Here's the typical flow of procedures for obtaining the user location:app
Figure 1 demonstrates this model in a timeline that visualizes the period in which an application is listening for location updates and the events that occur during that time.less
哇,忽然粘出這麼多,非常壓力吧!可是這應該是最細的顆粒了,你們能夠先不看上面文章裏具體的內容,由於可能文章內容不會在此次咱們的討論之中,那咱們該討論什麼呢?在後面會詳細闡述,follow me。ide
Google團隊考慮到,可能開發人員對讓本身的App具備Location Services的功能這點來講變得有點無從下手,對於解決方案的制定有些拿捏不得,甚至在深思熟慮後製定了錯誤的策略,爲了減小上述的狀況,而且提升開發人員開發的效率,幫助項目管理者制定更好的策略,因而這篇文章出現了。這篇文檔文如其名,叫作——this
Note: The strategies described in this guide apply to the platform location API in android.location
. The Google Location Services API, part of Google Play Services, provides a more powerful, high-level framework that automatically handles location providers, user movement, and location accuracy. It also handles location update scheduling based on power consumption parameters you provide. In most cases, you'll get better battery performance, as well as more appropriate accuracy, by using the Location Services API.
To learn more about the Location Services API, see Google Location Services for Android.
note的出現,提示咱們這段文字你能夠讀一下,經過對這段文字的翻譯,我發現它對本文檔起到的實質性幫助並非很明顯,有一點延伸閱讀的意味,起初我覺得這種以Note開頭的段落會有着更實質性的東西,這就有點像咱們項目開發詳細設計文檔中,有關於閱讀面向對象描述與適用範圍描述等性質的段落,它其中還包含了外部連接,很友好的提示閱讀者若是對說起的部分感興趣能夠快速定位,而最後這一句 To learn more……更是將這篇文檔所討論的中心思想的出發點提示給了閱讀者,這一切的源頭即是 Google Location Services for Android。也許有人認爲會稍顯多餘,讀這篇文檔的緣由就是在使用Google Location Services for Android時出現了疑問或者是問題。在一個嚴謹的文檔中,我認爲因果關係的描述必不可少,雖然咱們知道緣由是什麼。固然,閱讀者也能夠選擇不讀,徹底不會影響對核心思想的理解。
Knowing where the user is allows your application to be smarter and deliver better information to the user. When developing a location-aware application for Android, you can utilize GPS and Android's Network Location Provider to acquire the user location. Although GPS is most accurate, it only works outdoors, it quickly consumes battery power, and doesn't return the location as quickly as users want. Android's Network Location Provider determines user location using cell tower and Wi-Fi signals, providing location information in a way that works indoors and outdoors, responds faster, and uses less battery power. To obtain the user location in your application, you can use both GPS and the Network Location Provider, or just one.
經過對這段話的翻譯理解,能夠把這段所描述的內容定個性,那就是背景,或者環境,說是背景,你能夠理解爲某個事件的發生背景,好比某些歷史事件在發生前的大環境,說是環境,你能夠理解爲在咱們開發過程當中爲了讓某個功能模塊更針對性的工做,所配置的前提條件,更直白點說就是前提條件,不論是環境,背景,前提條件,都是爲下面描述核心思想作鋪墊的開胃菜,而這道開胃菜可不能隨便亂點,必定要能約束核心思想的描述範圍,也就是說,討論內容只適用於當前問題。咱們看過不少技術解決方案,有不少一上來就是一個大標題,xx技術解決方案,緊接着 1,2,3……列出了技術解決的詳細步驟,這是有很大的漏洞的,舉例,若是在項目中對某一個功能的技術方案進行從新調整,首先應該瞭解舊方案的解決策略,由於討論內容只適用於當前問題,若是沒有對前提條件進行記錄,在理解舊方案時就無據可查,形成調整的難度,若是當時實施舊方案的人員還在的話,他能夠按照記憶力幫你回憶當時的背景,但誰說他就必定能記得住呢?
咱們爲何須要這份文檔?由於…… 這是一個挑戰!
Obtaining user location from a mobile device can be complicated. There are several reasons why a location reading (regardless of the source) can contain errors and be inaccurate. Some sources of error in the user location include:
GPS, Cell-ID, and Wi-Fi can each provide a clue to users location. Determining which to use and trust is a matter of trade-offs in accuracy, speed, and battery-efficiency.
Because the user location changes, you must account for movement by re-estimating user location every so often.
Location estimates coming from each location source are not consistent in their accuracy. A location obtained 10 seconds ago from one source might be more accurate than the newest location from another or same source.
These problems can make it difficult to obtain a reliable user location reading. This document provides information to help you meet these challenges to obtain a reliable location reading. It also provides ideas that you can use in your application to provide the user with an accurate and responsive geo-location experience.