw images is not supported without qemu-img

解決方案: apt-get install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-binubuntu



(gnome-boxes:4072): Boxes-WARNING **: 13:09:54.299: wizard-source.vala:444: Failed to find OS with ID '': Unknown OS ID ''
(gnome-boxes:4072): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:10:11.772: Calling org.xfce.Session.Manager.Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Inhibit" with signature "susu" on interface "org.xfce.Session.Manager" doesn't exist
(gnome-boxes:4072): Boxes-WARNING **: 13:10:39.048: machine.vala:629: Failed to start Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 24: Unable to start domain: unsupported configuration: CPU mode 'custom' for x86_64 kvm domain on x86_64 host is not supported by hypervisor
(gnome-boxes:4072): Boxes-WARNING **: 13:28:39.219: machine.vala:629: Failed to start Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 24: Unable to start domain: unsupported configuration: CPU mode 'custom' for x86_64 kvm domain on x86_64 host is not supported by hypervisordom

