


Over time, your iPhone’s Camera Roll has probably filled up, making it harder to find images. You can solve this problem by organizing your favorite photos into albums. Here’s how to do it.

隨着時間的流逝,iPhone的「相機膠捲」可能已滿,因此很難找到圖像。 您可以通過將喜歡的照片整理到相冊中來解決此問題。 這是操作方法。

創建相冊和添加照片 (Creating Albums and Adding Photos)

The 「Albums」 tab in the iOS Photos app has all your albums. iOS creates some albums for you automatically—the Selfies and Slo-Mo albums, for example. Some apps, like WhatsApp or Instagram, also create their own album for photos you take using those apps.

iOS相冊應用程序中的「相冊」標籤包含您的所有相冊。 iOS會自動爲您創建一些相冊,例如Selfies和Slo-Mo相冊。 某些應用程序(例如WhatsApp或Instagram)也會爲您使用這些應用程序拍攝的照片創建自己的相冊。

To create a new album from the 「Albums」 tab, tap the + icon in the top left corner. Give the new album a name, and then tap the 「Save」 button.

要從「專輯」選項卡創建新專輯,請點擊左上角的+圖標。 給新相冊起一個名字,然後點擊「保存」按鈕。

Next, select the photos you want to add to the album, and then tap the 「Done」 button.


This creates the new album and adds the photos to it.


You can also add photos to any existing album directly from the Camera Roll. Tap 「Select」 in the top right corner, and then select the photos you want to add to an album.

您也可以直接從「相機膠捲」將照片添加到任何現有相冊中。 點擊右上角的「選擇」,然後選擇要添加到相冊的照片。

Tap the 「Add To」 button at the bottom, and then select the album to which you want to add them.


刪除照片和相冊 (Deleting Photos and Albums)

To delete a photo album, head to the 「Albums」 tab, tap the 「Edit」 option, and then tap the red icon at the top left of the album you want to delete.


Next, tap 「Delete Album」 to remove it. This does not delete any photos in the album. Those photos just won’t be grouped in that album anymore.

接下來,點擊「刪除相冊」將其刪除。 這並不在專輯中刪除任何照片。 這些照片將不再被歸類到該相冊中。

To delete an individual photo instead, open the album, tap the 「Select」 option, and then tap the photo you want to delete.


Tap the trash can icon in the bottom corner and you’ll be presented with two options: 「Remove from Album」 and 「Delete.」 Select the one that you want.

點擊底部角落的垃圾桶圖標,您將看到兩個選項:「從相冊中刪除」和「刪除」。 選擇所需的一個。

您還可以使用相冊做什麼 (What Else Can You Do With Photo Albums)

Now that you’ve got your photos nicely grouped into albums, you can do more with them. You can turn them into 「Memories」 to make them easier to show off or even create shared iCloud Albums with your friends or family.

現在,您已將照片很好地分組到相冊中,您可以使用它們做更多的事情。 您可以將它們變成「回憶」,以使其更容易炫耀,甚至可以與您的朋友或家人創建共享的iCloud相冊

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/345727/how-to-organize-your-iphone-photos-with-albums/
