ylbtech-小程序-demo:小程序示例-page/api |
1. page/component返回頂部 |
Page({ data: { list: [ { id: 'api', name: '開放接口', open: false, pages: [ { zh: '微信登陸', url: 'login/login' }, { zh: '獲取用戶信息', url: 'get-user-info/get-user-info' }, { zh: '發起支付', url: 'request-payment/request-payment' }, { zh: '分享', url: 'share/share' }, { zh: '客服消息', url: 'custom-message/custom-message' }, { zh: '模板消息', url: 'template-message/template-message' } ] }, { id: 'page', name: '界面', open: false, pages: [ { zh: '設置界面標題', url: 'set-navigation-bar-title/set-navigation-bar-title' }, { zh: '標題欄加載動畫', url: 'navigation-bar-loading/navigation-bar-loading' }, { zh: '頁面跳轉', url: 'navigator/navigator' }, { zh: '下拉刷新', url: 'pull-down-refresh/pull-down-refresh' }, { zh: '建立動畫', url: 'animation/animation' }, { zh: '建立繪畫', url: 'canvas/canvas' }, { zh: '顯示操做菜單', url: 'action-sheet/action-sheet' }, { zh: '顯示模態彈窗', url: 'modal/modal' }, { zh: '顯示消息提示框', url: 'toast/toast' } ] }, { id: 'device', name: '設備', open: false, pages: [ { zh: '獲取手機網絡狀態', url: 'get-network-type/get-network-type' }, { zh: '獲取手機系統信息', url: 'get-system-info/get-system-info' }, { zh: '監聽重力感應數據', url: 'on-accelerometer-change/on-accelerometer-change' }, { zh: '監聽羅盤數據', url: 'on-compass-change/on-compass-change' }, { zh: '打電話', url: 'make-phone-call/make-phone-call' }, { zh: '掃碼', url: 'scan-code/scan-code' } ] }, { id: 'network', name: '網絡', open: false, pages: [ { zh: '發起一個請求', url: 'request/request' }, { zh: 'WebSocket', url: 'web-socket/web-socket' }, { zh: '上傳文件', url: 'upload-file/upload-file' }, { zh: '下載文件', url: 'download-file/download-file' } ] }, { id: 'media', name: '媒體', open: false, pages: [ { zh: '圖片', url: 'image/image' }, { zh: '錄音', url: 'voice/voice' }, { zh: '背景音頻', url: 'background-audio/background-audio' }, { zh: '文件', url: 'file/file' }, { zh: '視頻', url: 'video/video' } ] }, { id: 'location', name: '位置', open: false, pages: [ { zh: '獲取當前位置', url: 'get-location/get-location' }, { zh: '使用原生地圖查看位置', url: 'open-location/open-location' }, { zh: '使用原生地圖選擇位置', url: 'choose-location/choose-location' } ] }, { id: 'storage', name: '數據', url: 'storage/storage' } ] }, kindToggle: function (e) { var id = e.currentTarget.id, list = this.data.list; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; ++i) { if (list[i].id == id) { if(list[i].url){ wx.navigateTo({ url: 'pages/' + list[i].url }) return } list[i].open = !list[i].open } else { list[i].open = false } } this.setData({ list: list }); } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "小程序接口能力展現" }
<view class="index"> <view class="index-hd"> <image class="index-logo" src="resources/kind/logo.png"></image> <view class="index-desc">如下將演示小程序接口能力,具體屬性參數詳見小程序開發文檔。</view> </view> <view class="index-bd"> <view class="kind-list"> <block wx:for-items="{{list}}" wx:key="{{item.id}}"> <view class="kind-list-item"> <view id="{{item.id}}" class="kind-list-item-hd {{item.open ? 'kind-list-item-hd-show' : ''}}" bindtap="kindToggle"> <view class="kind-list-text">{{item.name}}</view> <image class="kind-list-img" src="resources/kind/{{item.id}}.png"></image> </view> <view class="kind-list-item-bd {{item.open ? 'kind-list-item-bd-show' : ''}}"> <view class="navigator-box {{item.open ? 'navigator-box-show' : ''}}"> <block wx:for-items="{{item.pages}}" wx:for-item="page" wx:key="*item"> <navigator url="pages/{{page.url}}" class="navigator"> <view class="navigator-text">{{page.zh}}</view> <view class="navigator-arrow"></view> </navigator> </block> </view> </view> </view> </block> </view> </view> </view>
@import "../common/index.wxss";
2. api 開放接口返回頂部 |
var app = getApp() Page({ onLoad: function () { this.setData({ hasLogin: app.globalData.hasLogin }) }, data: {}, login: function () { var that = this wx.login({ success: function (res) { app.globalData.hasLogin = true that.setData({ hasLogin: true }) that.update() } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "微信登陸" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'Login'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <block wx:if="{{hasLogin === true}}"> <text class="page-body-title">已登陸</text> <text class="page-body-text">每一個微信號中僅需登陸 1 次,後續每次進入頁面便可根據微信 id 自動拉取用戶信息</text> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasLogin === false}}"> <text class="page-body-text">每一個微信號中僅需登陸一次</text> <button class="page-body-button" type="primary" bindtap="login">微信登陸</button> </block> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-section { margin-top: 200rpx; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 100%; padding: 0 50rpx; box-sizing: border-box; } .page-body-title { font-size: 60rpx; line-height: 200rpx; } .page-body-text { color: #bbb; font-size: 28rpx; line-height: 40rpx; margin: 0 0 100rpx 0; text-align: center; } .page-body-button { width: 100%; }
var app = getApp() Page({ data: { hasUserInfo: false }, getUserInfo: function () { var that = this if (app.globalData.hasLogin === false) { wx.login({ success: _getUserInfo }) } else { _getUserInfo() } function _getUserInfo() { wx.getUserInfo({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ hasUserInfo: true, userInfo: res.userInfo }) that.update() } }) } }, clear: function () { this.setData({ hasUserInfo: false, userInfo: {} }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "獲取用戶信息" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'getUserInfo'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <view class="page-body-title">用戶信息</view> <block wx:if="{{hasUserInfo === false}}"> <text class="page-body-text">未獲取</text> <text class="page-body-text">點擊綠色按鈕可獲取用戶頭像及暱稱</text> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasUserInfo === true}}"> <image class="userinfo-avatar" src="{{userInfo.avatarUrl}}"></image> <text class="userinfo-nickname">{{userInfo.nickName}}</text> </block> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="getUserInfo">獲取用戶信息</button> <button bindtap="clear">清空</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body-info { padding-bottom: 0; height: 230px; } .userinfo-avatar { border-radius: 128rpx; width: 128rpx; height: 128rpx; } .userinfo-nickname { margin-top: 20rpx; font-size: 38rpx; }
const paymentUrl = require('../../../../config').paymentUrl var app = getApp() Page({ onLoad: function() { }, requestPayment: function() { var self = this self.setData({ loading: true }) // 此處須要先調用wx.login方法獲取code,而後在服務端調用微信接口使用code換取下單用戶的openId // 具體文檔參考https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/api/api-login.html?t=20161230#wxloginobject app.getUserOpenId(function(err, openid) { if (!err) { wx.request({ url: paymentUrl, data: { openid }, method: 'POST', success: function(res) { console.log('unified order success, response is:', res) var payargs = res.data.payargs wx.requestPayment({ timeStamp: payargs.timeStamp, nonceStr: payargs.nonceStr, package: payargs.package, signType: payargs.signType, paySign: payargs.paySign }) self.setData({ loading: false }) } }) } else { console.log('err:', err) self.setData({ loading: false }) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "發起支付" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'requestPayment'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view>支付金額</view> <view class="price">0.01</view> <view class="desc">實際接口應用中可自定義金額</view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="requestPayment" loading="{{loading}}">支付</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-section{ width: auto; margin: 30rpx; padding: 64rpx 30rpx; background-color: #fff; text-align: center; font-size: 28rpx; } .desc{ color: #B2B2B2; } .price{ margin-top: 30rpx; margin-bottom: 25rpx; position: relative; display: inline-block; font-size: 78rpx; line-height: 1; } .price:before{ content: "¥"; position: absolute; font-size: 40rpx; top: 8rpx; left: -40rpx; }
Page({ data: { shareData: { title: '自定義分享標題', desc: '自定義分享描述', path: '/page/API/pages/share/share' } }, onShareAppMessage: function () { return this.data.shareData } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "分享" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml"/> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml"/> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'onShareAppMessage'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="weui-cells__title">發送內容(如下字段可自由適配)</view> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">標題</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{shareData.title}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">描述</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{shareData.desc}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">跳轉頁面</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{shareData.path}}"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cells__tips">點擊右上角菜單分享給好友</view> </view> <template is="foot"/> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'customMessage'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-body-wrapper"> <text class="page-body-title"> 點擊氣泡icon打開客服消息界面 </text> <view class="page-body-line"> <contact-button size="40" session-from="weapp"></contact-button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
/* page/API/pages/custom-message/custom-message.wxss */
const templateMessageUrl = require('../../../../config').templateMessageUrl var app = getApp() const formData = { address: 'T.I.T 造艦廠', time: '2017.01.09', name: '帝國殲星艦', serial: '123456789' } Page({ onLoad: function() { this.setData({ formData }) }, submitForm: function(e) { var self = this var form_id = e.detail.formId var formData = e.detail.value console.log('form_id is:', form_id) self.setData({ loading: true }) app.getUserOpenId(function(err, openid) { if (!err) { wx.request({ url: templateMessageUrl, method: 'POST', data: { form_id, openid, formData }, success: function(res) { console.log('submit form success', res) wx.showToast({ title: '發送成功', icon: 'success' }) self.setData({ loading: false }) }, fail: function({errMsg}) { console.log('submit form fail, errMsg is:', errMsg) } }) } else { console.log('err:', err) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "模板消息" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml"/> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml"/> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'templateMessage'}}"/> <form class="page-body" bindsubmit="submitForm" report-submit="true"> <view class="weui-cells__title">點擊提交,發送示例模板消息</view> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">購買地點</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{formData.address}}" name="address"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">購買時間</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{formData.time}}" name="time"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">物品名稱</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{formData.name}}" name="name"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">交易單號</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="{{formData.serial}}" name="serial"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" size="40" formType="submit" loading="{{loading}}">點我提交</button> </view> </form> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
3. page 界面返回頂部 |
Page({ setNavigationBarTitle: function (e) { var title = e.detail.value.title console.log(title) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: title, success: function() { console.log('setNavigationBarTitle success') }, fail: function(err) { console.log('setNavigationBarTitle fail, err is', err) } }) return false } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText":"設置界面標題" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'setNavigationBarTitle'}}"/> <form class="page-body" bindsubmit="setNavigationBarTitle"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">頁面標題</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="請輸入頁面標題並點擊設置便可" name="title"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" formType="submit">設置</button> </view> </form> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
width: 5em;
Page({ showNavigationBarLoading: function () { wx.showNavigationBarLoading() }, hideNavigationBarLoading: function () { wx.hideNavigationBarLoading() } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "標題欄加載動畫" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'navigationBarLoading'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="showNavigationBarLoading">顯示加載動畫</button> <button bindtap="hideNavigationBarLoading">隱藏加載動畫</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
Page({ navigateTo: function () { wx.navigateTo({ url: './navigator' }) }, navigateBack: function () { wx.navigateBack() }, redirectTo: function () { wx.redirectTo({ url: './navigator' }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "頁面跳轉" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'navigateTo/Back, redirectTo'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="navigateTo">跳轉新頁面</button> <button bindtap="navigateBack">返回上一頁</button> <button bindtap="redirectTo">在當前頁面打開</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
Page({ onPullDownRefresh: function () { wx.showToast({ title: 'loading...', icon: 'loading' }) console.log('onPullDownRefresh', new Date()) }, stopPullDownRefresh: function () { wx.stopPullDownRefresh({ complete: function (res) { wx.hideToast() console.log(res, new Date()) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "下拉刷新", "enablePullDownRefresh": true }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'on/stopPullDownRefresh'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <text class="page-body-text">下滑頁面便可刷新</text> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="stopPullDownRefresh">中止刷新</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body-info { background-color: transparent; } .btn-area{ margin-top: 300rpx; }
Page({ onReady: function () { this.animation = wx.createAnimation() }, rotate: function () { this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * 720 - 360).step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, scale: function () { this.animation.scale(Math.random() * 2).step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, translate: function () { this.animation.translate(Math.random() * 100 - 50, Math.random() * 100 - 50).step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, skew: function () { this.animation.skew(Math.random() * 90, Math.random() * 90).step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, rotateAndScale: function () { this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * 720 - 360) .scale(Math.random() * 2) .step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, rotateThenScale: function () { this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * 720 - 360).step() .scale(Math.random() * 2).step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, all: function () { this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * 720 - 360) .scale(Math.random() * 2) .translate(Math.random() * 100 - 50, Math.random() * 100 - 50) .skew(Math.random() * 90, Math.random() * 90) .step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, allInQueue: function () { this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * 720 - 360).step() .scale(Math.random() * 2).step() .translate(Math.random() * 100 - 50, Math.random() * 100 - 50).step() .skew(Math.random() * 90, Math.random() * 90).step() this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) }, reset: function () { this.animation.rotate(0, 0) .scale(1) .translate(0, 0) .skew(0, 0) .step({duration: 0}) this.setData({animation: this.animation.export()}) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "動畫" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'createAnimation'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="animation-element-wrapper"> <view class="animation-element" animation="{{animation}}"></view> </view> <scroll-view class="animation-buttons" scroll-y="true"> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="rotate">旋轉</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="scale">縮放</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="translate">移動</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="skew">傾斜</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="rotateAndScale">旋轉並縮放</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="rotateThenScale">旋轉後縮放</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="all">同時展現所有</button> <button class="animation-button" bindtap="allInQueue">順序展現所有</button> <button class="animation-button animation-button-reset" bindtap="reset">還原</button> </scroll-view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.animation-element-wrapper { display: flex; width: 100%; padding-top: 150rpx; padding-bottom: 150rpx; justify-content: center; overflow: hidden; background-color: #ffffff; } .animation-element { width: 200rpx; height: 200rpx; background-color: #1AAD19; } .animation-buttons { padding: 30rpx 50rpx 10rpx; width: 100%; height: 360rpx; box-sizing: border-box; } .animation-button { float: left; line-height: 2; width: 300rpx; margin: 15rpx 12rpx; } .animation-button-reset { width: 620rpx; }
var example = require('./example.js') Page({ onLoad: function () { this.context = wx.createContext() var methods = Object.keys(example) this.setData({ methods: methods }) var that = this methods.forEach(function (method) { that[method] = function () { example[method](that.context) var actions = that.context.getActions() wx.drawCanvas({ canvasId: 'canvas', actions: actions }) } }) }, toTempFilePath: function () { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'canvas', success: function (res) { console.log(res) }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "建立畫布" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'createContext'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <canvas class="canvas-element" canvas-id="canvas"></canvas> <scroll-view class="canvas-buttons" scroll-y="true"> <block wx:for="{{methods}}" wx:for-item="method"> <button class="canvas-button" bindtap="{{method}}">{{method}}</button> </block> <button class="canvas-button" bindtap="toTempFilePath" type="primary">toTempFilePath</button> </scroll-view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.canvas-element-wrapper { display: block; margin-bottom: 100rpx; } .canvas-element { width: 100%; height: 500rpx; background-color: #ffffff; } .canvas-buttons { padding: 30rpx 50rpx 10rpx; width: 100%; height: 360rpx; box-sizing: border-box; } .canvas-button { float: left; line-height: 2; width: 300rpx; margin: 15rpx 12rpx; }
var example = {} example.rotate = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.rotate(10 * Math.PI / 180) context.rect(225, 75, 20, 10) context.fill() } example.scale = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.rect(25, 25, 50, 50) context.stroke() context.scale(2, 2) context.beginPath() context.rect(25, 25, 50, 50) context.stroke() } example.reset = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.setFillStyle('#000000') context.setStrokeStyle('#000000') context.setFontSize(10) context.setShadow(0, 0, 0, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') context.setLineCap('butt') context.setLineJoin('miter') context.setLineWidth(1) context.setMiterLimit(10) } example.translate = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.rect(10, 10, 100, 50) context.fill() context.translate(70, 70) context.beginPath() context.fill() } example.save = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.setStrokeStyle('#00ff00') context.save() context.scale(2, 2) context.setStrokeStyle('#ff0000') context.rect(0, 0, 100, 100) context.stroke() context.restore() context.rect(0, 0, 50, 50) context.stroke() } example.restore = function (context) { [3, 2, 1].forEach(function (item) { context.beginPath() context.save() context.scale(item, item) context.rect(10, 10, 100, 100) context.stroke() context.restore() }) } example.drawImage = function (context) { context.drawImage('/image/wechat.png', 0, 0) } example.fillText = function (context) { context.setStrokeStyle('#ff0000') context.beginPath() context.moveTo(0, 10) context.lineTo(300, 10) context.stroke() // context.save() // context.scale(1.5, 1.5) // context.translate(20, 20) context.setFontSize(10) context.fillText('Hello World', 0, 30) context.setFontSize(20) context.fillText('Hello World', 100, 30) // context.restore() context.beginPath() context.moveTo(0, 30) context.lineTo(300, 30) context.stroke() } example.fill = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.rect(20, 20, 150, 100) context.setStrokeStyle('#00ff00') context.fill() } example.stroke = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.moveTo(20, 20) context.lineTo(20, 100) context.lineTo(70, 100) context.setStrokeStyle('#00ff00') context.stroke() } example.clearRect = function (context) { context.setFillStyle('#ff0000') context.beginPath() context.rect(0, 0, 300, 150) context.fill() context.clearRect(20, 20, 100, 50) } example.beginPath = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.setLineWidth(5) context.setStrokeStyle('#ff0000') context.moveTo(0, 75) context.lineTo(250, 75) context.stroke() context.beginPath() context.setStrokeStyle('#0000ff') context.moveTo(50, 0) context.lineTo(150, 130) context.stroke() } example.closePath = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.moveTo(20, 20) context.lineTo(20, 100) context.lineTo(70, 100) context.closePath() context.stroke() } example.moveTo = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.moveTo(0, 0) context.lineTo(300, 150) context.stroke() } example.lineTo = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.moveTo(20, 20) context.lineTo(20, 100) context.lineTo(70, 100) context.stroke() } example.rect = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.rect(20, 20, 150, 100) context.stroke() } example.arc = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.arc(75, 75, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2, true) context.moveTo(110, 75) context.arc(75, 75, 35, 0, Math.PI, false) context.moveTo(65, 65) context.arc(60, 65, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, true) context.moveTo(95, 65) context.arc(90, 65, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, true) context.stroke() } example.quadraticCurveTo = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.moveTo(20, 20) context.quadraticCurveTo(20, 100, 200, 20) context.stroke() } example.bezierCurveTo = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.moveTo(20, 20) context.bezierCurveTo(20, 100, 200, 100, 200, 20) context.stroke() } example.setFillStyle = function (context) { ['#fef957', 'rgb(242,159,63)', 'rgb(242,117,63)', '#e87e51'].forEach(function (item, index) { context.setFillStyle(item) context.beginPath() context.rect(0 + 75 * index, 0, 50, 50) context.fill() }) } example.setStrokeStyle = function (context) { ['#fef957', 'rgb(242,159,63)', 'rgb(242,117,63)', '#e87e51'].forEach(function (item, index) { context.setStrokeStyle(item) context.beginPath() context.rect(0 + 75 * index, 0, 50, 50) context.stroke() }) } example.setGlobalAlpha = function (context) { context.setFillStyle('#000000'); [1, 0.5, 0.1].forEach(function (item, index) { context.setGlobalAlpha(item) context.beginPath() context.rect(0 + 75 * index, 0, 50, 50) context.fill() }) } example.setShadow = function (context) { context.beginPath() context.setShadow(10, 10, 10, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 199)') context.rect(10, 10, 100, 100) context.fill() } example.setFontSize = function (context) { [10, 20, 30, 40].forEach(function (item, index) { context.setFontSize(item) context.fillText('Hello, world', 20, 20 + 40*index) }) } example.setLineCap = function (context) { context.setLineWidth(10); ['butt', 'round', 'square'].forEach(function (item, index) { context.beginPath() context.setLineCap(item) context.moveTo(20, 20 + 20*index) context.lineTo(100, 20 + 20*index) context.stroke() }) } example.setLineJoin = function (context) { context.setLineWidth(10); ['bevel', 'round', 'miter'].forEach(function (item, index) { context.beginPath() context.setLineJoin(item) context.moveTo(20 + 80 * index, 20) context.lineTo(100 + 80 * index, 50) context.lineTo(20 + 80 * index, 100) context.stroke() }) } example.setLineWidth = function (context) { [2, 4, 6, 8, 10].forEach(function (item, index) { context.beginPath() context.setLineWidth(item) context.moveTo(20, 20 + 20 * index) context.lineTo(100, 20 + 20 * index) context.stroke() }) } example.setMiterLimit = function (context) { context.setLineWidth(4); [2, 4, 6, 8, 10].forEach(function (item, index) { context.beginPath() context.setMiterLimit(item) context.moveTo(20 + 80 * index, 20) context.lineTo(100 + 80 * index, 50) context.lineTo(20 + 80 * index, 100) context.stroke() }) } module.exports = example
Page({ actionSheetTap: function () { wx.showActionSheet({ itemList: ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'], success: function (e) { console.log(e.tapIndex) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "操做菜單" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'action-sheet'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="default" bindtap="actionSheetTap">彈出action sheet</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
/* .cancel { color: white; background: #303F9F; } .item { color: black; background: #C5CAE9; }*/
Page({ data: { modalHidden: true, modalHidden2: true }, modalTap: function(e) { wx.showModal({ title: "彈窗標題", content: "彈窗內容,告知當前狀態、信息和解決方法,描述文字儘可能控制在三行內", showCancel: false, confirmText: "肯定" }) }, noTitlemodalTap: function(e) { wx.showModal({ content: "彈窗內容,告知當前狀態、信息和解決方法,描述文字儘可能控制在三行內", confirmText: "肯定", cancelText: "取消" }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "模態彈窗" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'modal'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="default" bindtap="modalTap">有標題的modal</button> <button type="default" bindtap="noTitlemodalTap">無標題的modal</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
/* page/API/pages/modal/modal.wxss */
Page({ toast1Tap: function () { wx.showToast({ title: "默認" }) }, toast2Tap: function () { wx.showToast({ title: "duration 3000", duration: 3000 }) }, toast3Tap: function () { wx.showToast({ title: "loading", icon: "loading", duration: 5000 }) }, hideToast: function () { wx.hideToast() } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "消息提示框" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'toast'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="btn-area"> <view class="body-view"> <button type="default" bindtap="toast1Tap">點擊彈出默認toast</button> </view> <view class="body-view"> <button type="default" bindtap="toast2Tap">點擊彈出設置duration的toast</button> </view> <view class="body-view"> <button type="default" bindtap="toast3Tap">點擊彈出顯示loading的toast</button> </view> <view class="body-view"> <button type="default" bindtap="hideToast">點擊隱藏toast</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
/* page/API/pages/toast/toast.wxss */
4. device 設備返回頂部 |
Page({ data: { hasNetworkType: false }, getNetworkType: function () { var that = this wx.getNetworkType({ success: function (res) { console.log(res) that.setData({ hasNetworkType: true, networkType: res.subtype || res.networkType }) that.update() } }) }, clear: function () { this.setData({ hasNetworkType: false, networkType: '' }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "獲取手機網絡狀態" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'getNetworkType'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <view class="page-body-title">網絡狀態</view> <block wx:if="{{hasNetworkType === false}}"> <text class="page-body-text">未獲取</text> <text class="page-body-text">點擊綠色按鈕可獲取網絡狀態</text> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasNetworkType === true}}"> <text class="page-body-text-network-type">{{networkType}}</text> </block> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="getNetworkType">獲取手機網絡狀態</button> <button bindtap="clear">清空</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body-info { height: 200rpx; } .page-body-text-network-type { font-size: 80rpx; font-family: -apple-system-font,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif; }
Page({ data: { systemInfo: {} }, getSystemInfo: function () { var that = this wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ systemInfo: res }) that.update() } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "獲取手機系統信息" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'getSystemInfo'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">手機型號</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" placeholder="未獲取" value="{{systemInfo.model}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">微信語言</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" placeholder="未獲取" value="{{systemInfo.language}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">微信版本</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" placeholder="未獲取" value="{{systemInfo.version}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">屏幕寬度</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" placeholder="未獲取" value="{{systemInfo.windowWidth}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">屏幕高度</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" placeholder="未獲取" value="{{systemInfo.windowHeight}}"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">DPI</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" placeholder="未獲取" value="{{systemInfo.pixelRatio}}"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="getSystemInfo">獲取手機系統信息</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
Page({ onReady: function () { this.drawBigBall() var that = this this.position = { x: 151, y: 151, vx: 0, vy: 0, ax: 0, ay: 0 } wx.onAccelerometerChange(function (res) { that.setData({ x: res.x.toFixed(2), y: res.y.toFixed(2), z: res.z.toFixed(2) }) that.position.ax = Math.sin(res.x * Math.PI / 2) that.position.ay = -Math.sin(res.y * Math.PI / 2) //that.drawSmallBall() }) this.interval = setInterval(function () { that.drawSmallBall() }, 17) }, drawBigBall: function () { var context = wx.createContext() context.beginPath(0) context.arc(151, 151, 140, 0, Math.PI * 2) context.setFillStyle('#ffffff') context.setStrokeStyle('#aaaaaa') context.fill() // context.stroke() wx.drawCanvas({ canvasId: 'big-ball', actions: context.getActions() }) }, drawSmallBall: function () { var p = this.position var strokeStyle = 'rgba(1,1,1,0)' p.x = p.x + p.vx p.y = p.y + p.vy p.vx = p.vx + p.ax p.vy = p.vy + p.ay if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(p.x) - 151, 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(p.y) - 151, 2)) >= 115) { if (p.x > 151 && p.vx > 0) { p.vx = 0 } if (p.x < 151 && p.vx < 0) { p.vx = 0 } if (p.y > 151 && p.vy > 0) { p.vy = 0 } if (p.y < 151 && p.vy < 0) { p.vy = 0 } strokeStyle = '#ff0000' } var context = wx.createContext() context.beginPath(0) context.arc(p.x, p.y, 15, 0, Math.PI * 2) context.setFillStyle('#1aad19') context.setStrokeStyle(strokeStyle) context.fill() // context.stroke() wx.drawCanvas({ canvasId: 'small-ball', actions: context.getActions() }) }, data: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, onUnload: function () { clearInterval(this.interval) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "監聽重力感應數據" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'onAccelerometerChange'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section page-section_center"> <text class="page-body-text">傾斜手機便可移動下方小球</text> <view class="page-body-canvas"> <canvas class="page-body-ball" show="{{true}}" canvas-id="big-ball"></canvas> <canvas class="page-body-ball" show="{{true}}" canvas-id="small-ball"></canvas> </view> <view class="page-body-xyz"> <text class="page-body-title">X: {{x}}</text> <text class="page-body-title">Y: {{y}}</text> <text class="page-body-title">Z: {{z}}</text> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body-xyz { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; width: 700rpx; margin-top: 90rpx; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; } .page-body-canvas { margin-top: 30rpx; width: 302px; height: 302px; position: relative; } .page-body-ball { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 302px; height: 302px; } .page-body-title { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 32rpx; width: 250rpx; }
Page({ data: { direction: 0 }, onReady: function () { var that = this wx.onCompassChange(function (res) { that.setData({ direction: parseInt(res.direction) }) }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "監聽羅盤數據" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'onCompassChange'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section page-section_center"> <text class="page-body-text">旋轉手機便可獲取方位信息</text> <view class="direction"> <view class="bg-compass-line"></view> <image class="bg-compass" src="compass.png" style="transform: rotate({{direction}}deg)"></image> <view class="direction-value"> <text>{{direction}}</text> <text class="direction-degree">o</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.direction { position: relative; margin-top: 70rpx; display: flex; width: 540rpx; height: 540rpx; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .direction-value { position: relative; font-size: 200rpx; color: #353535; line-height: 1; z-index: 1; } .direction-degree { position: absolute; top: 0; right: -40rpx; font-size: 60rpx; } .bg-compass{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 540rpx; height: 540rpx; transition: .1s; } .bg-compass-line{ position: absolute; left: 267rpx; top: -10rpx; width: 6rpx; height: 56rpx; background-color: #1AAD19; border-radius: 999rpx; z-index: 1; }
Page({ data: { disabled: true }, bindInput: function(e) { this.inputValue = e.detail.value if (this.inputValue.length > 0) { this.setData({ disabled: false }) } else { this.setData({ disabled: true }) } }, makePhoneCall: function () { var that = this wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: this.inputValue, success: function () { console.log("成功撥打電話") } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "打電話" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'makePhoneCall'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="desc">請在下方輸入電話號碼</view> <input class="input" type="number" name="input" bindinput="bindInput" /> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="makePhoneCall" disabled="{{disabled}}">撥打</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-section{ width: auto; margin: 30rpx; padding: 44rpx 60rpx 60rpx; background-color: #fff; font-size: 28rpx; } .desc{ margin-bottom: 20rpx; } .input{ height: 119rpx; line-height: 119rpx; font-size: 78rpx; border-bottom: 1rpx solid #E2E2E2; } .btn-area{ padding: 0; }
Page({ data: { result: '' }, scanCode: function () { var that = this wx.scanCode({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ result: res.result }) }, fail: function (res) { } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "掃碼" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'scanCode'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="weui-cells__title">掃碼結果</view> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell"> <view class="weui-cell__bd">{{result}}</view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="scanCode">掃一掃</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss"; .weui-cell__bd{ min-height: 48rpx; word-break: break-all; }
5. network 網絡返回頂部 |
const requestUrl = require('../../../../config').requestUrl const duration = 2000 Page({ makeRequest: function() { var self = this self.setData({ loading: true }) wx.request({ url: requestUrl, data: { noncestr: Date.now() }, success: function(result) { wx.showToast({ title: '請求成功', icon: 'success', mask: true, duration: duration }) self.setData({ loading: false }) console.log('request success', result) }, fail: function({errMsg}) { console.log('request fail', errMsg) self.setData({ loading: false }) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "網絡請求" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml"/> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml"/> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'request'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-body-wording"> <text class="page-body-text"> 點擊向服務器發起請求 </text> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="makeRequest" type="primary" disabled="{{buttonDisabled}}" loading="{{loading}}">request</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot"/> </view>
const qcloud = require('../../../../vendor/qcloud-weapp-client-sdk/index') const loginUrl = require('../../../../config').loginUrl const tunnelUrl = require('../../../../config').tunnelUrl function showModal(title, content) { wx.showModal({ title, content, showCancel: false }) } function showSuccess(title) { wx.showToast({ title, icon: 'success', duration: 1000 }) } Page({ data: { socketStatus: 'closed' }, onLoad: function() { var self = this qcloud.setLoginUrl(loginUrl) qcloud.login({ success: function(result) { console.log('登陸成功', result) self.setData({ hasLogin: true }) }, fail: function(error) { console.log('登陸失敗', error) } }) }, onUnload: function() { this.closeSocket() }, toggleSocket: function(e) { const turnedOn = e.detail.value if (turnedOn && this.data.socketStatus == 'closed') { this.openSocket() } else if (!turnedOn && this.data.socketStatus == 'connected') { var showSuccess = true this.closeSocket(showSuccess) } }, openSocket: function() { var socket = this.socket = new qcloud.Tunnel(tunnelUrl) socket.on('connect', () => { console.log('WebSocket 已鏈接') showSuccess('Socket已鏈接') this.setData({ socketStatus: 'connected', waitingResponse: false }) }) socket.on('close', () => { console.log('WebSocket 已斷開') this.setData({ socketStatus: 'closed' }) }) socket.on('error', error => { showModal('發生錯誤', JSON.stringify(error)) console.error('socket error:', error) this.setData({ loading: false }) }) // 監聽服務器推送消息 socket.on('message', message => { showSuccess('收到信道消息') console.log('socket message:', message) this.setData({ loading: false }) }) // 打開信道 socket.open() }, closeSocket: function(showSuccessToast) { if (this.socket) { this.socket.close() } if (showSuccessToast) showSuccess('Socket已斷開') this.setData({ socketStatus: 'closed' }) }, sendMessage: function() { if (this.socket && this.socket.isActive()) { this.socket.emit('message', { 'content': 'Hello, 小程序!' }) this.setData({ loading: true }) } }, })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "Web Socket" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'WebSocket'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_switch"> <view class="weui-cell__bd">Socket狀態</view> <view class="weui-cell__ft"> <switch bindchange="toggleSocket" disabled="{{!hasLogin}}"/> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell"> <view class="weui-cell__bd">消息</view> <view class="weui-cell__ft"> Hello, 小程序! </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" size="40" bindtap="sendMessage" disabled="{{socketStatus != 'connected'}}" loading="{{loading}}">點我發送</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
const uploadFileUrl = require('../../../../config').uploadFileUrl Page({ chooseImage: function() { var self = this wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['compressed'], sourceType: ['album'], success: function(res) { console.log('chooseImage success, temp path is', res.tempFilePaths[0]) var imageSrc = res.tempFilePaths[0] wx.uploadFile({ url: uploadFileUrl, filePath: imageSrc, name: 'data', success: function(res) { console.log('uploadImage success, res is:', res) wx.showToast({ title: '上傳成功', icon: 'success', duration: 1000 }) self.setData({ imageSrc }) }, fail: function({errMsg}) { console.log('uploadImage fail, errMsg is', errMsg) } }) }, fail: function({errMsg}) { console.log('chooseImage fail, err is', errMsg) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "上傳文件" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'uploadFile'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <block wx:if="{{imageSrc}}"> <image src="{{imageSrc}}" class="image" mode="aspectFit"></image> </block> <block wx:else> <view class="image-plus image-plus-nb" bindtap="chooseImage"> <view class="image-plus-horizontal"></view> <view class="image-plus-vertical"></view> </view> <view class="image-plus-text">選擇圖片</view> </block> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.image { width: 100%; height: 360rpx; } .page-body-info { display: flex; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 30rpx; height: 420rpx; border-top: 1rpx solid #D9D9D9; border-bottom: 1rpx solid #D9D9D9; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
const downloadExampleUrl = require('../../../../config').downloadExampleUrl Page({ downloadImage: function() { var self = this wx.downloadFile({ url: downloadExampleUrl, success: function(res) { console.log('downloadFile success, res is', res) self.setData({ imageSrc: res.tempFilePath }) }, fail: function({errMsg}) { console.log('downloadFile fail, err is:', errMsg) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "下載文件" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'downloadFile'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <image wx:if="{{imageSrc}}" src="{{imageSrc}}" mode="center" /> <block wx:else> <view class="page-body-wording"> <text class="page-body-text"> 點擊按鈕下載服務端示例圖片 </text> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="downloadImage" type="primary">下載</button> </view> </block> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body image { width: 600rpx; height: 600rpx; margin: 0 75rpx; }
6. media 媒體返回頂部 |
var sourceType = [ ['camera'], ['album'], ['camera', 'album'] ] var sizeType = [ ['compressed'], ['original'], ['compressed', 'original'] ] Page({ data: { imageList: [], sourceTypeIndex: 2, sourceType: ['拍照', '相冊', '拍照或相冊'], sizeTypeIndex: 2, sizeType: ['壓縮', '原圖', '壓縮或原圖'], countIndex: 8, count: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] }, sourceTypeChange: function (e) { this.setData({ sourceTypeIndex: e.detail.value }) }, sizeTypeChange: function (e) { this.setData({ sizeTypeIndex: e.detail.value }) }, countChange: function (e) { this.setData({ countIndex: e.detail.value }) }, chooseImage: function () { var that = this wx.chooseImage({ sourceType: sourceType[this.data.sourceTypeIndex], sizeType: sizeType[this.data.sizeTypeIndex], count: this.data.count[this.data.countIndex], success: function (res) { console.log(res) that.setData({ imageList: res.tempFilePaths }) } }) }, previewImage: function (e) { var current = e.target.dataset.src wx.previewImage({ current: current, urls: this.data.imageList }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "圖片" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'choose/previewImage'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <form> <view class="page-section"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">圖片來源</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <picker range="{{sourceType}}" bindchange="sourceTypeChange" value="{{sourceTypeIndex}}" mode="selector"> <view class="weui-input">{{sourceType[sourceTypeIndex]}}</view> </picker> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">圖片質量</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <picker range="{{sizeType}}" bindchange="sizeTypeChange" value="{{sizeTypeIndex}}" mode="selector"> <view class="weui-input">{{sizeType[sizeTypeIndex]}}</view> </picker> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">數量限制</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <picker range="{{count}}" bindchange="countChange" value="{{countIndex}}" mode="selector"> <view class="weui-input">{{count[countIndex]}}</view> </picker> </view> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cells"> <view class="weui-cell"> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <view class="weui-uploader"> <view class="weui-uploader__hd"> <view class="weui-uploader__title">點擊可預覽選好的圖片</view> <view class="weui-uploader__info">{{imageList.length}}/{{count[countIndex]}}</view> </view> <view class="weui-uploader__bd"> <view class="weui-uploader__files"> <block wx:for="{{imageList}}" wx:for-item="image"> <view class="weui-uploader__file"> <image class="weui-uploader__img" src="{{image}}" data-src="{{image}}" bindtap="previewImage"></image> </view> </block> </view> <view class="weui-uploader__input-box"> <view class="weui-uploader__input" bindtap="chooseImage"></view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </form> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
var util = require('../../../../util/util.js') var playTimeInterval var recordTimeInterval Page({ data: { recording: false, playing: false, hasRecord: false, recordTime: 0, playTime: 0, formatedRecordTime: '00:00:00', formatedPlayTime: '00:00:00' }, onHide: function() { if (this.data.playing) { this.stopVoice() } else if (this.data.recording) { this.stopRecordUnexpectedly() } }, startRecord: function () { this.setData({ recording: true }) var that = this recordTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { var recordTime = that.data.recordTime += 1 that.setData({ formatedRecordTime: util.formatTime(that.data.recordTime), recordTime: recordTime }) }, 1000) wx.startRecord({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ hasRecord: true, tempFilePath: res.tempFilePath, formatedPlayTime: util.formatTime(that.data.playTime) }) }, complete: function () { that.setData({ recording: false }) clearInterval(recordTimeInterval) } }) }, stopRecord: function() { wx.stopRecord() }, stopRecordUnexpectedly: function () { var that = this wx.stopRecord({ success: function() { console.log('stop record success') clearInterval(recordTimeInterval) that.setData({ recording: false, hasRecord: false, recordTime: 0, formatedRecordTime: util.formatTime(0) }) } }) }, playVoice: function () { var that = this playTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { var playTime = that.data.playTime + 1 console.log('update playTime', playTime) that.setData({ playing: true, formatedPlayTime: util.formatTime(playTime), playTime: playTime }) }, 1000) wx.playVoice({ filePath: this.data.tempFilePath, success: function () { clearInterval(playTimeInterval) var playTime = 0 console.log('play voice finished') that.setData({ playing: false, formatedPlayTime: util.formatTime(playTime), playTime: playTime }) } }) }, pauseVoice: function () { clearInterval(playTimeInterval) wx.pauseVoice() this.setData({ playing: false }) }, stopVoice: function () { clearInterval(playTimeInterval) this.setData({ playing: false, formatedPlayTime: util.formatTime(0), playTime: 0 }) wx.stopVoice() }, clear: function () { clearInterval(playTimeInterval) wx.stopVoice() this.setData({ playing: false, hasRecord: false, tempFilePath: '', formatedRecordTime: util.formatTime(0), recordTime: 0, playTime: 0 }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "錄音" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'start/stopRecord、play/stopVoice'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <block wx:if="{{recording === false && playing === false && hasRecord === false}}"> <view class="page-body-time"> <text class="time-big">{{formatedRecordTime}}</text> </view> <view class="page-body-buttons"> <view class="page-body-button"></view> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="startRecord"> <image src="/image/record.png"></image> </view> <view class="page-body-button"></view> </view> </block> <block wx:if="{{recording === true}}"> <view class="page-body-time"> <text class="time-big">{{formatedRecordTime}}</text> </view> <view class="page-body-buttons"> <view class="page-body-button"></view> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="stopRecord"> <view class="button-stop-record"></view> </view> <view class="page-body-button"></view> </view> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasRecord === true && playing === false}}"> <view class="page-body-time"> <text class="time-big">{{formatedPlayTime}}</text> <text class="time-small">{{formatedRecordTime}}</text> </view> <view class="page-body-buttons"> <view class="page-body-button"></view> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="playVoice"> <image src="/image/play.png"></image> </view> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="clear"> <image src="/image/trash.png"></image> </view> </view> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasRecord === true && playing === true}}"> <view class="page-body-time"> <text class="time-big">{{formatedPlayTime}}</text> <text class="time-small">{{formatedRecordTime}}</text> </view> <view class="page-body-buttons"> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="stopVoice"> <image src="/image/stop.png"></image> </view> <!-- <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="pauseVoice"> <image src="/image/pause.png"></image> </view> --> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="clear"> <image src="/image/trash.png"></image> </view> </view> </block> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
image { width: 150rpx; height: 150rpx; } .page-body-wrapper { justify-content: space-between; flex-grow: 1; margin-bottom: 300rpx; } .page-body-time { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .time-big { font-size: 60rpx; margin: 20rpx; } .time-small { font-size: 30rpx; } .page-body-buttons { margin-top: 60rpx; display: flex; justify-content: space-around; } .page-body-button { width: 250rpx; text-align: center; } .button-stop-record { width: 110rpx; height: 110rpx; border: 20rpx solid #fff; background-color: #f55c23; border-radius: 130rpx; margin: 0 auto; }
var app = getApp() var util = require('../../../../util/util.js') var dataUrl = 'http://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E061FF02C31F716658E5C81F5594D561F2E88B854E81CAAB7806D5E4F103E55D33C16F3FAC506D1AB172DE8600B37E43FAD&fromtag=46' Page({ onLoad: function () { this._enableInterval() if (app.globalData.backgroundAudioPlaying) { this.setData({ playing: true }) } }, data: { playing: false, playTime: 0, formatedPlayTime: '00:00:00' }, play: function (res) { var that = this wx.playBackgroundAudio({ dataUrl: dataUrl, title: '此時此刻', coverImgUrl: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000003rsKF44GyaSk.jpg?max_age=2592000', complete: function (res) { that.setData({ playing: true }) } }) this._enableInterval() app.globalData.backgroundAudioPlaying = true }, seek: function (e) { clearInterval(this.updateInterval) var that = this wx.seekBackgroundAudio({ position: e.detail.value, complete: function () { // 實際會延遲兩秒左右才跳過去 setTimeout(function () { that._enableInterval() }, 2000) } }) }, pause: function () { var that = this wx.pauseBackgroundAudio({ dataUrl: dataUrl, success: function () { that.setData({ playing: false }) } }) app.globalData.backgroundAudioPlaying = false }, stop: function () { var that = this wx.stopBackgroundAudio({ dataUrl: dataUrl, success: function (res) { that.setData({ playing: false, playTime: 0, formatedPlayTime: util.formatTime(0) }) } }) app.globalData.backgroundAudioPlaying = false }, _enableInterval: function () { var that = this update() this.updateInterval = setInterval(update, 500) function update() { wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ playTime: res.currentPosition, formatedPlayTime: util.formatTime(res.currentPosition + 1) }) } }) } }, onUnload: function () { clearInterval(this.updateInterval) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "背景音樂" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'backgroundAudio'}}"/> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <text class="time-big">{{formatedPlayTime}}</text> <slider class="slider" min="0" max="269" step="1" value="{{playTime}}" bindchange="seek"></slider> <view class="play-time"> <text>00:00</text> <text>04:29</text> </view> </view> <view class="page-body-text tc">注意:離開當前頁面後背景音樂將保持播放,但退出小程序將中止</view> <view class="page-body-buttons"> <block wx:if="{{playing === true}}"> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="stop"> <image src="/image/stop.png"></image> </view> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="pause"> <image src="/image/pause.png"></image> </view> </block> <block wx:if="{{playing === false}}"> <view class="page-body-button"></view> <view class="page-body-button" bindtap="play"> <image src="/image/play.png"></image> </view> </block> <view class="page-body-button"></view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
image { width: 150rpx; height: 150rpx; } .page-body-wrapper { margin-top: 0; } .page-body-info { padding-bottom: 50rpx; } .time-big { font-size: 60rpx; margin: 20rpx; } .slider { width: 650rpx; } .play-time { font-size: 28rpx; width: 700rpx; padding: 20rpx 0; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; box-sizing: border-box; } .page-body-buttons { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; margin-top: 100rpx; } .page-body-button { width: 250rpx; text-align: center; }
Page({ onLoad: function () { this.setData({ savedFilePath: wx.getStorageSync('savedFilePath') }) }, data: { tempFilePath: '', savedFilePath: '', dialog: { hidden: true } }, chooseImage: function () { var that = this wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, success: function (res) { that.setData({ tempFilePath: res.tempFilePaths[0] }) } }) }, saveFile: function () { if (this.data.tempFilePath.length > 0) { var that = this wx.saveFile({ tempFilePath: this.data.tempFilePath, success: function (res) { that.setData({ savedFilePath: res.savedFilePath }) wx.setStorageSync('savedFilePath', res.savedFilePath) that.setData({ dialog: { title: '保存成功', content: '下次進入應用時,此文件仍可用', hidden: false } }) }, fail: function (res) { that.setData({ dialog: { title: '保存失敗', content: '應該是有 bug 吧', hidden: false } }) } }) } }, clear: function () { wx.setStorageSync('savedFilePath', '') this.setData({ tempFilePath: '', savedFilePath: '' }) }, confirm: function () { this.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': true }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "文件" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'saveFile'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <block wx:if="{{tempFilePath != ''}}"> <image src="{{tempFilePath}}" class="image" mode="aspectFit"></image> </block> <block wx:if="{{tempFilePath === '' && savedFilePath != ''}}"> <image src="{{savedFilePath}}" class="image" mode="aspectFit"></image> </block> <block wx:if="{{tempFilePath === '' && savedFilePath === ''}}"> <view class="image-plus image-plus-nb" bindtap="chooseImage"> <view class="image-plus-horizontal"></view> <view class="image-plus-vertical"></view> </view> <view class="image-plus-text">請選擇文件</view> </block> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="saveFile">保存文件</button> <button bindtap="clear">刪除文件</button> </view> </view> </view> <modal title="{{dialog.title}}" hidden="{{dialog.hidden}}" no-cancel bindconfirm="confirm">{{dialog.content}}</modal> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.image { width: 100%; height: 360rpx; } .page-body-info { display: flex; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 30rpx; height: 420rpx; border-top: 1rpx solid #D9D9D9; border-bottom: 1rpx solid #D9D9D9; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
var sourceType = [ ['camera'], ['album'], ['camera', 'album'] ] var camera = [ ['front'], ['back'], ['front', 'back'] ] var duration = Array.apply(null, {length: 60}).map(function (n, i) { return i + 1 }) Page({ data: { sourceTypeIndex: 2, sourceType: ['拍攝', '相冊', '拍攝或相冊'], cameraIndex: 2, camera: ['前置', '後置', '前置或後置'], durationIndex: 59, duration: duration.map(function (t) { return t + '秒'}), src: '' }, sourceTypeChange: function (e) { this.setData({ sourceTypeIndex: e.detail.value }) }, cameraChange: function (e) { this.setData({ cameraIndex: e.detail.value }) }, durationChange: function (e) { this.setData({ durationIndex: e.detail.value }) }, chooseVideo: function () { var that = this wx.chooseVideo({ sourceType: sourceType[this.data.sourceTypeIndex], camera: camera[this.data.cameraIndex], maxDuration: duration[this.data.durationIndex], success: function (res) { that.setData({ src: res.tempFilePath }) } }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "拍攝/選擇視頻" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'chooseVideo'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">視頻來源</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <picker range="{{sourceType}}" bindchange="sourceTypeChange" value="{{sourceTypeIndex}}"> <view class="weui-input">{{sourceType[sourceTypeIndex]}}</view> </picker> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">攝像頭</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <picker range="{{camera}}" bindchange="cameraChange" value="{{cameraIndex}}"> <view class="weui-input">{{camera[cameraIndex]}}</view> </picker> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">拍攝長度</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <picker range="{{duration}}" bindchange="durationChange" value="{{durationIndex}}"> <view class="weui-input">{{duration[durationIndex]}}</view> </picker> </view> </view> </view> <view class="page-body-info"> <block wx:if="{{src === ''}}"> <view class="image-plus image-plus-nb" bindtap="chooseVideo"> <view class="image-plus-horizontal"></view> <view class="image-plus-vertical"></view> </view> <view class="image-plus-text">添加視頻</view> </block> <block wx:if="{{src != ''}}"> <video src="{{src}}" class="video"></video> </block> </view> </view> </view> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss"; .page-body-info { display: flex; margin-top: 40rpx; padding: 0; height: 360rpx; border-top: 1rpx solid #D9D9D9; border-bottom: 1rpx solid #D9D9D9; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
7. location 位置返回頂部 |
var util = require('../../../../util/util.js') var formatLocation = util.formatLocation Page({ data: { hasLocation: false, }, getLocation: function () { var that = this wx.getLocation({ success: function (res) { console.log(res) that.setData({ hasLocation: true, location: formatLocation(res.longitude, res.latitude) }) } }) }, clear: function () { this.setData({ hasLocation: false }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "獲取位置" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'getLocation'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <text class="page-body-text-small">當前位置經緯度</text> <block wx:if="{{hasLocation === false}}"> <text class="page-body-text">未獲取</text> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasLocation === true}}"> <view class="page-body-text-location"> <text>E: {{location.longitude[0]}}°{{location.longitude[1]}}′</text> <text>N: {{location.latitude[0]}}°{{location.latitude[1]}}′</text> </view> </block> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="getLocation">獲取位置</button> <button bindtap="clear">清空</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body-info { height: 250rpx; } .page-body-text-small { font-size: 24rpx; color: #000; margin-bottom: 100rpx; } .page-body-text-location { display: flex; font-size: 50rpx; } .page-body-text-location text { margin: 10rpx; }
Page({ openLocation: function (e) { console.log(e) var value = e.detail.value console.log(value) wx.openLocation({ longitude: Number(value.longitude), latitude: Number(value.latitude), name: value.name, address: value.address }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "查看位置" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'openLocation'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <form bindsubmit="openLocation"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">經度</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="113.324520" name="longitude"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">緯度</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="23.099994" name="latitude"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">位置名稱</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="T.I.T 創意園" name="name"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">詳細位置</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" disabled="{{true}}" value="廣州市海珠區新港中路397號" name="address"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" formType="submit">查看位置</button> </view> </form> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
var util = require('../../../../util/util.js') var formatLocation = util.formatLocation Page({ data: { hasLocation: false, }, chooseLocation: function () { var that = this wx.chooseLocation({ success: function (res) { console.log(res) that.setData({ hasLocation: true, location: formatLocation(res.longitude, res.latitude), locationAddress: res.address }) } }) }, clear: function () { this.setData({ hasLocation: false }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "使用原生地圖選擇位置" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'chooseLocation'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="page-body-info"> <text class="page-body-text-small">當前位置信息</text> <block wx:if="{{hasLocation === false}}"> <text class="page-body-text">未選擇位置</text> </block> <block wx:if="{{hasLocation === true}}"> <text class="page-body-text">{{locationAddress}}</text> <view class="page-body-text-location"> <text>E: {{location.longitude[0]}}°{{location.longitude[1]}}′</text> <text>N: {{location.latitude[0]}}°{{location.latitude[1]}}′</text> </view> </block> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="chooseLocation">選擇位置</button> <button bindtap="clear">清空</button> </view> </view> </view> <template is="foot" /> </view>
.page-body-info{ padding-bottom: 0; height: 440rpx; }
8. storage 數據返回頂部 |
Page({ data: { key: '', data: '', dialog: { title: '', content: '', hidden: true } }, keyChange: function (e) { this.data.key = e.detail.value }, dataChange: function (e) { this.data.data = e.detail.value }, getStorage: function () { var key = this.data.key, data = this.data.data var storageData if (key.length === 0) { this.setData({ key: key, data: data, 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '讀取數據失敗', 'dialog.content': 'key 不能爲空' }) } else { storageData = wx.getStorageSync(key) if (storageData === "") { this.setData({ key: key, data: data, 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '讀取數據失敗', 'dialog.content': '找不到 key 對應的數據' }) } else { this.setData({ key: key, data: data, 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '讀取數據成功', 'dialog.content': "data: '"+ storageData + "'" }) } } }, setStorage: function () { var key = this.data.key var data = this.data.data if (key.length === 0) { this.setData({ key: key, data: data, 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '保存數據失敗', 'dialog.content': 'key 不能爲空' }) } else { wx.setStorageSync(key, data) this.setData({ key: key, data: data, 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '存儲數據成功' }) } }, clearStorage: function () { wx.clearStorageSync() this.setData({ key: '', data: '', 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '清除數據成功', 'dialog.content': '' }) }, confirm: function () { this.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': true, 'dialog.title': '', 'dialog.content': '' }) } })
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "數據存儲" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml" /> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml" /> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'get/set/clearStorage'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section"> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">key</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="請輸入key" name="key" value="{{key}}" bindinput="keyChange"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">value</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="請輸入value" name="data" value="{{data}}" bindinput="dataChange"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary" bindtap="setStorage">存儲數據</button> <button bindtap="getStorage">讀取數據</button> <button bindtap="clearStorage">清理數據</button> </view> </view> </view> <modal title="{{dialog.title}}" hidden="{{dialog.hidden}}" no-cancel bindconfirm="confirm">{{dialog.content}}</modal> <template is="foot" /> </view>
@import "../../../common/lib/weui.wxss";
9.返回頂部 |
10.返回頂部 |
11.返回頂部 |
![]() |
做者:ylbtech 出處:http://ylbtech.cnblogs.com/ 本文版權歸做者和博客園共有,歡迎轉載,但未經做者贊成必須保留此段聲明,且在文章頁面明顯位置給出原文鏈接,不然保留追究法律責任的權利。 |