sed命令 | 做用 |
a | 在匹配行後面加入文本 |
c | 字符轉換 |
d | 刪除行 |
D | 刪除第一行 |
i | 在匹配行前面接入文本 |
hjavascript |
複製模板塊的內容到存儲空間 |
H | 追加模板塊的內容到存儲空間 |
g | 將存儲空間的內容複製到模式空間 |
G | 將存儲空間的內容追加到模式空間 |
n | 讀取下一個輸入行,用下一個命令處理新的行 |
N | 追加下一個輸入行到模板塊後並在兩者間插入新行 |
p | 打印匹配的行 |
P | 打印匹配的第一行 |
q | 退出sed |
r | 從外部文件中讀取文本 |
w | 追加寫文件 |
! | 匹配的逆 |
s/old/new | 用new替換正則表達式old |
= | 打印當前行號 |
sed參數 | 做用 |
-e | 多條件編輯 |
-h | 幫助信息 |
-n | 不輸出不匹配的行 |
-f | 指定sed腳本 |
-V | 版本信息 |
-i | 直接修改原文件 |
元字符 | 做用 |
^ | 匹配行的開始。如:/^cat/匹配全部以cat開頭的行 |
$ | 匹配行的結束。如:/cat$/匹配全部以cat結尾的行 |
. | 匹配任一非換行字符。如:/c.t/匹配c後接一個任意字符,而後是t |
* | 匹配零個或任意多個字符。如:/*cat/匹配一串字符後緊跟cat的全部行 |
[] | 匹配指定範圍內的字符。如:/[Cc]at/匹配cat和Cat |
[^] | 匹配指定範圍外的任意單個字符。如:/[^A-Z]/匹配沒有大寫字母的行 |
\(..\) | 保存匹配的字符。如:s/\(love\)able/\1rs/, loveable被替換成lovers |
& | 保存搜索字符用來替換其餘字符。如:s/love/**&**/,love編程**love** |
\< | 錨定單詞的開始。如:/\<cat/匹配包含以cat開頭的單詞的行 |
\> | 錨定單詞的結尾。如:/cat\>/匹配包含以cat結尾的單詞的行 |
[x\{n\} | 重複字符x,m次。如:/o\{5\}/匹配包含5個o的行 |
x\{m,\} | 重複字符x,至少m次。如:/o\{5,\}/匹配至少有5個o的行 |
x\{n,m\} | 重複字符x,至少m次,很少於n次。如:/o\{5,10\}/匹配5到10個o的行 |
[root@kurol ~]# cat sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
sed [option] 'command' file #option 是sed能夠接受的參數 #command 是sed的命令集(一共有25個) #使用-e參數和分號鏈接多編輯命令 #該參數自己只是sed的一個簡單參數,表示將下一個字符串解析爲sed編輯命令 #通常狀況下能夠忽略,可是當sed須要傳遞多個編輯命令時該參數就不能少了
[root@kurol ~]# sed -e 's/this/that/g' -e 's/line/LINE/g' sed.txt that is LINE 1, that is First LINE that is LINE 2, the Second LINE, Empty LINE followed that is LINE 4, that is Third LINE that is LINE 5, that is Fifth LINE
[root@kurol ~]# sed 's/this/that/g ; s/line/LINE/g' sed.txt that is LINE 1, that is First LINE that is LINE 2, the Second LINE, Empty LINE followed that is LINE 4, that is Third LINE that is LINE 5, that is Fifth LINE
[root@kurol ~]# sed '1d' sed.txt this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
sed '1d' sed.txt > saved_file
若是想直接修改文件,使用 -i 參數,這樣的方式不會有任何輸出,而是直接修改了源文件編輯器
sed -i '1d' sed.txt
刪除指定範圍的行 :this
[root@kurol ~]# sed '1,3d' sed.txt this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '1,$d' sed.txt [root@kurol ~]# #清空了sed.txt文件
[root@kurol ~]# sed '$d' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '5!d' sed.txt this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '/Empty/d' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '/^$/d' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed 's/line/LINE/' sed.txt this is LINE 1, this is First line this is LINE 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is LINE 4, this is Third line this is LINE 5, this is Fifth line
以上只是把每一行的第一個line被替換了,'s/old/new/' 默認狀況下只替換第一次匹配到的內容.
[root@kurol ~]# sed 's/line/LINE/2' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First LINE this is line 2, the Second LINE, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third LINE this is line 5, this is Fifth LINE
[root@kurol ~]# sed 's/line/LINE/g' sed.txt this is LINE 1, this is First LINE this is LINE 2, the Second LINE, Empty LINE followed this is LINE 4, this is Third LINE this is LINE 5, this is Fifth LINE
sed 'y/old/new/' file
[root@kurol ~]# sed 'y/1245/ABDE/' sed.txt this is line A, this is First line this is line B, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line D, this is Third line this is line E, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '2 i Insert' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line Insert this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '2 a Insert' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed Insert this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed '/Second/i\Insert' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line Insert this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
將/etc/passwd 中的內容讀出放到sed.txt空號以後
[root@kurol ~]# sed '/^$/r /etc/passwd' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash ...... nginx:x:498:499:Nginx web server:/var/lib/nginx:/sbin/nologin this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed -n '1p' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line
[root@kurol ~]# sed 's/the/THE/' sed.txt this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, THE Second line, Empty line followed this is line 4, this is Third line this is line 5, this is Fifth line
[root@kurol ~]# sed -n 's/the/THE/p' sed.txt this is line 2, THE Second line, Empty line followed
[root@kurol ~]# sed -n '1,2 w output' sed.txt [root@kurol ~]# #這裏沒有任何輸出,由於輸出被重定向到output文件了 [root@kurol ~]# cat output this is line 1, this is First line this is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed
在平日的工做中,須要按期對一些文件作分析操做,這種例行的工做每每有必定「標準化」 的操做,好比說先去除文件中全部的空行,而後再所有替換某些字符等,這種過程相似於生產線上程式化的流水做業。事實上,能夠把這些動做靜態化地寫到某個文件中,而後調用sed命令並使用-f參數指定該文件,這樣就能夠將一系列動做「裝載」並應用於指定文件中,這無疑加快了工做效率,這種文件就是sed腳本。
[root@kurol ~]# cat sed.rules s/this/THAT/g /^$/d [root@kurol ~]# sed -f sed.rules sed.txt #使用-f參數指定該腳本應用於sed.txt THAT is line 1, THAT is First line THAT is line 2, the Second line, Empty line followed THAT is line 4, THAT is Third line THAT is line 5, THAT is Fifth line