





  1. 設想大家公司有300臺Linux服務器,A開發人員須要登陸其中5臺WEB服務器查看日誌或進行問題追蹤等事務,同時對另外10臺hadoop服務器有root權限,在有300臺服務器規模的網絡中,按常理來說你是已經使用了ldap權限統一認證的,你如何使這個開發人員只能以普通用戶的身份登陸5臺web服務器,而且同時容許他以管理員的身份登陸另外10臺hadoop服務器呢?而且同時他對其它剩下的200多臺服務器沒有訪問權限github

  2. 目前據我瞭解,不少公司的運維團隊爲了方面,整個運維團隊的運維人員仍是共享同一套root密碼,這樣內部信任機制雖然使你們的工做方便了,但同時存在着極大的安全隱患,不少狀況下,一個運維人員只須要管理固定數量的服務器,畢竟公司分爲不一樣的業務線,不一樣的運維人員管理的業務線也不一樣,但若是共享一套root密碼,其實就等於無限放大了每一個運維人員的權限,也就是說,若是某個運維人員想幹壞事的話,他能夠在幾分鐘內把整個公司的業務停轉,甚至數據都給刪除掉。爲了下降風險,因而有人想到,把不一樣業務線的root密碼改掉就ok了麼,也就是每一個業務線的運維人員只知道本身的密碼,這固然是最簡單有效的方式,但問題是若是你同時用了ldap,這樣作又比較麻煩,即便你設置了root不經過ldap認證,那新問題就是,每次有運維人員離職,他所在的業務線的密碼都須要從新改一次。web


在回收了運維或開發人員直接登陸遠程服務器的權限後,其實就等於大家公司生產系統的全部認證過程都經過堡壘機來完成了,堡壘機等於成了大家生產系統的SSO(single sign on)模塊了。你只須要在堡壘機上添加幾條規則就能實現如下權限控制了:shell

  1. 容許A開發人員經過普通用戶登陸5臺web服務器,經過root權限登陸10臺hadoop服務器,但對其他的服務器無任務訪問權限數據庫

  2. 多個運維人員能夠共享一個root帳戶,可是依然能分辨出分別是誰在哪些服務器上操做了哪些命令,由於堡壘機帳戶是每一個人獨有的,也就是說雖然全部運維人員共享了一同一個遠程root帳戶,但因爲他們用的堡壘帳戶都是本身獨有的,所以依然能夠經過堡壘機控制每一個運維人員訪問不一樣的機器。ubuntu




堡壘機的主要做用權限控制和用戶行爲審計,堡壘機就像一個城堡的大門,城堡裏的全部建築就是你不一樣的業務系統 , 每一個想進入城堡的人都必須通過城堡大門並通過大門守衛的受權,每一個進入城堡的人必須且只能嚴格按守衛的分配進入指定的建築,且每一個建築物還有本身的權限訪問控制,不一樣級別的人能夠到建築物裏不一樣樓層的訪問級別也是不同的。還有就是,每一個進入城堡的人的全部行爲和足跡都會被嚴格的監控和紀錄下來,一旦發生犯罪事件,城堡管理人員就能夠經過這些監控紀錄來追蹤責任人。 



堡壘要想成功徹底記到他的做用,只靠堡壘機自己是不夠的, 還須要一系列安全上對用戶進行限制的配合,堡壘機部署上後,同時要確保你的網絡達到如下條件:

  • 全部人包括運維、開發等任何須要訪問業務系統的人員,只能經過堡壘機訪問業務系統
    • 回收全部對業務系統的訪問權限,作到除了堡壘機管理人員,沒有人知道業務系統任何機器的登陸密碼
    • 網絡上限制全部人員只能經過堡壘機的跳轉才能訪問業務系統 
  • 確保除了堡壘機管理員以外,全部其它人對堡壘機自己無任何操做權限,只有一個登陸跳轉功能
  • 確保用戶的操做紀錄不能被用戶本身以任何方式獲取到並篡改 



  1. 兼顧業務安全目標與用戶體驗,堡壘機部署後,不該使用戶訪問業務系統的訪問變的複雜,不然工做將很難推動,由於沒人喜歡改變現狀,尤爲是改變後生活變得更艱難
  2. 保證堡壘機穩定安全運行, 沒有100%的把握,不要上線任何新系統,即便有100%把握,也要作好最壞的打算,想好故障預案


  1. 全部的用戶操做日誌要保留在數據庫中
  2. 每一個用戶登陸堡壘機後,只須要選擇具體要訪問的設置,就鏈接上了,不須要再輸入目標機器的訪問密碼
  3. 容許用戶對不一樣的目標設備有不一樣的訪問權限,例:
    1. 對10.0.2.34 有mysql 用戶的權限
    2. 對192.168.3.22 有root用戶的權限
    3. 對172.33.24.55 沒任何權限
  4. 分組管理,便可以對設置進行分組,容許用戶訪問某組機器,但對組裏的不一樣機器依然有不一樣的訪問權限 







  $ ssh-keygen




  $ ssh-copy-id user@host


1 import os,sys 2 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 3 print(BASE_DIR) 4 sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) 5 if __name__ == '__main__': 6     from modules.actions import excute_from_command_line 7     excute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
View Code

 1 from modules import views  2 actions = {  3     'start_session': views.start_session,  4     # 'stop': views.stop_server,
 5     'syncdb': views.syncdb,  6     'create_users': views.create_users,  7     'create_groups': views.create_groups,  8     'create_hosts': views.create_hosts,  9     'create_bindhosts': views.create_bindhosts, 10     'create_remoteusers': views.create_remoteusers, 11 }
View Code

1 Conn_Params = "mysql+pymysql://root:123456@"
View Code

 1 from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer,String,Enum,DATE, ForeignKey,UniqueConstraint #Enum枚舉
 2 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship  3 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base  4 from sqlalchemy_utils import ChoiceType,PasswordType #PasswordType 能夠md5,但很差使
 5 from sqlalchemy import create_engine  6 # from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
 7 Base = declarative_base() #基類
 8 user_m2m_bindhost = Table('user_m2m_bindhost', Base.metadata,  9                         Column('userprofile_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 10                         Column('bindhost_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 11  ) 12 bindhost_m2m_hostgroup = Table('bindhost_m2m_hostgroup', Base.metadata, 13                         Column('bindhost_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 14                         Column('hostgroup_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 15  ) 16 host_m2m_remoteuser = Table('host_m2m_remoteuser', Base.metadata, 17                         Column('host_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 18                         Column('remoteuser_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 19  ) 20 user_m2m_hostgroup = Table('userprofile_m2m_hostgroup', Base.metadata, 21                         Column('userprofile_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 22                         Column('hostgroup_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 23  ) 24 class Host(Base): 25     __tablename__="host"
26     id=Column(Integer,primary_key=True) 27     hostname=Column(String(64),unique=True) 28     ip=Column(String(64),unique=True) 29     port=Column(Integer,default=22) 30     remote_users=relationship("RemoteUser",secondary=host_m2m_remoteuser,backref="hosts") 31     def __repr__(self): 32         return self.hostname 33 class HostGroup(Base): 34     __tablename__ = "host_group"
35     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 36     name = Column(String(64), unique=True) 37     bind_hosts=relationship("BindHost",secondary="bindhost_m2m_hostgroup",backref="host_groups") 38     def __repr__(self): 39         return 40 class RemoteUser(Base): 41     __tablename__ = "remote_user"
42     __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('auth_type', 'username', 'password', name='_user_passwd_uc'),)#聯合惟一
43     AuthTypes = [ 44         ('ssh-password', 'SSH/Password'),#第一個是真正存到數據庫的,第二個是顯示給咱們看的
45         ('ssh-key', 'SSH/KEY'), 46  ] 47     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 48     auth_type = Column(ChoiceType(AuthTypes)) 49     username = Column(String(32), nullable=False) 50     password=Column(String(128)) #沒有md5
51     def __repr__(self): 52         return self.username 53 class BindHost(Base): 54     '''
55 web bj_group 56 mysql sh_group 57     '''
58     __tablename__ = "bind_host"
59     __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('host_id', 'remoteuser_id', name='host_remoteuser_uc'),) 60     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 61     host_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) 62     #group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
63     remoteuser_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) 64     host=relationship("Host",backref="binf_hosts") 65     #host_group=relationship("HostGroup",backref="bind_hosts")
66     remote_user=relationship("RemoteUser",backref="binf_hosts") 67     def __repr__(self): 68         return "<%s -- %s >"%(, 69  self.remote_user.username, 70  ) 71 class UserProfile(Base): 72     __tablename__ = "user_profile"
73     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 74     username = Column(String(32), unique=True,nullable=False) 75     password = Column(String(128)) 76     bind_hosts=relationship("BindHost",secondary="user_m2m_bindhost",backref="user_profiles") 77     host_groups=relationship("HostGroup",secondary="userprofile_m2m_hostgroup",backref="user_profiles") 78     def __repr__(self): 79         return self.username 80 # class AuditLog(Base):
81 # pass
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 1 from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer,String,Enum,DATE, ForeignKey,UniqueConstraint #Enum枚舉
 2 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship  3 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base  4 from sqlalchemy_utils import ChoiceType,PasswordType #PasswordType 能夠md5,但很差使
 5 # from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 6 # from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
 7 Base = declarative_base() #基類
 8 user_m2m_bindhost = Table('user_m2m_bindhost', Base.metadata,  9                         Column('userprofile_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 10                         Column('bindhost_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 11  ) 12 host_m2m_remoteuser = Table('host_m2m_remoteuser', Base.metadata, 13                         Column('host_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 14                         Column('remoteuser_id',Integer,ForeignKey('')), 15  ) 16 class Host(Base): 17     __tablename__="host"
18     id=Column(Integer,primary_key=True) 19     hostname=Column(String(64),unique=True) 20     ip=Column(String(64),unique=True) 21     port=Column(Integer,default=22) 22     remote_users=relationship("RemoteUser",sencondary=host_m2m_remoteuser,backref="hosts") 23     def __repr__(self): 24         return self.hostname 25 class HostGroup(Base): 26     __tablename__ = "host_group"
27     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 28     name = Column(String(64), unique=True) 29     def __repr__(self): 30         return 31 class RemoteUser(Base): 32     __tablename__ = "romote_user"
33     __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('auth_type', 'username', 'password', name='_user_passwd_uc'),)#聯合惟一
34     AuthTypes = [ 35         ('ssh-passwd', 'SSH/Password'),#第一個是真正存到數據庫的,第二個是顯示給咱們看的
36         ('ssh-key', 'SSH/KEY'), 37  ] 38     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 39     auth_type = Column(ChoiceType(AuthTypes)) 40     username = Column(String(32), unique=True) 41     password=Column(String(128)) #沒有md5
42     def __repr__(self): 43         return self.username 44 class BindHost(Base): 45     '''
46 web bj_group 47 mysql sh_group 48     '''
49     __tablename__ = "bind_host"
50     __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('host_id', 'group_id', 'remoteuser_id', name='host_group_remoteuser_uc'),) 51     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 52     host_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) 53     group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) 54     remoteuser_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) 55     host=relationship("Host",backref="binf_hosts") 56     host_group=relationship("HostGroup",backref="binf_hosts") 57     remote_user=relationship("RemoteUser",backref="binf_hosts") 58     def __repr__(self): 59         return "<%s -- %s -- %s>"%(, 60  self.remote_user.username, 61 62 class UserProfile(Base): 63     __tablename__ = "user_profile"
64     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 65     username = Column(String(32), unique=True) 66     password = Column(String(128)) 67     bind_hosts=relationship("BindHost",secondary="user_m2m_bindhost",backref="user_profiles") 68     def __repr__(self): 69         return self.username 70 class AuditLog(Base): 71     pass
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 1 from conf import settings  2 from conf import action_registers  3 from modules import utils  4 def help_msg():  5     '''
 6  print help msgs  7  :return:  8     '''
 9     print("\033[31;1mAvailable commands:\033[0m") 10     for key in action_registers.actions: 11         print("\t",key) 12 def excute_from_command_line(argvs): 13     if len(argvs) < 2: 14  help_msg() 15  exit() 16     if argvs[1] not in action_registers.actions: 17         utils.print_err("Command [%s] does not exist!" % argvs[1], quit=True) 18     action_registers.actions[argvs[1]](argvs[1:])
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 1 from models import models  2 from modules.db_conn import engine,session  3 from modules.utils import print_err  4 def bind_hosts_filter(vals):  5     print('**>',vals.get('bind_hosts') )  6     bind_hosts = session.query(models.BindHost).filter(models.Host.hostname.in_(vals.get('bind_hosts'))).all()  7     if not bind_hosts:  8         print_err("none of [%s] exist in bind_host table." % vals.get('bind_hosts'),quit=True)  9     return bind_hosts 10 def user_profiles_filter(vals): 11     user_profiles = session.query(models.UserProfile).filter(models.UserProfile.username.in_(vals.get('user_profiles')) 12  ).all() 13     if not user_profiles: 14         print_err("none of [%s] exist in user_profile table." % vals.get('user_profiles'),quit=True) 15     return  user_profiles
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1 from sqlalchemy import create_engine,Table 2 from  sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker 3 from conf import settings 4 engine = create_engine(settings.Conn_Params) 5 #engine = create_engine(settings.DB_CONN,echo=True)
6 SessionCls = sessionmaker(bind=engine) #建立與數據庫的會話session class ,注意,這裏返回給session的是個class,不是實例
7 session = SessionCls()
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 1 import socket  2 import sys  3 from paramiko.py3compat import u  4 from models import models  5 import datetime  6 # windows does not have termios...
 7 try:  8     import termios  9     import tty 10     has_termios = True 11 except ImportError: 12     has_termios = False 13 def interactive_shell(chan,user_obj,bind_host_obj,cmd_caches,log_recording): 14     if has_termios: 15  posix_shell(chan,user_obj,bind_host_obj,cmd_caches,log_recording) 16     else: 17  windows_shell(chan) 18 def posix_shell(chan,user_obj,bind_host_obj,cmd_caches,log_recording): 19     import select 20     oldtty = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) 21     try: 22  tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) 23  tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) 24         chan.settimeout(0.0) 25         cmd = ''
26         tab_key = False 27         while True: 28             r, w, e =[chan, sys.stdin], [], []) 29             if chan in r: 30                 try: 31                     x = u(chan.recv(1024)) 32                     if tab_key: 33                         if x not in ('\x07' , '\r\n'): 34                             #print('tab:',x)
35                             cmd += x 36                         tab_key = False 37                     if len(x) == 0: 38                         sys.stdout.write('\r\n*** EOF\r\n') 39                         break
40  sys.stdout.write(x) 41  sys.stdout.flush() 42                 except socket.timeout: 43                     pass
44             if sys.stdin in r: 45                 x = 46                 if '\r' != x: 47                     cmd +=x 48                 else: 49                     print('cmd->:',cmd) 50                     log_item = models.AuditLog(, 51                                 , 52                                           action_type='cmd', 53                                           cmd=cmd , 54                                  55  ) 56  cmd_caches.append(log_item) 57                     cmd = ''
58                     if len(cmd_caches)>=10: 59  log_recording(user_obj,bind_host_obj,cmd_caches) 60                         cmd_caches = [] 61                 if '\t' == x: 62                     tab_key = True 63                 if len(x) == 0: 64                     break
65  chan.send(x) 66     finally: 67  termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldtty) 68 # thanks to Mike Looijmans for this code
69 def windows_shell(chan): 70     import threading 71     sys.stdout.write("Line-buffered terminal emulation. Press F6 or ^Z to send EOF.\r\n\r\n") 72     def writeall(sock): 73         while True: 74             data = sock.recv(256) 75             if not data: 76                 sys.stdout.write('\r\n*** EOF ***\r\n\r\n') 77  sys.stdout.flush() 78                 break
79  sys.stdout.write(data) 80  sys.stdout.flush() 81     writer = threading.Thread(target=writeall, args=(chan,)) 82  writer.start() 83     try: 84         while True: 85             d = 86             if not d: 87                 break
88  chan.send(d) 89     except EOFError: 90         # user hit ^Z or F6
91         pass
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 1 import base64  2 import getpass  3 import os  4 import socket  5 import sys  6 import traceback  7 from paramiko.py3compat import input  8 from models import models  9 import datetime 10 import paramiko 11 try: 12     import interactive 13 except ImportError: 14     from . import interactive 15 def ssh_login(user_obj,bind_host_obj,mysql_engine,log_recording): 16     # now, connect and use paramiko Client to negotiate SSH2 across the connection
17     try: 18         client = paramiko.SSHClient() 19  client.load_system_host_keys() 20  client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.WarningPolicy()) 21         print('*** Connecting...') 22         #client.connect(hostname, port, username, password)
23  client.connect(, 24, 25  bind_host_obj.remoteuser.username, 26  bind_host_obj.remoteuser.password, 27                        timeout=30) 28 
29         cmd_caches = [] 30         chan = client.invoke_shell() 31         print(repr(client.get_transport())) 32         print('*** Here we go!\n') 33         cmd_caches.append(models.AuditLog(, 34                                 , 35                                           action_type='login', 36                                  37  )) 38  log_recording(user_obj,bind_host_obj,cmd_caches) 39  interactive.interactive_shell(chan,user_obj,bind_host_obj,cmd_caches,log_recording) 40  chan.close() 41  client.close() 42     except Exception as e: 43         print('*** Caught exception: %s: %s' % (e.__class__, e)) 44  traceback.print_exc() 45         try: 46  client.close() 47         except: 48             pass
49         sys.exit(1)
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 1 import yaml  2 try:  3     from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper  4 except ImportError:  5     from yaml import Loader, Dumper  6 def print_err(msg,quit=False):  7     output = "\033[31;1mError: %s\033[0m" % msg  8     if quit:  9  exit(output) 10     else: 11         print(output) 12 def yaml_parser(yml_filename): 13     '''
14  load yaml file and return 15  :param yml_filename: 16  :return: 17     '''
18     #yml_filename = "%s/%s.yml" % (settings.StateFileBaseDir,yml_filename)
19     try: 20         yaml_file = open(yml_filename,'r') 21         data = yaml.load(yaml_file) 22         return data 23     except Exception as e: 24         print_err(e)
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 1 from models import models  2 from conf import settings  3 from modules.utils import print_err,yaml_parser  4 from modules.db_conn import engine,session  5 from modules import common_filters  6 from modules import ssh_login  7 def auth():  8     '''
 9  do the user login authentication  10  :return:  11     '''
 12     count = 0  13     while count <3:  14         username = input("\033[32;1mUsername:\033[0m").strip()  15         if len(username) ==0:continue
 16         password = input("\033[32;1mPassword:\033[0m").strip()  17         if len(password) ==0:continue
 18         user_obj = session.query(models.UserProfile).filter(models.UserProfile.username==username,  19                                                             models.UserProfile.password==password).first()  20         if user_obj:  21             return user_obj  22         else:  23             print("wrong username or password, you have %s more chances." %(3-count-1))  24             count +=1
 25     else:  26         print_err("too many attempts.")  27 def welcome_msg(user):  28     WELCOME_MSG = '''\033[32;1m  29  ------------- Welcome [%s] login JBSdb -------------  30  \033[0m'''% user.username  31     print(WELCOME_MSG)  32 def log_recording(user_obj,bind_host_obj,logs):  33     '''
 34  flush user operations on remote host into DB  35  :param user_obj:  36  :param bind_host_obj:  37  :param logs: list format [logItem1,logItem2,...]  38  :return:  39     '''
 40     print("\033[41;1m--logs:\033[0m",logs)  41  session.add_all(logs)  42  session.commit()  43 def start_session(argvs):  44     print('going to start sesssion ')  45     user = auth()  46     if user:  47  welcome_msg(user)  48         print(user.bind_hosts)  49         print(user.host_groups)  50         exit_flag = False  51         while not exit_flag:  52             if user.bind_hosts:  53                 print('\033[32;1mz.\tungroupped hosts (%s)\033[0m' %len(user.bind_hosts) )  54             for index,group in enumerate(user.host_groups):  55                 print('\033[32;1m%s.\t%s (%s)\033[0m' %(index,, len(group.bind_hosts)) )  56 
 57             choice = input("[%s]:" % user.username).strip()  58             if len(choice) == 0:continue
 59             if choice == 'z':  60                 print("------ Group: ungroupped hosts ------" )  61                 for index,bind_host in enumerate(user.bind_hosts):  62                     print(" %s.\t%s@%s(%s)"%(index,  63  bind_host.remote_user.username,  64,  65,  66  ))  67                 print("----------- END -----------" )  68             elif choice.isdigit():  69                 choice = int(choice)  70                 if choice < len(user.host_groups):  71                     print("------ Group: %s ------"  % user.host_groups[choice].name )  72                     for index,bind_host in enumerate(user.host_groups[choice].bind_hosts):  73                         print(" %s.\t%s@%s(%s)"%(index,  74  bind_host.remote_user.username,  75,  76,  77  ))  78                     print("----------- END -----------" )  79                     #host selection
 80                     while not exit_flag:  81                         user_option = input("[(b)back, (q)quit, select host to login]:").strip()  82                         if len(user_option)==0:continue
 83                         if user_option == 'b':break
 84                         if user_option == 'q':  85                             exit_flag=True  86                         if user_option.isdigit():  87                             user_option = int(user_option)  88                             if user_option < len(user.host_groups[choice].bind_hosts) :  89                                 print('host:',user.host_groups[choice].bind_hosts[user_option])  90                                 print('audit log:',user.host_groups[choice].bind_hosts[user_option].audit_logs)  91  ssh_login.ssh_login(user,  92  user.host_groups[choice].bind_hosts[user_option],  93  session,  94  log_recording)  95                 else:  96                     print("no this option..")  97 def stop_server(argvs):  98     pass
 99 def create_users(argvs): 100     '''
101  create little_finger access user 102  :param argvs: 103  :return: 104     '''
105     if '-f' in argvs: 106         user_file  = argvs[argvs.index("-f") +1 ] 107     else: 108         print_err("invalid usage, should be:\ncreateusers -f <the new users file>",quit=True) 109     source = yaml_parser(user_file) 110     if source: 111         for key,val in source.items(): 112             print(key,val) 113             obj = models.UserProfile(username=key,password=val.get('password')) 114             # if val.get('groups'):
115             # groups = session.query(models.Group).filter('groups'))).all()
116             # if not groups:
117             # print_err("none of [%s] exist in group table." % val.get('groups'),quit=True)
118             # obj.groups = groups
119             # if val.get('bind_hosts'):
120             # bind_hosts = common_filters.bind_hosts_filter(val)
121             # obj.bind_hosts = bind_hosts
122             # #print(obj)
123  session.add(obj) 124  session.commit() 125 def create_groups(argvs): 126     '''
127  create groups 128  :param argvs: 129  :return: 130     '''
131     if '-f' in argvs: 132         group_file  = argvs[argvs.index("-f") +1 ] 133     else: 134         print_err("invalid usage, should be:\ncreategroups -f <the new groups file>",quit=True) 135     source = yaml_parser(group_file) 136     if source: 137         for key,val in source.items(): 138             print(key,val) 139             obj = models.HostGroup(name=key) 140             # if val.get('bind_hosts'):
141             # bind_hosts = common_filters.bind_hosts_filter(val)
142             # obj.bind_hosts = bind_hosts
143             # 144             # if val.get('user_profiles'):
145             # user_profiles = common_filters.user_profiles_filter(val)
146             # obj.user_profiles = user_profiles
147  session.add(obj) 148  session.commit() 149 def create_hosts(argvs): 150     '''
151  create hosts 152  :param argvs: 153  :return: 154     '''
155     if '-f' in argvs: 156         hosts_file  = argvs[argvs.index("-f") +1 ] 157     else: 158         print_err("invalid usage, should be:\ncreate_hosts -f <the new hosts file>",quit=True) 159     source = yaml_parser(hosts_file) 160     if source: 161         print(source) 162         for key,val in source.items(): 163             print(key,val) 164             obj = models.Host(hostname=key,ip=val.get('ip'), port=val.get('port') or 22) 165  session.add(obj) 166  session.commit() 167 def create_bindhosts(argvs): 168     '''
169  create bind hosts 170  :param argvs: 171  :return: 172     '''
173     if '-f' in argvs: 174         bindhosts_file  = argvs[argvs.index("-f") +1 ] 175     else: 176         print_err("invalid usage, should be:\ncreate_hosts -f <the new bindhosts file>",quit=True) 177     source = yaml_parser(bindhosts_file) 178     if source: 179         for key,val in source.items(): 180             #print(key,val)
181             host_obj = session.query(models.Host).filter(models.Host.hostname==val.get('hostname')).first() 182             assert host_obj 183             for item in val['remote_users']: 184                 print(item ) 185                 assert item.get('auth_type') #assert --必須存在,不存在報錯
186                 if item.get('auth_type') == 'ssh-password': 187                     remoteuser_obj = session.query(models.RemoteUser).filter( 188                                                         models.RemoteUser.username==item.get('username'), 189                                                         models.RemoteUser.password==item.get('password') 190  ).first() 191                 else: 192                     remoteuser_obj = session.query(models.RemoteUser).filter( 193                                                         models.RemoteUser.username==item.get('username'), 194                                                         models.RemoteUser.auth_type==item.get('auth_type'), 195  ).first() 196                 if not remoteuser_obj: 197                     print_err("RemoteUser obj %s does not exist." % item,quit=True ) 198                 bindhost_obj = models.BindHost(, 199  session.add(bindhost_obj) 200                 #for groups this host binds to
201                 if source[key].get('groups'): 202                     group_objs = session.query(models.HostGroup).filter([key].get('groups') )).all() 203                     assert group_objs 204                     print('groups:', group_objs) 205                     bindhost_obj.host_groups = group_objs 206                 #for user_profiles this host binds to
207                 if source[key].get('user_profiles'): 208                     userprofile_objs = session.query(models.UserProfile).filter(models.UserProfile.username.in_( 209                         source[key].get('user_profiles') 210  )).all() 211                     assert userprofile_objs 212                     print("userprofiles:",userprofile_objs) 213                     bindhost_obj.user_profiles = userprofile_objs 214                 #print(bindhost_obj)
215  session.commit() 216 def create_remoteusers(argvs): 217     '''
218  create remoteusers 219  :param argvs: 220  :return: 221     '''
222     if '-f' in argvs: 223         remoteusers_file  = argvs[argvs.index("-f") +1 ] 224     else: 225         print_err("invalid usage, should be:\ncreate_remoteusers -f <the new remoteusers file>",quit=True) 226     source = yaml_parser(remoteusers_file) 227     if source: 228         for key,val in source.items(): 229             print(key,val) 230             obj = models.RemoteUser(username=val.get('username'),auth_type=val.get('auth_type'),password=val.get('password')) 231  session.add(obj) 232  session.commit() 233 def syncdb(argvs): 234     print("Syncing DB....") 235     engine = models.create_engine(settings.Conn_Params, 236                            echo=True) 237     models.Base.metadata.create_all(engine) #建立全部表結構
View Code


 1 bind1:  2  hostname: ubuntu test  3  remote_users:  4     - user1:  5  username: root  6       auth_type: ssh-key  7       #password: 123
 8     - user2:  9  username: jyh3 10       auth_type: ssh-password 11  password: jyh123 12  groups: 13     - bj_group 14  user_profiles: 15     - jyh 16     - jack 17 bind2: 18  hostname: server2 19  remote_users: 20     - user1: 21  username: root 22       auth_type: ssh-password 23  password: abc123 24  groups: 25     - bj_group 26     - sh_group 27  user_profiles: 28     - rain
View Code


 1 bj_group:  2   #bind_hosts:
 3   # - h1
 4   # - h2
 5  user_profiles:  6     - jyh  7 sh_group:  8  user_profiles:  9     - jack 10     - jyh 11     - rain
View Code


1 ubuntu test: 2   ip:
3   port: 22
4 server1: 5   ip:
6   port: 30000
7 server2: 8   ip:
View Code


 1 user0:  2   auth_type:  ssh-password  3  username: root  4  password: abc123  5 user1:  6   auth_type:  ssh-password  7  username: root  8  password: jyh123456  9 user2: 10   auth_type:  ssh-key 11  username: root 12   #password: abc!23
13 user3: 14   auth_type:  ssh-password 15  username: jyh3 16   password: jyh123
View Code


 1 jyh:  2  password: jyh123  3 # groups:
 4 # - web_servers
 5 # - db_servers
 6   #bind_hosts:
 7   # - h1
 8   # - h2
 9   # - h3
10 jack: 11   password: jack123
View Code



完善audit  如在action_registers.py中 "audit" : views.log_audit 。。。設計表結構---能執行,能記錄,能看
