#include "apue.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <time.h>
static void sig_usr1(int), sig_alrm(int);
static sigjmp_buf jmpbuf;
static volatile sig_atomic_t canjump;
if (signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1) == SIG_ERR)
err_sys("signal(SIGUSR1) error");
if (signal(SIGALRM, sig_alrm) == SIG_ERR)
err_sys("signal(SIGALRM) error");
pr_mask("starting main: "); /* {Prog prmask} */
if (sigsetjmp(jmpbuf, 1)) {
pr_mask("ending main: ");
canjump = 1; /* now sigsetjmp() is OK */
for ( ; ; )
static void
sig_usr1(int signo)
time_t starttime;函數
if (canjump == 0)
return; /* unexpected signal, ignore */atom
pr_mask("starting sig_usr1: ");rest
alarm(3); ci
pr_mask("finishing sig_usr1: ");
canjump = 0;
siglongjmp(jmpbuf, 1); /* jump back to main, don't return */it
static void
sig_alrm(int signo)
pr_mask("in sig_alrm: ");
If a signal-catching function interrupts sleep() and examines or changes either the time a SIGALRM is scheduled to be generated, the action associated with the SIGALRM signal, or whether the SIGALRM signal is blocked from delivery, the results are unspecified.
If a signal-catching function interrupts sleep() and calls siglongjmp() or longjmp() to restore an environment saved prior to the sleep() call, the action associated with the SIGALRM signal and the time at which a SIGALRM signal is scheduled to be generated are unspecified. It is also unspecified whether the SIGALRM signal is blocked, unless the process' signal mask is restored as part of the environment.