function circleSet() { myChart1 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('ec1')); myChart2 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('ec2')); var color= ['#b679fe', '#6271fd','#94d96c', '#0fbdd9','#f0f0f0']; var dataStyle = { normal: { label: { show: false }, labelLine: { show: false }, shadowBlur: 40, borderWidth: 10, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' //邊框陰影 } }; //第一個餅狀圖
var optionCircleA = { backgroundColor: '#fff', title: { text: '52452', x: 'center', y: 'center', textStyle: { fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: 14, color: "#b679fe", } }, series: [{ name: 'Line 1', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [37, 45], center:['50%','50%'], itemStyle: dataStyle, hoverAnimation: false, startAngle: 90, label:{ borderRadius:'10', }, data: [{ value: 54.6, name: '外', itemStyle: { normal: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{ offset: 0, color:color[0] }, { offset: 1, color: color[1] }]) } } }, { value: 0, name: '', tooltip: { show: false }, }, ] }, { name: 'Line 2', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [30, 32], center:['50%','50%'], itemStyle: dataStyle, hoverAnimation: false, startAngle: 90, data: [{ value: 56.7, name: '內', itemStyle: { normal: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{ offset: 0, color: color[4] }, { offset: 1, color: color[4] }]) } } }, { value: 0, name: '', tooltip: { show: false }, }, ] }, ] }; //第二個餅狀圖
var optionCircleB = { backgroundColor: '#fff', title: { text: '15386', x: 'center', y: 'center', textStyle: { fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: 14, color: "#94d96c", } }, series: [{ name: 'Line 1', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [37, 45], center:['50%','50%'], itemStyle: dataStyle, hoverAnimation: false, startAngle: 90, label:{ borderRadius:'10', }, data: [{ value: 54.6, name: '外', itemStyle: { normal: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{ offset: 0, color:color[2] }, { offset: 1, color: color[3] }]) } } }, { value: 0, name: '', tooltip: { show: false }, }, ] }, { name: 'Line 2', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [30, 32], center:['50%','50%'], itemStyle: dataStyle, hoverAnimation: false, startAngle: 90, data: [{ value: 56.7, name: '內', itemStyle: { normal: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{ offset: 0, color: color[4] }, { offset: 1, color: color[4] }]) } } }, { value: 0, name: '', tooltip: { show: false }, }, ] }, ] }; myChart1.setOption(optionCircleA); myChart2.setOption(optionCircleB); }
function lineSetA() { myChart3 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('ec3')); var colors = ['#12c3f8', '#4384d7']; optionLineA = { color: colors, visualMap: [{ show: false, type: 'continuous', seriesIndex: 0, min: 0, max: 600, borderWidth: 3, color: colors, }], xAxis: { type: 'category', data: ['0', '2', '4', '6', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22'], show: true, position: { bottom: 10, show: false, }, onZero: false, axisLine: { lineStyle: { width: 0, } } }, yAxis: { type: 'value', axisLabel: { formatter: '{value} 人', fontSize: 10, }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { width: 0, } }, minInterval: 300, }, grid: [{ top: '40', bottom: '25', left: '50', right: '10' }], series: [{ data: [ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 600, 900, 880, 900, 1100, 1000], type: 'line', smooth: true, markPoint: { data: [ { name: '880', coord: ['16','880'], value: '880', ], label: { show: true, }, } }] }; myChart3.setOption(optionLineA); }
function lineSetB() { myChart4 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('ec3')); var colors = ['#12c3f8', '#4384d7']; var optionLineB = { color: colors, visualMap: [{ show: false, type: 'continuous', seriesIndex: 0, min: 0, max: 600, borderWidth: 3, color: colors, }], xAxis: { type: 'category', data: ['0', '2', '4', '6', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22'], show: true, position: { bottom: 10, show: false, }, onZero: false, axisLine: { lineStyle: { width: 0, } } }, yAxis: { type: 'value', axisLabel: { formatter: '{value} 人/平方米', fontSize: 10, }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { width: 0, } }, minInterval: 0.5, }, grid: [{ top: '40', bottom: '25', left: '70', right: '10' }], series: [{ data: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3.5, 2, 1, 3], type: 'line', smooth: true, markPoint: { data: [ { name: '4', coord: ['14','3'], value: '4', } ], label: { show: true, }, } }] }; myChart4.setOption(optionLineB); }
$(".list-b .title-box .t-a").click(function() {//點擊流量趨勢
$(".list-b .title-box .t-b").removeClass('active');//移除當前樣式
resizeLineA(); }) $(".list-b .title-box .t-b").click(function() {//點擊人羣密度
$(".list-b .title-box .t-a").removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); resizeLineA(1); })
function resizeLineA(n) { $(".line-cen").remove();//先移除原有的盒子
var aa = document.createElement('div');//在建立一個新盒子裝圖表
aa.id = 'ec3' aa.className = 'line-cen' $(".line-box").append(aa) if (n == 1) { lineSetA();//顯示人羣密度圖表
} else { lineSetB();//顯示流量趨勢圖表
} }
function addHeatMap() { // 建立熱力圖對象
if (!heatmapInstance) heatmapInstance = esmap.ESHeatMap.create(map, { radius: 24, //熱點半徑
opacity: .5, //熱力圖透明度
max: 35, //熱力點value的最大值
maxSize: 2048, gradient: {//漸變色值,可配
0.35: "green", 0.5: "yellow", 0.7: "orange", 0.85: "red" } $.getJSON("data/003.json", function(data) { //數據載入
var datas = data.datas; var len = datas.length; exec(datas[0]["data"][0]["fnum"], datas[0]["data"][0]["points"]);//繪製熱力圖
var index = 1; timer1 = setInterval(function () { if (index > 1) index = 0; for (var el of datas[0]["data"][0]["points"]) { switch (index) { case 0: el.value = el.value - 1; break; case 1: el.value = el.value + 1; break; } } exec(datas[0]["data"][0]["fnum"], datas[0]["data"][0]["points"]); index++; }, 2000) return; }); function exec(fnum, points) {//繪製熱力圖函數
var floorLayer = map.getFloor(fnum);//獲取應用樓層
floorLayer.applyHeatMap(heatmapInstance); } }
function showCameras() { var url = 'data/test666/model/camera1.js'; //json數據,定義攝像頭所在樓層和位置
var infos = [{ fnum: 1, cameras: [{ x: 12683472.409512023, y: 2557870.1781415385, }, { x: 12683450.258123305, y: 2557858.104209115 }, { x: 12683430.863774385, y: 2557865.8999765064 } ] }, { fnum: 2, cameras: [{ x: 12683472.409512023, y: 2557870.1781415385, }, { x: 12683450.258123305, y: 2557858.104209115 }, { x: 12683430.863774385, y: 2557865.8999765064 } ] }, { fnum: 3, cameras: [{ x: 12683472.409512023, y: 2557870.1781415385, }, { x: 12683450.258123305, y: 2557858.104209115 }, { x: 12683430.863774385, y: 2557865.8999765064 } ] }]; //建立三維模型標註 實時視頻攝像頭
var ang = 0; infos.forEach(function (info) { var floorLayer = map.getFloor(info.fnum); var layer = floorLayer.getOrCreateLayerByName("cameras", esmap.ESLayerType.MODEL3D); var _id = 1; info.cameras.forEach(function (camera) { var im = new esmap.ES3DMarker({ x: camera.x, y: camera.y, id: _id++, name: "camera", url: url, size: 44, angle: ang, height: 3, showLevel: 16, spritify: true }); ang += 30; layer.addMarker(im);//一個樓層共用一個圖層
}); layer && layer.show3D(); }); }
//地圖點擊標註後 臨時建立div盒子 放全景圖或實時視頻
function active(e, type) { // type: 1.pano; 0.video
var cc = $($(".drag")[0]).clone(); var wid = $(".drag").width(); $("body").append(cc); cc[0].style.display = "block"; if (__xx < wid) { __xx = wid; } cc[0].style.left = (__xx - wid - 20).toString() + "px"; cc[0].style.top = (__yy - 25 / 2).toString() + "px"; if (!type) { cc.find('.content')[0].innerHTML = '<video class="video_" src="videos/' + e.id_ + '.mp4" autoplay loop></video>'; cc.find('.title h2')[0].innerHTML = '實時視頻'; createPopBox(); } else { cc.find('.title h2')[0].innerHTML = '全景展現';
var box = document.createElement('div');
cc.find('.content').append(box); box.className = 'psv-box'; oPano = new CreatePanorama({ container: box, panorama: 'image/pano/' + e.id + '/', six: 1 }) createPopBox(oPano); } }
function createPopBox(pano) { // pano: 0.視頻,1.全景
/*-------------------------- + 獲取id, class, tagName 函數 +-------------------------- */
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function drag(oDrag, handle) { var disX = dixY = 0; var oMax = get.byClass("max", oDrag)[0];//獲取最大化div的 class
var oRevert = get.byClass("revert", oDrag)[0];//獲取恢復div的 class
var oClose = get.byClass("close", oDrag)[0];//獲取關閉div的 class
handle = handle || oDrag; handle.style.cursor = "move"; handle.onmousedown = function (event) { var event = event || window.event; disX = event.clientX - oDrag.offsetLeft; disY = event.clientY - oDrag.offsetTop; document.onmousemove = function (event) { var event = event || window.event; var iL = event.clientX - disX; var iT = event.clientY - disY; var maxL = document.documentElement.clientWidth - oDrag.offsetWidth; var maxT = document.documentElement.clientHeight - oDrag.offsetHeight; iL <= 0 && (iL = 0); iT <= 0 && (iT = 0); iL >= maxL && (iL = maxL); iT >= maxT && (iT = maxT); oDrag.style.left = iL + "px"; oDrag.style.top = iT + "px"; return false }; document.onmouseup = function () { document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; this.releaseCapture && this.releaseCapture() }; this.setCapture && this.setCapture(); return false }; //最大化按鈕
oMax.onclick = function () { if (!pano) { $(this).parents('.drag').find('.video_')[0].webkitEnterFullscreen(true); } else { fullPano = 1; oDrag.classList.add('over-auto'); var _box = $(oDrag).find('.psv-box')[0]; _box.classList.add('psv-full', 'over-auto'); var _div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.append(_div); _div.className = 'psv-full-btns'; _div.innerHTML = '<a class="full-revert" href="javascript:;" title="還原"></a>' document.onkeydown = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27 && fullPano == 1) { fullPano = 0; oDrag.classList.remove('over-auto'); _box.classList.remove('psv-full', 'over-auto'); _div.remove(); pano.onWindowResize(); } } $(_div).find('.full-revert').click(function () { fullPano = 0; oDrag.classList.remove('over-auto'); _box.classList.remove('psv-full', 'over-auto'); _div.remove(); pano.onWindowResize(); }) pano.onWindowResize(); } }; //還原按鈕
oRevert.onclick = function () { oDrag.style.width = dragMinWidth + "px"; oDrag.style.height = dragMinHeight + "px"; oDrag.style.left = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - oDrag.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px"; oDrag.style.top = (document.documentElement.clientHeight - oDrag.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px"; this.style.display = "none"; oMax.style.display = "block"; pano && pano.onWindowResize(); }; //關閉按鈕
oClose.onclick = function () { if (!pano) { $(this).parents('.drag').remove(); } else { oPano = null; $(this).parents('.drag').remove(); } }; //阻止冒泡
oMax.onmousedown = oClose.onmousedown = function (event) { this.onfocus = function () { this.blur(); }; (event || window.event).cancelBubble = true }; } /*-------------------------- + 改變大小函數 +-------------------------- */
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resize(oDrag, oLT, true, true, false, false); resize(oDrag, oTR, false, true, false, false); resize(oDrag, oBR, false, false, false, false); resize(oDrag, oLB, true, false, false, false); //拉四邊
resize(oDrag, oL, true, false, false, true); resize(oDrag, oT, false, true, true, false); resize(oDrag, oR, false, false, false, true); resize(oDrag, oB, false, false, true, false); oDrag.style.left = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - oDrag.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px"; oDrag.style.top = (document.documentElement.clientHeight - oDrag.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px"; } aaa(); }
map.on("mapClickNode", function (e) { removeAll(); if (e.nodeType && e.nodeType == 31 && e.name && e.name == 'myMarker') {//全景
active(e, 1); } if (e.nodeType && e.nodeType == 6 && e.name && e.name == 'camera') {//視頻
active(e) } if (e.nodeType && e.nodeType == 5) {//點擊地圖商鋪顯示相應運營狀況
if (e.name) { var obj = { id: e.ID, fnum: e.FloorNum, x: e.x, y: e.y, name: e.name } searchClick(obj);// 函數以下
} } })
function searchClick(data, isAddImageMarker) { if (!data.name) return; // 添加pop
removeAll(); var floorLayer = map.getFloor(data.fnum); if (isAddImageMarker) { floorControl.changeFocusFloor(data.fnum); } if (data.name == '房間') { var dom = '<div class="pop-content"><strong>房間 ' + data.id + '</strong><p>經度:' + data.x.toFixed(3) + '</p><p>緯度:' + data.y.toFixed(3) + '</p></div>'; } else { var shopDatas = getShopMsg(data.id);//數字number
var dom = '<div class="pop-content"><strong>' + data.name + '</strong><p>人流量:' + shopDatas.msgA + '</p><p>營業額:' + shopDatas.msgB + '</p></div>' } //添加信息窗
popMarker = new esmap.ESPopMarker({ mapCoord: { //設置彈框的x軸
x: data.x, //設置彈框的y軸
y: data.y, height: 1, //控制信息窗的高度
fnum: data.fnum }, //設置彈框的寬度
width: 200, //設置彈框的高度
height: 120, marginTop: 10, //設置彈框的內容
content: dom, // content: '<input id="pop-input" type="text"/>',
closeCallBack: function () { //信息窗點擊關閉操做
// alert('信息窗關閉了!');
}, }); $(".es-control-popmarker input").val('✖'); // 手動添加close按鈕value
function showImageMarker() { var _arr = [{ fnum: 1, node: [{ x: 12683473.823037906, y: 2557891.805802924, }, { x: 12683424.1333389, y: 2557880.7494297, } ] }, { fnum: 2, node: [{ x: 12683473.823037906, y: 2557891.805802924, }, { x: 12683424.1333389, y: 2557880.7494297, } ] }, { fnum: 3, node: [{ x: 12683473.823037906, y: 2557891.805802924, }, { x: 12683424.1333389, y: 2557880.7494297, } ] }] for (var el of _arr) { var floorLayer = map.getFloor(el.fnum); var im_layer = new esmap.ESLayer('imageMarker');//建立圖層
im_layer.name = 'mylayer';//給圖層命名
var index = 1; for (var el2 of el.node) { var im = new esmap.ESImageMarker({ x: el2.x, y: el2.y, url: 'image/360.png', id: index++, size: 50, name: 'myMarker', zoom: 2, }) im_layer.addMarker(im); floorLayer.addLayer(im_layer); } } }
function CreatePanorama(prop) { var camera, scene, renderer, container, mesh; var texture_placeholder, target = new THREE.Vector3();//建立3維向量
this.container = container; this.panorama = prop.panorama; this.camera = camera; this.scene = scene; this.renderer = renderer; this.mesh = mesh; function init() { container = prop.container; camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, container.clientWidth / container.clientHeight, 1, 1100); scene = new THREE.Scene(); texture_placeholder = document.createElement('canvas'); texture_placeholder.width = 128; texture_placeholder.height = 128; var context = texture_placeholder.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = 'rgb( 200, 200, 200 )'; context.fillRect(0, 0, texture_placeholder.width, texture_placeholder.height); if (prop.six) { var materials = [ loadTexture(prop.panorama + 'r.jpg'), // right
loadTexture(prop.panorama + 'l.jpg'), // left
loadTexture(prop.panorama + 'u.jpg'), // top
loadTexture(prop.panorama + 'd.jpg'), // bottom
loadTexture(prop.panorama + 'b.jpg'), // back
loadTexture(prop.panorama + 'f.jpg') // front
]; var matss = new THREE.MultiMaterial(materials) mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(300, 300, 300, 7, 7, 7), matss); } else { var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(100, 64, 64, -1.5707963267948966); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load(prop.panorama), }) mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); } mesh.scale.x = -1; scene.add(mesh); renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({//建立一個webGL渲染器,renderer
antialias: true }) renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio);//設備設置像素比
renderer.setSize(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight);//調整輸出canvas尺寸
container.appendChild(renderer.domElement); //監聽鼠標各類事件
container.addEventListener('mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false); container.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false); container.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false); container.addEventListener('wheel', onDocumentMouseWheel, false); container.addEventListener('touchstart', onDocumentTouchStart, false); container.addEventListener('touchmove', onDocumentTouchMove, false); window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false); } }
// 經過店名搜索地圖中店鋪 搜索框函數
function searchByName(name) { Listmodel.item = []; if (!name) return; var data = map.mapService.sourceData.floors;//獲取地圖信息
for (var ele of data) {//遍歷獲取到的信息
for (var i in ele.Rooms) { //遍歷獲取到數組裏的Rooms
var el = ele.Rooms[i]; if (el.name) { var a = el.name.indexOf(name);//查找輸入的店名是否在地圖內存在
if (a != -1) {//若是存在
var obj = { x: el.CenX, y: el.CenY, id: el._id, fnum: ele.floornum, name: el.name } Listmodel.item.push(obj);//把輸入的店名信息存入數組
} } } } }
Thank you for reading!